P. 18
Tuesday 12 december 2017
Tours to eliminate 2-shot scorecard error for reviews
By DOUG FERGUSON two-shot penalty for the
AP Golf Writer scorecard error.
Players no longer will be That became a four-shot
penalized two shots for an penalty in the final hour of
incorrect scorecard if they the tournament. Thompson
were not aware of a rules rallied, but eventually lost
violation when they signed to So Yeon Ryu in the first
their card. hole of a playoff.
The USGA and R&A also will Leaders from all major tours
no longer respond to most and organizations began
TV viewers’ calls during the meeting later that month.
tournament. The USGA and R&A are
The changes are part of a leading a group of top of-
local rule effective Jan. 1. ficials who are modern-
Rescinding the scorecard izing the Rules of Golf. The
penalty, famously applied proposal currently is under
to Lexi Thompson at the public review and expect-
LPGA Tour’s first major last ed to be effective in 2019.
April, is part of a broader The two-shot scorecard er-
standard for using video. ror would have been elimi-
Thompson had a three-shot nated under the proposed
lead in the final round of rules.The USGA and R&A Lexi Thompson reacts to her chip shot on the 18th hole during the final round of the QBE Shootout
the ANA Inspiration when also said only video from golf tournament at Tiburón Gulf Club in Naples, Fla., Sunday, Dec. 10, 2017.
a TV viewer noticed she the telecast — not smart each tournament will as- use of a rules official on the calls from views at home.
had improperly replaced phones or other video from sign one or more officials to course as he sits in a room That doesn’t eliminate TV
her golf ball on the green fans — can be used as evi- monitor the video broad- watching TV for a violation viewers from noticing viola-
during the third round. She dence of a violation. It also cast and help identify any that is rare over the course tions — such as the incor-
was penalized two shots said it would make it tough- violations or rules issues that of the year. rect drop by Tiger Woods
for the infraction. Because er for fans to call in if they might arise. According to the video re- at the 2013 Masters — but
that would have made think they see a violation The PGA Tour has done view protocol for tourna- tournament officials will not
her score two shots higher, on TV. this from time to time, but ments on TV, officials will have a method for fans to
she received an additional The change also means found that it often loses the not monitor or review any call, email or text.q