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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 30 Maart 2022

                         Washington honors Alaska’s fiery, tireless defender in House

            (AP)  —  Tugboat  captain,                                                                                          vocating  for  what  some  de-
            teacher,  gold  prospector                                                                                          rided  as  the  “bridge  to  no-
            and  longest-serving  Re-                                                                                           where,” a project that became
            publican in the history of                                                                                          a  national  symbol  of  federal
            the  House.  The  late  Rep.                                                                                        pork-barrel  spending.  The
            Don  Young  is  being  re-                                                                                          funding  for  the  project  was
            membered  for  all  of  that                                                                                        later rescinded and the proj-
            and  more  as  the  country                                                                                         ect  was  eventually  scrapped.
            pays  its  respects  to  the                                                                                        But the controversy over the
            only  congressman  Alaska                                                                                           project helped fuel a decade-
            has had for nearly a half-                                                                                          long  ban  on  congressional
            century.                                                                                                            earmarks.

            Young  died  on  a  flight  to                                                                                      Young’s  rough  edges  could
            Alaska earlier this month. He                                                                                       lead  him  into  trouble.  He
            was  88.  Former  colleagues                                                                                        once  waved  a  walrus  penis
            will  honor  him  at  midday                                                                                        bone at the new female leader
            Tuesday  as  he  joins  the  se-                                                                                    of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
            lect few chosen to lie in state                                                                                     Service  during  a  committee
            at the Capitol. President Joe                                                                                       hearing.  He  was  forced  to
            Biden is expected to pay his                                                                                        apologize  to  Fairbanks  high
            respects in the afternoon.                                                                                          school students for his use of
                                                                                                                                vulgarity  in  describing  a  sex
            Young was first elected to the                                                                                      act, and when he used a ra-
            House in 1973. That year, he                                                                                        cial slur to refer to Hispanic
            helped secure the Trans-Alas-                                                                                       migrant  workers  in  a  radio
            ka Pipeline, which transports                                                                                       interview.
            crude  oil  from  the  north
            slope of Alaska to the state’s                                                                                      The House Ethics Commit-
            southern coast and provides a                                                                                       tee  rebuked  Young  in  2014
            critical source of funding for                                                                                      for  improperly  converting
            the  state’s  government  and                                                                                       campaign funds for personal
            its  residents.  He  also  played                                                                                   use and for accepting imper-
            a  leading  role  in  protect-                                                                                      missible gifts.
            ing  Alaska’s  fisheries  from  said from the Senate floor last  George  H.W.  Bush  called  developing  more  of  Alaska’s
            unregulated  foreign  fleets,  week.                      Young  “Moose”  and  they  natural resources, such as oil,  When  Young  became  the
            dramatically  extending  U.S.                             played  racquetball  often.  gas  and  timber,  and  he  was  longest-serving  member  of
            jurisdiction  to  200  nautical  Young had some close races,  Young  had  Dungeness  crab  often  at  odds  with  conser-  the House, in late 2017, the
            miles.                       but  many  were  landslides.  flown in to eat with President  vationists  and  environmen-  Fairbanks  Daily  News-Min-
                                         He won his latest reelection  George W. Bush. And during  tal  groups  concerned  about  er  remembered  many  of  his
            While  his  legislative  accom-  bid  with  54.4%  of  the  vote  one visit to the Clinton White  the  harm  such  development  steps and missteps in an edi-
            plishments  were  significant,  and  was  intent  on  winning  House,  the  president  urged  could do to the environment.  torial, “What to make of Rep.
            he is also remembered for a  reelection this November to  Young to stay, but Young said                             Young’s career.”
            personality  that  could  be  as  a 26th term.            he would need a hall pass.   He  also  worked  to  steer  as
            rough  as  the  Alaska  tundra                                                         many  federal  dollars  as  he  “Rep. Young’s brash language
            that helped shape his political  “Alaskans have been generous  “So  he  got  a  handwritten  could  to  the  state.  On  that  has landed him in hot water
            views.                       with their support for me be-  note from President Clinton,  front, he was one of the few  on multiple occasions as well.
                                         cause they know I get the job  writing to the speaker of the  Republicans in the House to  Even so, there is no denying
            “He was colorful — as color-  done,”  he  said  in  2016.  “I’ll  House:  ‘Dear  Mr.  Speaker.  vote for the bipartisan infra-  Rep.  Young  has  done  great
            ful  as  they  come.  He  could  defend my state to the dying  Please  excuse  Don  Young  structure  plan  last  year  that  things for Alaska,” the paper
            be tough; he could be gruff;  breath,  and  I  will  always  do  from  voting  tonight.  We  are  called for $550 billion in new  concluded.  “Whether  he  re-
            he could be very feisty, but he  that and they know that.”  having  cigars  at  the  White  spending  on  roads,  bridges,  tires next year or in five years,
            was also warm, engaging. He  Young’s  tenure  in  Congress  House,’” Sullivan recalled.  airports  and  rail  over  five  his decades-long career gives
            was  charming,  but,  most  of  coincided  with  that  of  10                          years.                       us  plenty  to  chew  on  when
            all,  he  was  passionate,”  Sen.  presidents.  Sen.  Dan  Sulli-  On  the  legislative  front,                     we  think  of  his  time  in  of-
            Lisa  Murkowski,  R-Alaska,  van,  R-Alaska,  recalled  that  Young  was  adamant  about  Young’s  work  included  ad-  fice.”

                            1st Latina justice takes seat on California Supreme Court

            (AP)  —  The  first  Latina  sion restored the four-female  Guerrero, 50, of San Diego,
            to serve on the California  majority on the seven mem-    who grew up in the agricul-
            Supreme Court was sworn  ber  court,  Cantil-Sakauy  tural  Imperial  Valley,  said  in
            in  Monday  as  officials  noted.                         brief remarks that she is the
            praised  the  historic  el-                               product of “the courage, the
            evation of appellate judge  Guerrero,  the  daughter  of  sacrifices and the struggles of
            Patricia  Guerrero  to  the  Mexican  immigrants,  brings  my parents and my grandpar-
            state’s highest court.       a  “different  perspective  than  ents.”
                                         has  ever  been  offered  on
            “It  made  history  for  us  and  this  court,”  said  Gov.  Gavin  “They  came  to  this  country
            the future of California,” said  Newsom  before  administer-  knowing that it would not be
            Chief  Justice  Tani  Cantil-  ing the oath of office.    easy for them,” she said. “But
            Sakauye. She added that “it is                            like  so  many  others,  they
            such a substantive and well-  But  Newsom  said  his  ap-  came here with hope — hope
            deserved appointment.”       pointment  of  Guerrero  “is  of a brighter future for their
                                         not  just  about  first,  this  is  children, the pursuit ... of the  Guerrero fills the vacancy left  Justice  Mariano-Florentino
            Moreover, Guerrero’s ascen-  about best.”                 American Dream.”             in  October  when  Associate  Cuéllar stepped down.
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