P. 8
Tuesday 12 december 2017
Poland’s new prime minister sworn in with old Cabinet
WARSAW, Poland (AP) — ta Szydlo, was sworn in as their oaths one-by-one and ski, the powerful leader of of a push for innovation —
Poland’s new prime minis- deputy prime minister dur- signed declarations pledg- the ruling Law and Justice and to improve Poland’s
ter, Mateusz Morawiecki, ing the ceremony at the ing to observe the Consti- party. Kaczynski attended standing in the European
was officially sworn into Presidential Palace. tution. Morawiecki, who the swearing-in ceremony. Union and with other for-
office Monday along with There had been specula- previously held the posts of Explaining the switch in eign nations.
the Cabinet members who tion in Poland Monday that deputy prime minister and leadership, party officials Morawiecki, a former bank-
served under his predeces- the Cabinet might undergo minister of finance and de- said the government needs er who speaks English and
sor. immediate changes. That velopment, was picked last to focus on the economy, German, is seen as better
The country’s prime minister proved not to be the case week to head the govern- which has grown in recent prepared to represent Po-
of the last two years, Bea- as the other ministers took ment by Jaroslaw Kaczyn- years but is seen as in need land internationally.q
UK leader May says there’s new optimism in Brexit talks
talks have threatened to Northern Ireland and Ire-
spoil May’s triumphant mo- land,” he added. “I was
ment. In an interview with making the point that it was
the BBC on Sunday, Brexit much more than just in the
chief David Davis suggest- treaty, it’s what we want to
ed that last week’s agree- do anyway.”
ment was a “statement of The confusion prompted
intent” that wasn’t legally Labour Party leader Jer-
binding. The comments emy Corbyn to question
caused unease in Ireland, the government’s compe-
where leaders demanded tence. “We respect the re-
provisions in the agree- sult of the referendum but
ment to ensure Brexit won’t due to this government’s
restrict travel and trade be- shambolic negotiations it’s
tween the Republic of Ire- getting increasingly difficult
land and the U.K.’s North- to believe this is a govern-
ern Ireland. Officials in both ment capable of negotiat-
parts of the island say the ing a good deal for Britain,”
border must remain open he said. He pressed May
to protect the Irish peace for details about the “di-
process. The Irish govern- vorce bill” Britain will have
British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks during a media conference at EU headquarters in ment branded Davis’ com- to pay to leave the EU.
Brussels. May said Monday there is a new sense of optimism about negotiations over Britain’s ments “bizarre” and insisted In Brussels, the Europeans
departure from the European Union. that Britain must live up to were thinking about form
(AP Photo/Virginia Mayo) the commitments it made as well as substance. Euro-
By DANICA KIRKA ers the main divorce issues. spherics have improved. last week. Davis Monday pean Commission spokes-
Associated Press Those include the rights of “Of course, nothing is tried to mitigate the fallout, man Margaritis Schinas said
LONDON (AP) — Prime citizens affected by Brexit, agreed until everything insisting his words had been that while the deal was not
Minister Theresa May said Britain’s financial obliga- is agreed,” May said in a “completely twisted.” legally binding, it was re-
Monday there is a new tions to the EU and how statement. “But there is, I “What I actually said yes- garded as a pact of honor.
sense of optimism about to keep open the border believe, a new sense of op- terday ... was we want to “We see the joint report
negotiations over Britain’s between Northern Ireland, timism now in the talks and protect the peace process, of (EU Brexit negotiator)
departure from the Euro- which is part of the United I fully hope and expect that want to protect Ireland Michel Barnier and David
pean Union, insisting that a Kingdom, and the Republic we will confirm the arrange- from the impact of Brexit Davis as a deal between
preliminary deal has given of Ireland, an EU member. ments I have set out today for them, and I said this was gentlemen and it is the
fresh impetus to the talks. Leaders of the other 27 EU in the European Council a statement of intent which clear understanding that
She told the House of Com- members are expected to later this week.” She said was much more than just it is fully backed and en-
mons that Britain will be ratify the agreement later the implementation period legally enforceable,” Da- dorsed by the U.K. govern-
able to leave the European this week, allowing Brexit she seeks will be discussed vis told LBC Radio. “In the ment,” he said. He noted
Union “in a smooth and or- talks to move on to trade in the next phase of the event that the withdrawal that EU Commission Presi-
derly way.” and security cooperation. talks, and called for discus- agreement doesn’t hap- dent Jean-Claude Juncker
May updated lawmakers May told Parliament the sions to begin immediately. pen then we would still agreed on that with May
on the agreement reached next phase would not be But weekend comments by be seeking to maintain an on Friday. “They shook
Friday with the EU that cov- easy but that the atmo- the official in charge of the invisible border between hands.”q
Croat nationalists honor general convicted of war crimes
By DARKO BANDIC at a United Nations tribu- association, displayed the as a “big man no one can conviction for war crimes -
Associated Press nal that confirmed his war resurging nationalism in the match.” including murder, persecu-
ZAGREB, Croatia (AP) — crimes conviction. European Union’s newest “Slobodan Praljak wouldn’t tion and inhumane treat-
Hundreds of people, in- Bused in from other Croa- member state. live as a war criminal for a ment - against Muslims in
cluding two government tian towns and from Bosnia, Miroslav Tudjman, the son minute because he wasn’t Bosnia during the 1992-95
ministers, attended a com- admirers of Slobodan Pral- of Croatia’s late presi- one,” Tudjman told a clap- war.
memoration ceremony jak filled the main concert dent Franjo Tudjman, de- ping crowd. “His conviction For days, Praljak’s photo
Monday to honor a Croa- hall in Zagreb, the capital. nounced the tribunal in is an insult for justice.” was on display at Zagreb’s
tian general who died after The gathering, organized The Hague, Netherlands. Many in Croatia consider main square where people
apparently taking poison by a Croatian generals’ Tudjman described Praljak Praljak a hero despite his lit candles.q