P. 20
Tuesday 12 december 2017
McCoy slides through snow to lift Bills past Colts 13-7
By The Associated Press Rodney McLeod recover-
— LeSean McCoy scored STEELERS 39, RAVENS 38
on a 21-yard run with 1:33 PITTSBURGH (AP) — The
left in overtime to secure Pittsburgh Steelers won one
the Buffalo Bills’ 13-7 vic- for injured star Ryan Shazi-
tory over the Indianapolis er — and wrapped up the
Colts on Sunday in a win- AFC North in the process.
try, white-out setting best Chris Boswell made a 46-
suited for snow shoes and yard field goal with 42 sec-
sled dogs. onds left and Pittsburgh’s
McCoy finished with 156 defense overcame a slop-
yards rushing and topped py night to stop one Balti-
the 1,000-yard mark for the more’s last-gasp drive.
sixth time in his career on a The Steelers (11-2) trailed
slick, snow-covered field. by 11 points going into the
The Bills’ sideline erupted fourth quarter but capped
after McCoy’s touchdown, an emotionally trying week
with numerous players run- following Shazier’s spinal in-
ning on to the field to either jury to rally for their eighth
make snow angels or en- straight victory and third di-
gage in celebratory snow- vision title in four years.
ball fights. Ben Roethlisberger threw
Buffalo (7-6) stayed alive Buffalo Bills running back LeSean McCoy, center, runs the ball during overtime in an NFL football for 506 yards and two
in the AFC playoff picture, game against the Indianapolis Colts, Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017, in Orchard Park, N.Y. touchdowns, becoming
while the Colts (3-10) were Associated Press the first quarterback in NFL
mathematically eliminated It was a topsy-turvy game before leaving with a knee zone on a play that was history to top 500 yards
from playoff contention. played in a snow-globe injury, and Jake Elliott called back because of passing three times. Anto-
The game began in nearly setting , with a regular pa- kicked the go-ahead 33- holding. He stayed in the nio Brown caught 11 pass-
white-out conditions with rade of work crews taking yard field goal with 3:45 left game and threw a 3-yard es for 213 yards, including
a major lake-effect storm the field with snow blowers as the Eagles clinched the touchdown pass to Alshon two long gains in the fourth
blowing in off nearby Lake on their backs to clear the NFC East title. Two sources Jeffery four plays later to quarter that allowed the
Erie. The snow fell so hard yard lines. Early in the third familiar with the injury tell give the Eagles the lead. Steelers to recover after
a half-hour before kickoff quarter, fans were even The Associated Press that Foles replaced Wentz on blowing an early 14-point
it was nearly impossible to treated to a rare metro- doctors believe Wentz has the next drive for Philadel- lead. Le’Veon Bell had 125
see New Era Field’s west- logical event of “thunder torn his left anterior cruci- phia (11-2). The NFC West- yards of total offense and
end scoreboard from the snow,” as lightning flashed ate ligament and will miss leading Rams (9-4) then scored three touchdowns.
east-end stands. over the stadium. The the rest of the season and went up 35-31 on Todd Gur- Baltimore’s Joe Flacco
McCoy’s touchdown game was not stopped. playoffs. Wentz needs an ley’s second short TD run. threw for 269 yards pass-
came on Buffalo’s second So much snow accumu- MRI to confirm the severity Elliott kicked a 41-yard field ing with two touchdowns
possession of overtime. lated on the roof of the first- of the injury. Both people goal to pull the Eagles to and one interception but
Facing third-and-2, Mc- level suites that fans began spoke to the AP on condi- 35-34. His go-ahead field was strip-sacked by rookie
Coy found a crease up the building snowmen. tion of anonymity because goal was set up when Chris linebacker T.J. Watt on the
middle and had enough EAGLES 43, RAMS 35 they weren’t authorized to Long, a second-round draft Ravens’ final snap.
footing to cut to his left and LOS ANGELES (AP) — Car- release the information. pick of the then-St. Louis Alex Collins ran for 120
scamper into the end zone son Wentz threw for 291 Wentz was hit hard as he Rams in 2008, had a strip- yards and a touchdown for
untouched. yards and four touchdowns scrambled into the end sack of Jared Goff, with the Ravens (7-6).q
Eagles’ Wentz
Continued from Page 17 A third-round pick by for- But Kelly traded Foles to
mer Eagles coach Andy St. Louis for Sam Bradford
He passed for 3,296 yards Reid in 2012, Foles in his sec- after the 2014 season.
and set a franchise sin- ond stint in Philadelphia. Foles spent a year with
gle-season record with 33 He replaced an injured Mi- the Rams, a season with
touchdown passes while chael Vick in 2013 and led the Chiefs and returned
only tossing seven inter- the Eagles to an NFC East to Philadelphia as a free
ceptions. Foles led the Ea- title during Chip Kelly’s first agent this season.
gles to a pair of field goals season as coach. Foles Second-year pro Nate
on consecutive drives tied an NFL record with Sudfeld is Philadelphia’s
against the Rams. He is 20- seven TD passes in a game No. 3 quarterback. Peder-
17 as a starter in six seasons at Oakland in November son said he hasn’t spoken
with the Eagles, Rams and 2013 and finished that sea- to personnel boss Howie
Chiefs. Pederson insisted son with 27 TDs and only Roseman about adding a
the offense won’t change two picks. The Eagles lost third quarterback yet.
Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Carson Wentz gets tackles with Foles. at home to New Orleans in “I’m absolutely ready to go
during the second half of an NFL football game against the “He’s a highly intelligent the playoffs. Foles went to — need be,” Foles said af-
Los Angeles Rams Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017, in Los Angeles. football player,” Pederson the Pro Bowl and was the ter the win over the Rams.
Associated Press said. offensive MVP. “I prepare every day.”q