P. 22

A22     sports
              Tuesday 12 december 2017
            Crawford makes 31

            saves, Blackhawks

            beat Coyotes 3-1

            By The Associated Press      season  and  sixth  overall,
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  Corey  and Zach Hyman scored in
            Crawford  made  31  saves,  the first minute in Toronto’s
            Artem    Anisimov   scored  victory over Edmonton.
            with  4:47  left  in  the  third  McElhinney was making his
            period  and  the  Chicago  fifth start of the season, giv-
            Blackhawks beat the Arizo-   ing  starter  Frederik  Ander-
            na Coyotes 3-1 on Sunday  sen  a  rest  after  he  played
            night.  Tommy  Wingels  and  in  a  4-3  victory  Saturday
            Nick  Schmaltz  also  scored  night  in  Pittsburgh.  Toron-
            in the third to help Chicago  to  improved  to  20-10-1  to
            win its second straight after  move within three points of
            dropping five in a row. Pat-  Tampa Bay for the Eastern
            rick Kane had two assists to  Conference  lead.  Laurent
            run  his  career  total  to  781  Brossoit  made  22  saves  for
            points,  breaking  a  tie  with  the  Oilers.  It  took  Toronto
            Doug Wilson for fifth on the  only 34 seconds to take the
            franchise scoring list.      lead. Jake Gardiner’s point
            Kane  found  an  open  Ani-  shot made its way through
            simov in the right circle for  traffic  and  was  tipped  by
            the   center’s   team-high  Hyman past Brossoit on the
            13th goal, giving the Black-  first shift.
            hawks a 2-1 lead. The con-   WILD 4, SHARKS 3, OT
            nection  occurred  just  1:11  SAN  JOSE,  Calif.  (AP)  —
            after  Anthony  Duclair  tied  Nino  Niederreiter  scored
            it  with  his  seventh  goal  for  3:26  into  overtime  and
            Arizona, tipping home Alex  Minnesota  beat  San  Jose
            Goligoski’s pass in front.   after squandering a three-
            Kane then set up Schmaltz  goal lead. Eric Staal scored
            with  a  slick  pass  with  3:02  twice  and  Ryan  Murphy   Chicago Blackhawks goalie Corey Crawford (50) stops a shot from the Arizona Coyotes during
            left.  Scott  Wedgewood  added  a  goal  as  the  Wild    the third period of an NHL hockey game Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017, in Chicago.
            made 34 saves for Arizona.  extended     their   winning                                                                        Associated Press
            The Coyotes have lost four  streak  over  the  Sharks  to  for the Sharks.             and   Paul   Stastny   also  22 saves. Evan Rodrigues, in
            straight.                    four  games.  Tomas  Hertl  BLUES 3, SABRES 2, OT         scored, and Joel Edmund-     just his third game this sea-
            MAPLE LEAFS 1, OILERS 0      tapped in a loose puck for  ST.  LOUIS  (AP)  —  Vladimir  son had two assists to help  son, scored twice for Buffa-
            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Curtis  San  Jose  with  five  minutes  Tarasenko scored at 4:25 of  the Blues top the Sabres for  lo, and Robin Lehner made
            McElhinney made 41 saves  left in regulation to tie it at  overtime to lift St. Louis past  the 10th time in their last 11  42  saves.  The  Sabres  have
            for  his  first  shutout  of  the  3.  Brent Burns scored twice  Buffalo.  Brayden  Schenn  meetings. Jake Allen made  lost six of seven.q
            Russia says its athletes want to compete at the Olympics

            By JAMES ELLINGWORTH         part  in  the  Olympics,”  Ve-  believe  it  is  shameful  for  genuine  medal  contend-  Forcing  the  Russians  to
            AP Sports Writer             likaya said.                 athletes to compete at the  ers.  Russia  is  pushing  back  compete  as  neutral  ath-
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russian  The  International  Olym-       Olympics  without  their  na-  against  some  IOC  condi-  letes  puts  the  IOC  in  the
            athletes  are  overwhelm-    pic  Committee  last  week  tional flag. But Velikaya de-  tions,  however,  backing  uncomfortable  position  of
            ingly  in  favor  of  compet-  barred  the  Russian  team  fended  the  athletes,  say-  appeals by Russian athletes  regulating  how  they  cel-
            ing  at  the  upcoming  Py-  from  Pyeongchang  be-       ing everyone watching will  banned  for  doping  at  the  ebrate.
            eongchang  Games  de-        cause  of  doping  offenses  know who is from Russia.     2014 Sochi Olympics.         The  Russian  flag  won’t  be
            spite a ban on the national  at  the  2014  Sochi  Games,  “The choice of competing  Velikaya also said her com-    flown  at  medal  ceremo-
            team,  the  country’s  Olym-  but  is  allowing  Russians  to  at  the  Olympics  is  strictly  mission  will  ask  the  IOC  to  nies,  but  what  happens  if
            pic  committee  said  Mon-   compete  under  a  neutral  individual,”  Velikaya  said.  remove  a  condition  stop-  a Russian winner accepts a
            day.                         flag  as  “Olympic  Athletes  “I  call  on  Russian  society  ping  athletes  from  being  flag  or  a  gift  from  a  spec-
            Sofia  Velikaya  said  the  from Russia.”                 to treat athletes’ decisions  invited  to  Pyeongchang  if  tator for a victory lap? Can
            Russian  Olympic  Commit-    Last  week,  Russian  Presi-  with understanding and re-  they  have  been  suspend-   Russian athletes fly the flag
            tee’s athletes’ commission,  dent Vladimir Putin said the  spect.”                     ed  for  doping  in  the  past.  from  their  windows  in  the
            which she chairs, has heard  government won’t stand in  With  the  IOC  due  to  send  That affects a few athletes  athletes village? Those are
            from “all the athletes in all  their way.                 out invitations to individual  with  earlier  offenses  un-  on a list of questions Vybor-
            sports” on the Olympic pro-  ROC  spokesman  Konstan-     Russians over the next two  connected  to  the  Sochi  nov  said  Russia  will  ask  of
            gram, with a majority in fa-  tin  Vybornov  said  teams  months,  Velikaya  said  Rus-  Olympics,  including  biath-  the IOC.
            vor of competing.            from  biathlon  and  snow-   sian  sports  officials  would  letes  banned  for  using  the  “A  figure  skater  wins,  let’s
            Velikaya  said  no  athletes  board  had  recorded  vid-  put  together  lists  of  their  blood-booster  EPO  and  say,  and  they  throw  her  a
            have  told  the  ROC  they  eos affirming their desire to  preferred teams. Those ros-  speedskating  world  cham-  teddy  bear  in  Russian  uni-
            would rather boycott.        compete,  while  the  men’s  ters,  she  said,  would  stop  pion  Denis  Yuskov,  who  form onto the ice,” Vybor-
            “At  the  current  moment,  hockey  team  has  written  the IOC from inviting “num-    was suspended in 2008 af-    nov  said.  “She  picks  it  up.
            everyone’s  training  and  “a collective letter.”         bers five and six” in the Rus-  ter testing positive for mari-  Can she do that? Or is that
            everyone’s hoping to take  Some  Russian  hardliners  sian team while leaving out  juana.                           an offense?”q
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