P. 3
U.S. NEWS Tuesday 12 december 2017
Pipe bomb attack hits in New York City subway
his hands.
A photo published by the
New York Post showed a
bearded man crumpled
on the ground with his shirt
apparently blown off and
black soot covering his
bare midriff.
Investigators said it was not
clear if he set the bomb
off intentionally or prema-
Law enforcement officials
said the suspect was speak- This photo shows Akayed Ul-
ing with investigators from lah, the suspect in the explo-
sion near New York’s Times
the hospital bed where he Square on Monday, Dec. 11,
was being treated for burns 2017.
to his hands and abdomen. (NYC TLC/AP)
The officials spoke to The family-based green cards
Associated Press on condi- to spouses and minor chil-
tion of anonymity because dren, and a White House
they were not authorized spokeswoman said Mon-
Law enforcement officials work following an explosion near New York’s Times Square on Mon- to speak publicly about the day that the proposed pol-
day, Dec. 11, 2017. Police said a man with a pipe bomb strapped to his body set off the crude blast. icy would have kept Ullah
device in a passageway under 42nd Street between Seventh and Eighth Avenues. Ullah came to the U.S. on out of the U.S.
(AP Photo/Andres Kudacki) an F-4 visa, available for He had been licensed
Continued from Front dication yet that he was. jured on the ground, with those with family in the to drive a livery cab be-
“Thank God the perpetra- Investigators described the wires protruding from his U.S. who are citizens, the tween 2012 and 2015, but
tor did not achieve his ulti- bomb as a low-tech ex- jacket to his pants and the Department of Homeland the license was allowed
mate goals.” plosive device attached device strapped to his torso Security said. Trump’s ad- to lapse, according to law
In Washington, President to Ullah with Velcro and under his coat. They said ministration has called for enforcement officials and
Donald Trump said the plastic ties. They were look- he was reaching for a cell- a “merit-based” immigra- New York City’s Taxi and
explosion highlighted the ing into how it was made. phone and they grabbed tion system that would limit Limousine Commission.q
need to change immigra- Cuomo said there was rea-
tion policies, including the son to believe the attacker
type of family-based visa looked at bomb-making in-
Ullah obtained to come structions online.
to the U.S. in 2011. Such vi- Authorities were search-
sas are “incompatible with ing Ullah’s Brooklyn home
national security,” the Re- and a rented space in a
publican president said in a building nearby, interview-
statement. ing witnesses and relatives,
“America must fix its lax im- reviewing his subway fare
migration system, which card and looking for surveil-
allows far too many dan- lance footage that might
gerous, inadequately vet- show his movements in the
ted people to access our moments before the 7:20
country,” said Trump, who a.m. attack.
campaigned on cracking Security cameras did cap-
down on immigration. ture the attacker walking
The attack near Times casually through a crowd-
Square came less than two ed passageway under
months after eight people 42nd Street between Sev-
died near the World Trade enth and Eighth avenues
Center in a truck attack when the bomb went off
authorities said was carried amid a plume of white
out by an Uzbek immigrant smoke, which cleared to
who admired the Islamic show the man sprawled on
State group. the ground and commut-
Law enforcement officials ers scattering.
said Ullah was inspired by “All we could hear was the
IS but apparently did not chaos,” said Elrana Peralta,
have any direct contact a Greyhound customer-ser-
with the group and prob- vice worker who was work-
ably acted alone. Gov. ing at the Port Authority
Andrew Cuomo said there bus terminal near the blast,
was no evidence, so far, though she did not hear it.
of other bombs or a larger Instead, she heard people
plot. He said officials were yelling, “Get out! Get out!
exploring whether Ullah Get out!”
had been on authorities’ Port Authority police said
radar, but there was no in- officers found the man in-