P. 23

SPORTS             Tuesday 12 december 2017

            Villanova hops over Michigan State for No. 1 in AP Top 25

            By AARON BEARD               during the 1980-81 season.                                                             after home losses to Florida
             AP Basketball Writer        Wichita    State   climbed                                                             State and to Loyola Chica-
            Villanova’s  unbeaten  start  three  spots  to  No.  3,  fol-                                                       go — a game in which they
            now includes a No. 1 rank-   lowed  by  Duke  and  Arizo-                                                           led  for  all  of  93  seconds.
            ing in the AP Top 25 , while  na  State.  Unbeaten  Miami                                                           Florida  salvaged  a  win
            Arizona  State  is  making  a  climbed  four  spots  to  No.                                                        against  Cincinnati  in  the
            rapid  rise  into  the  top  10  6, followed by North Caro-                                                         Never  Forget  Tribute  Clas-
            under  third-year  coach  lina,  Kentucky,  Texas  A&M                                                              sic in Newark, New Jersey,
            Bobby Hurley.                and Xavier to round out the                                                            to avoid a four-game skid.
            After  a  tumultuous  week  top  10.  Villanova  helped                                                             No. 18 Notre Dame (8-2) fell
            in  which  unanimous  No.  1  itself  with  an  impressive                                                          nine  spots  after  an  upset
            Duke and No. 2 Kansas lost,  win against No. 12 Gonza-                                                              loss to Ball State, while the
            the Wildcats (10-0) earned  ga  last  week  in  New  York,                                                          No.  25  Bearcats  (7-2)  slid
            41 of 65 first-place votes to  though the Wildcats had to                                                           eight spots.
            hop  over  Michigan  State  fight to the final minute Sun-                                                          NEWCOMERS
            and  reach  the  top  for  the  day to close out a La Salle                                                         There  were  three  new-
            third straight season.       team that entered at 5-5.    Villanova head coach Jay Wright talks to guard Jalen Brunson   comers  to  this  week’s  poll,
            Villanova  and  Michigan  Villanova  reached  No.  1      (1)  during  the  first  half  of  an  NCAA  college  basketball  game   though  one  is  more  of  a
            State were the favorites to  for the first time in February   against La Salle, Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017, in Philadelphia.  welcome back.
            take  over  at  the  top  after  2016  and  stayed  there  for                                     Associated Press  The list included No. 19 Flor-
            the  Blue  Devils’  weekend  three polls before going on  “I think we’ve got the expe-  least eight spots.          ida  State  (9-0)  and  No.  24
            loss  at  Boston  College,  to  win  the  national  cham-  rience  now  to  understand  TOP RISERS                  Texas  Tech  (7-1),  while  Ari-
            though  there  was  far  less  pionship. The Wildcats held  that  it’s  a  great  honor  but  Arizona  State’s  leap  was  zona returned to the rank-
            certainty  for  voters  about  the  No.  1  spot  three  dif-  a lot of responsibility comes  the biggest, though No. 11  ings at No. 23.
            who was now the nation’s  ferent  times  last  season,  with it.”                      West  Virginia  (9-1)  moved  Arizona’s  0-3  showing  at
            top  team.  The  Spartans  including  in  the  final  poll  KANSAS’ FALL               up seven spots after beat-   the  Battle  4  Atlantis  in  the
            (9-1)  earned  19  first-place  entering the NCAA Tourna-  The  Jayhawks  (7-2)  slid  11  ing  then-No.  15  Virginia.  Bahamas  made  the  Wild-
            votes to climb from third to  ment.                       spots  to  No.  13  after  two  No.  14  TCU  (10-0)  climbed  cats the first team in three
            second, while the other five  “We’ve  been  through  the  losses  last  week,  the  first  six spots after a win against  decades to go from No. 2 in
            first-place  votes  went  to  cycle  now,”  coach  Jay  coming  against  Washing-      a   then-ranked   Nevada  the AP Top 25 to unranked
            the Sun Devils — who leapt  Wright  said  in  an  interview  ton in Kansas City, Missouri,  team.                   in a week. But four straight
            11 spots to No. 5 after Sun-  with  the  AP.  “We’ve  been  before  losing  to  the  Sun  Miami,  UNC,  No.  15  Seton  wins  have  the  preseason
            day’s win at Kansas .        through  where  you’re  No.  Devils in Allen Fieldhouse.  Hall, No. 17 Purdue and No.  Final  Four  favorite  back  in
            Arizona State (9-0) is off to  1  for  the  first  time.  That’s  SHUFFLE UP           20  Tennessee  all  climbed  the poll.
            its best start since the 1974-  something  you  have  to  Only  two  teams  —  No.  8  four spots.                  SLIDING OUT
            75  season.  Now  the  Sun  learn to deal with. And then  Kentucky and No. 12 Gon-     LONGEST SLIDES               Minnesota  (No.  14  last
            Devils  —  who  also  have  a  you  lose  it.  And  you  learn  zaga — stayed in the same  While  Kansas’  losses  stood  week),  Nevada  (No.  22)
            win against Xavier this sea-  how to deal with that. Then  spot. Thirteen teams rose in  out, No. 22 Florida had the  and  Southern  California
            son  —  have  their  highest  you  go  through  it  again  the  poll,  while  four  of  the  biggest fall of the week.  (No.  25)  all  fell  out  of  the
            ranking since reaching third  with a new group.           seven teams that fell slid at  The Gators (6-3) slid 17 spots  poll.q

            Tennessee back in top 10; UConn

            still No. 1 in women’s hoops

            By DOUG FEINBERG             Tennessee,  which  was  a  dia panel.
            AP Basketball Writer         perennial  top  team  in  the  The Huskies, like many other
            NEW YORK (AP) — Tennes-      sport,  hasn’t  been  among  teams,  are  off  for  exams
            see  moves  back  into  the  the  first  10  teams  in  the  this  week.  Notre  Dame,
            top 10 after a big win while  poll  since  Nov.  30,  2015.  Louisville,  Mississippi  State
            UConn continues to be No.  The Longhorns dropped six  and  South  Carolina  follow
            1  in  The  Associated  Press  spots to eighth.           UConn.  Baylor,  Tennessee,
            women’s basketball poll.     Both teams are chasing the  Texas,  Oregon  and  West
            The    Lady   Vols   (10-0)  Huskies  (8-0),  who  routed  Virginia  round  out  the  first
            knocked off then-No. 2 Tex-  DePaul  in  their  only  game  10. Iowa (10-1) entered the
            as on Sunday and climbed  this  past  week.  UConn  re-   Top 25 for the first time since   Tennessee head coach Holly Warlick calls to her team in the first
            four spots to seventh in the  ceived  all  32  first  place  2015, coming in at No. 25.   half of an NCAA college basketball game against Texas, Sunday,
            Top 25 on Monday.            votes  from  a  national  me-  Kentucky fell out.q        Dec. 10, 2017, in Knoxville, Tenn.                                Associated Press
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