P. 15
LOCAL Tuesday 12 december 2017
Giant Chanukah Menorahs to Light Up Aruba!
at the Ritz Carlton. All are of goodness and kindness,
invited to join in the Ritz- another act of light, can
Carlton at 6pm to watch make all the difference.”
the first candle being lit, Today, the unprecedented
taste delicious latkes and public display of Chanu-
donuts and hear Chanu- kah has become a staple
kah music! of Jewish cultural and reli-
“The menorah serves as a gious life. Aruba’s menorah
symbol of Aruba’s dedi- display is one of more than
cation to preserve and 15,000 large public meno-
encourage the right and rahs sponsored by Chabad
liberty of all its citizens to in more than 100 countries
worship G d freely, openly, around the world, including
and with pride.” Said Rabbi in front of landmarks such
Ahron Blasberg. as the White House, the Ei-
Chabad will be taking the ffel Tower, and the Kremlin
joy of Chanukah all around helping children and adults
Aruba with a full schedule of all walks of life discover schedule of events visit Beach Resort Pool Deck
PALM BEACH - Chabad of of events for all ages. Each and enjoy the holiday mes- Night # 5: December 16th
Aruba is preparing To Light night- the public Menorah sage Chanukah. 8pm at the Playa Linda
Up Aruba with Public Me- will be lit at a different lo- Throughout the eight days EVENT RECAP: Plaza
norahs as part of the world- cation, culminating with a of Chanukah, Chabad of What: Chanukah Menorah Night # 6: December 17th
wide celebrations of Cha- grand Chanukh Live Con- Aruba will be sharing the Lighting 5.30pm at Eagle Beach-
nukah cert on the eighth night! light with hundreds of locals Where: Ritz-Carlton Aruba opposite La Cabana
“The message of Chanu- and tourists with Hanukkah When: Tuesday December Beach Resort
The Jewish eight day holi- kah is the message of light,” events and celebrations, 12th 6pm Night # 7: December 18th
day of Chanukah begins added Rabbi Ahron Blas- including public Menorah ALL WELCOME! 6pm at the Marriott Surf
on Tuesday (Dec 12th) and berg. “The nature of light Lightings, Children’s Cha- Night # 2: December 13th Club Captain Galley Deck
Chabad plans to kick off is that it is always victori- nukah activities, Menorah 6pm at Riu Palace (Barry’s Night # 8: December 19th
the most celebrated Jewish ous over darkness. A small kit distributions, and more. Bar) 7pm ~ Chanukah Live Con-
holiday with a public Me- amount of light dispels a For more information about Night # 3: December 14th cert ~ at the Hyatt Regency
norah Lighting Ceremony lot of darkness. Another act Hanukkah and a local 6pm at The Playa Linda Parking Lot q