P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 12 december 2017
            Oladipo scores

            career-high 47, Pacers

            top Nuggets in OT

            By The Associated Press      Tobias Harris had 19 for De-
            INDIANAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Vic-  troit.
            tor Oladipo had a career-    RAPTORS 102, KINGS 87
            high  47  points  and  added  SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) —
            seven rebounds and six as-   DeMar DeRozan scored 13
            sists  in  the  Indiana  Pacers’  of his 25 points in the third
            126-116  overtime  victory  quarter  and  Toronto  Rap-
            over  the  Denver  Nuggets  tors  held  off  Sacramento
            on Sunday.                   for its sixth straight victory.
            The  Pacers  used  an  8-0  Kyle Lowry added 15 points,
            scoring  run,  capped  by  12  rebounds  and  six  as-
            Thad Young’s putback with  sists  on  an  off-night  shoot-
            5 seconds left in regulation,  ing, Serge Ibaka scored 20
            to  tie  it.  Then,  Indiana  got  points,  and  C.J.  Miles  had
            the first nine points in over-  11  for  the  Raptors.  They
            time  to  secure  its  fourth  won for the first time in Sac-
            straight  victory,  outscoring  ramento since 2014.
            the Nuggets 12-2 in the ex-  DeRozan  shot  9  of  15  and
            tra period.                  was 7 of 11 on free throws
            Myles  Turner  added  24  while      going   over   the
            points and eight rebounds,  12,000-point  mark  for  his
            and  Lance  Stephenson  career.  He  went  into  the
            had 12 points, six rebounds  day  six  points  shy  of  the
            and  six  assists  for  the  Pac-  milestone.
            ers.  Oladipo  made  six  Zach  Randolph  had  19
            3-pointers, with the biggest  points and 11 rebounds for
            coming  with  2:10  to  play  the Kings.
            in the third quarter to give  TIMBERWOLVES 97, MAVER-
            Indiana  its  first  lead  of  the  ICKS 92
            game.                        MINNEAPOLIS  (AP)  —  Karl-
            Trey  Lyles  led  the  Nug-  Anthony  Towns  had  28
            gets with  a  career-high 25  points, Jimmy Butler scored
            points.                      10  of  his  22  in  the  fourth
            CELTICS 91, PISTONS 81       quarter   and   Minnesota
            DETROIT  (AP)  —  Al  Horford  beat Dallas.
            had  18  points,  Kyrie  Irving  Towns added 12 rebounds,
            added 16 and Boston beat  including four on the offen-
            Detroit to get revenge for a  sive  end,  for  his  NBA-lead-
            rare loss.                   ing  21st  double-double  of
            The  Eastern  Conference-    the season.
            leading  Celtics  bounced  Minnesota  committed  18       Indiana Pacers guard Victor Oladipo (4) hits a shot over Chicago Bulls guard Kris Dunn (32) to give
            back  from  a  loss  Friday  turnovers  but  hit  four  free   the Pacers the lead in the final minute of an NBA basketball game in Indianapolis, Wednesday,
            night  at  San  Antonio,  ex-  throws  at  the  end  to  pull   Dec. 6, 2017. The Pacers defeated the Bulls 98-96.
            tending their feat of losing  away  in  a  game  in  which                                                                      Associated Press
            consecutive  games  only  no team led by more than  Rajon  Rondo,  who  sat  out       quarter rally by the Hawks,  Dennis  Schroder  had  21
            once this season.            six points.                  the Pelicans’ surprising col-  who  have  the  second-    points and Ilyasova added
            The  Pistons,  meanwhile,  Harrison  Barnes  scored  19  lapse  against  Sacramento    worst record in the league.  20 for the Hawks.q
            have lost six straight for the  and Maxi Kleber tied a ca-  on  Friday  night,  returned
            first  time  since  late  in  the  reer high with 16 points for  with 13 points and 18 assists.
            2014-15 season.              Dallas.                      Philadelphia’s   Ben   Sim-
            Boston  shut  down  the  Pis-  PELICANS 131, 76ERS 124    mons,  who  played  one
            tons after giving up a sea-  NEW ORLEANS (AP) — Jrue  season at LSU before being
            son-high 118 points to them  Holiday scored 19 of his 34  selected  first  overall  in  the
            in a loss at home last month.  points in the fourth quarter  2016  draft,  had  27  points
            The  Celtics  held  Detroit  to  and  New  Orleans  over-  and  10  rebounds.  J.J.
            a season low in points and  came an eight-point deficit  Redick had 28 points.
            forced  it  to  miss  two-thirds  in  the  final  period  to  beat  KNICKS 111, HAWKS 107
            of its shots.                Philadelphia.                NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Kristaps
            Boston’s   Jaylen    Brown  Anthony     Davis    added  Porzingis  scored  30  points,
            scored  12  points,  reserve  29  points  and  DeMarcus  Doug  McDermott  added
            Marcus  Smart  had  12  and  Cousins 23 for New Orleans,  23 and New York beat At-
            smooth-shooting      rookie  which  looked  out-of-synch  lanta.
            Jayson  Tatum  11.  Tatum  in  the  third  quarter  and  in  One night after losing to the
            made  a  3-pointer  late  in  danger of dropping a sec-   NBA-worst Chicago Bulls on
            the game to help hold off  ond  straight  at  home  be-   the  road,  New  York  man-
            a potential comeback.        fore Holiday took over.      aged  to  hold  off  a  fourth-
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