P. 16
Tuesday 12 december 2017
Beth Israel Announces their Annual Hanukkah Program
ORANJESTAD – Come one, Candle. and Hanukkah Concert at
come all - the Beth Israel Evening service followed the Hilton Aruba Caribbe-
Synagogue Aruba is proud by a L’chayim. an Resort & Casino.
to announce their annual -Friday, December 15, 7:30 Hebrew songs, Latino fla-
calendar of events for Ha- PM: Kabbalat Shabbat vor.
nukkah! dedicated to Hanukkah. -Tuesday, December 19,
Festive Kiddush. 6:00 PM: Hanukkah Con-
-Tuesday, December 12, -Monday, December 18, cert at Paseo Herencia.
7.PM: Lighting of the First 6:15 PM: Menorah Lighting Concert features guest art-
ist Gaston Bogomolni, from
Miami, accompanied by
local musicians. Gaston is
a rare combination of musi-
cal talent and stirring Jew-
ish spirit.
He is a versatile, soulful, and
energetic performer.
He worked and organized
musical events in the United
States, Europe and South
We look forward to seeing
you there for out annual
festivities! q
Aruba Resort Owner & Noted
Environmentalist Named 2017
Caribbean Hotelier of the Year
EAGLE BEACH, Aruba – Dec. editorial team shared this to the rest of the Caribbe-
8, 2017 – Capping a year of with readers, “Biemans, an. And it’s a testament to
progressive sustainability the owner and manag- his vision.”
initiatives, a newly renovat- ing director of the Bucuti & Caribbean Journal is the
ed wing and a milestone Tara Beach Resort on Eagle world’s largest online pres- Biemans’ all-encompassing surgeries to-date.
resort anniversary, Ewald Beach in Aruba, has long ence covering the Carib- commitment to the guests Off-island he travels the
Biemans, owner and CEO set a standard for hotel in- bean. The go-to media of Bucuti & Tara Beach Re- world learning new hospi-
of Bucuti & Tara Beach Re- novation, from an emphasis outlet’s annual awards sort, his island home of Aru- tality and environmental
sort, has been named the on technology to a serious- celebrate the best in travel ba and protecting the en- best practices, and sharing
2017 Caribbean Hotelier ly forward-thinking commit- including destinations, air- dangered environment has his own as a trusted panel-
of the Year by Caribbean ment to being green. Bie- lines, hotels and the people been his life’s work for de- ist at major sustainability fo-
Journal. mans’ Bucuti & Tara is an who continue to make the cades. Under his direction, rums such as the United Na-
example of exquisite hotel region a beacon for travel- Bucuti & Tara is the World’s tions Forum for World Tour-
The Caribbean Journal management and design ers. Most Sustainable Hotel/Re- ism Day this past Sept. 27.
sort per Green Globe while “It is an absolute honor to
simultaneously being the be recognized by Carib-
No. 1 Hotel for Romance in bean Journal as the 2017
the Caribbean according Caribbean Hotelier of the
to Trip Advisor. Year especially being rec-
The resort founder’s pas- ognized for helping to show
sion is evident. He actively a commitment to our com-
engages with resort guests munity, guests, and envi-
whether it’s strolling the ronment are mutually inclu-
grounds, working side-by- sive,” says Ewald Biemans,
side during monthly beach owner and CEO of Bucuti
clean-ups or personally & Tara Beach Resort and
responding to every com- noted environmentalist.
ment and TripAdvisor re- “I welcome the opportunity
view, all 4,705 and count- to work alongside others
ing. On-island initiatives in their endeavors for the
include the installation of same, and I thank all my
Aruba’s largest private amazing Bucuti associates
sector solar panel grid for who help create the mem-
clean energy and the suc- orable vacations our guests
cessful spay and neutering enjoy.”
program, Stimami Sterilisa- Learn more by visiting
mi, that has provided 5,500 q