P. 24

Tuesday 12 december 2017 TECHNOLOGY

            Insider Q&A: PayPal founder talks digital payments, bitcoin

            By MICHAEL LIEDTKE                                                                                                  ting to a company.
             AP Technology Writer                                                                                               Q:  What  are  some  of  the
            SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —                                                                                             most  interesting  areas  of
            Max  Levchin  helped  intro-                                                                                        digital payments?
            duce  the  masses  to  the                                                                                          A:  A  good  example  is  in-
            concept of a digital wallet                                                                                         ternational   remittances,
            when he co-founded Pay-                                                                                             where companies can pop
            Pal in the late 1990s.                                                                                              up and do well. They’re the
            These  days,  he’s  still  try-                                                                                     guys  who  figured  out  how
            ing  to  use  online  services                                                                                      to do it much cheaper and
            to reshape  the world of fi-                                                                                        much  more  transparently
            nance. He is currently CEO                                                                                          with much lower friction to
            of  Affirm,  a  San  Francisco                                                                                      both the recipient and the
            startup  that  offers  fixed-                                                                                       sender.
            payment loans through the                                                                                           Q:  Should  we  be  con-
            internet.  It’s  an  alternative                                                                                    cerned    about    hackers
            to  traditional  credit  cards,                                                                                     wreaking  havoc  with  our
            which  can  get  consumers                                                                                          financial system?
            into trouble because small                                                                                          A:  We  should  be  worried
            minimum  payments  they                                                                                             broadly  about  our  cyber-
            make  each  month  can                                                                                              security  preparedness.  I
            keep them in debt for de-                                                                                           don’t  think  it’s  specific  to
            cades.                                                                                                              payments. It is just generally
            Levchin,  now  42,  recently                                                                                        increasing  the  cost  of  do-
            connected  with  The  Asso-                                                                                         ing  business  and  reduces
            ciated  Press  to  discuss  the   This photo provided by Affirm shows PayPal co-founder Max Levchin.                societal trust. And this is the
            state  of  digital  payments,  has  been  cryptocurrency.   a conscious decision to go  it in the very long term, not  first time in history where it’s
            computer     security   and  A big “what if” and “when    buy a bunch of bitcoin.      because I am a stranger to  scary. Everything has got a
            bitcoin,  a  cryptocurrency  if”  has  been  surrounding   I generally don’t speculate.  speculative  investing.  It’s  chip. We are going to have
            whose  value  has  ranged  bitcoin and its ilk.           I am very old school in that  because I don’t have time  to learn how to secure keys
            from about $1,000 to more  Q: Why so?                     sense.  I  try  to  understand  to time the market. So what  (secret codes for unlocking
            than  $19,000  this  year  as  A:  The  asset  generally  ap-  how  value  is  traded  and  I  end  up  doing  is  commit-  digital files and services).q
            investors  have  bet  on  its  preciated  at  such  a  blis-  what is going to happen to  ting  to  a  stock  or  commit-
            future prospects. The inter-  tering pace. Any time you
                                         on  to  it?  Because  you  just  Soon you can watch the NFL
            view  has  been  edited  for  acquire  it,  why  not  hang
            length and clarity.
            Q:  Are  digital  payments  don’t want to spend it yet.
                                         of  transaction  tool  that  is  free on your phone on Yahoo
            progressing  as  quickly  as  On  the  whole,  it’s  a  kind
            you hoped since you start-
            ed PayPal?                   locked  into  areas  where
            A:  They  are  moving  at  a  credit  and  cash  don’t  re-                                                        playoffs. Games will stream
            good  pace,  adjusted  for  ally  service  the  purpose.                                                           on  the  Yahoo  Sports  app;
            just  how  large  and  com-  So you wind up finding it in                                                      on   mobile
            plicated  the  market  is.  somewhat darker corners.                                                               (but  not  on
            It’s  highly  regulated  and  Q: Do you invest in bitcoin?                                                         computers); Verizon’s little-
            there are a lot of things to  A: I wound up with a lot of                                                          known  video  app,  go90;
            be  careful  about.  The  el-  bitcoin  as  an  early  inves-                                                      and the NFL mobile app.
            ephant in the room for the  tor  in  one  of  the  early  bit-                                                     Verizon  bought  Yahoo  in
            last  seven  or  eight  years  coin  startups.  But  it  wasn’t                                                    June and AOL in 2015 and
                                                                                                                               wants to combine the two
                                                                                                                               to build a digital ad business
                                                                                                                               to  rival  Facebook  and
                                                                                                                               Google.  It  hopes  adding
                                                                                                                               more  sports  streaming  will
                                                                                                                               help grow the audience for
                                                                                                                               its  media  business.  “Sports
                                                                      In this Dec. 15, 2016, file photo, the Yahoo logo appears on a   is  the  first  major  pillar  in
                                                                      smartphone in Frankfurt, Germany.                        Verizon’s   strategy.   The
                                                                                                              Associated Press
                                                                                                                               NFL is a marquee piece of
                                                                      By TALI ARBEL                online-TV  services  like  Sling  content,”  Angiolet  said.
                                                                       AP Technology Writer        or  YouTube  TV  will  have  Verizon  will  be  able  to  sell
                                                                      NEW     YORK    (AP)    —  more  problems.  An  NFL  some  digital  ads  during
                                                                      Watching    NFL    football  game  on  ESPN  will  still  be  games.
                                                                      games  on  your  phone  blocked  on  the  app  on  a  The      NFL    has   had   a
                                                                      used  to  be  mainly  limited  phone — and starting next  partnership  with  Verizon
                                                                      to Verizon customers. Soon  season,  on  tablets  as  well,  since  2010  and  has  been
                                                                      anyone  will  be  able  to  for some games, said Brian  experimenting  with  other
                                                                      watch  football  games  on  Angiolet,  Verizon’s  global  ways  to  televise  its  games
                                                                      the go for free on Yahoo’s  chief  media  and  content  besides  broadcast  and
                                                                      app,  now  that  Verizon  officer.                       cable  TV.  Amazon  this
                                                                      owns Yahoo.                  Verizon’s  five-year  deal  year has 10 Thursday night
                                                                      But  people  who  want  to  with  the  NFL  takes  effect  games  and  a  Christmas
                                                                      watch    football   through  in  January,  in  time  for  game.q
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