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                                                                                                       sports Diaranson 30 Maart 2022

                        NFL makes adjustments to Rooney Rule to aid minority hiring

            (AP)  —  To  ensure  more  nority  GMs  (five  to  seven),
            opportunities  for  diverse  and  assistant  GMs  (three  to
            candidates,  the  NFL  has  six).
            added  requirements  on
            the hiring of offensive as-  Teams  will  receive  league
            sistant coaches, and wom-    funding  toward  the  coach’s
            en in general.               salary for up to two years.

            The moves announced Mon-     Overall,  including  women
            day  at  the  owners  meeting  in  all  Rooney  Rule  require-
            include  adjustments  to  the  ments is designed to address
            Rooney  Rule  adopted  in  under-representation       of
            2003 and amended frequent-   women in key football posi-
            ly  in  attempts  to  enhance  tions.  The  league  believes
            opportunities  for  people  of  this will “encourage the fur-
            color and women for nearly  ther identification and devel-
            all league and team jobs.    opment of women candidates
                                         and  the  ability  to  provide
            Beginning this season, all 32  them  additional  opportunity
            clubs must employ a female  to  interview  for  open  posi-
            or a member of an ethnic or  tions.”
            racial  minority  to  serve  as                           and  created  a  diversity advi-  mittee  and  one  of  the  most  “But  we’ve  got  to  land  the
            an  offensive  assistant  coach.  A total of 12 women coaches  sory committee that includes  influential  coaches  in  the  plane.  We’ve  got  to  hire  ca-
            The  person  will  receive  a  at the start of the 2021 season  Peter Harvey, a former attor-  sport, Tomlin spoke strongly  pable candidates.”
            one-year  contract  and  work  was an all-time high.      ney  general  of  New  Jersey;  about  the  lack  of  minority
            closely  with  the  head  coach                           Rick  Smith,  a  former  gen-  head coaches in the NFL. He,  That, in Tomlin’s estimation
            and offensive staff to gain ex-  Dasha Smith, the NFL’s chief  eral manager of the Houston  Houston’s Lovie Smith, Mi-  and actions, includes Flores,
            perience.                    administrative  officer  and  Texans; and Don Thompson,  ami’s  Mike  McDaniel,  who  whose lawsuit has been a ma-
                                         one  of  the  league’s  highest-  former  president  and  CEO  is  biracial,  the  Jets’  Robert  jor topic this offseason. Flores
            In recent years, head coaches  ranking  females,  noted  that  of McDonald’s Corporation.  Saleh and the Commanders’  was  fired  by  the  Dolphins
            have  predominantly  had  of-  for  the  first  time,  a  woman                        Ron  Rivera  are  the  five  mi-  despite  helping  turn  around
            fensive  backgrounds.  The  was interviewed for a general  Early  Monday,  Mike  Tom-  nority  head  coaches  among  a floundering franchise in his
            pipeline  for  minorities  on  manager’s position this year.  lin said he did not hire Brian  the 32 teams. About 70% of  three seasons as coach, going
            that side of the ball is lacking,                         Flores  as  an  assistant  coach  the players are Black.  19-14 the last two years.
            as Steelers owner Art Rooney  Smith  also  said  that  virtual  with  the  Pittsburgh  Steelers
            II reiterated Monday.        interviews will no longer be  out of sympathy for the for-  “I  haven’t  been  in  any  dis-  Flores  cites  a  string  of  text
                                         acceptable for head coach and  mer  Miami  Dolphins  head  cussions and no, I don’t have  messages with Patriots coach
            “We recognize we have seen  general  manager  positions,  coach.                       a  level  of  confidence  that  Bill Belichick three days be-
            progress  on  some  fronts,”  and there will be specific re-                           would lead me to believe that  fore  his  scheduled  Giants
            said Rooney, chairman of the  quirements for candidates to  Tomlin,  who  like  Flores  is  things are going to be better,”  interview for the head coach-
            league’s  Diversity,  Equity  &  become  offensive  assistants.  African  American,  did  so  Tomlin said. ”I’m more of a  ing  position.  Those  texts
            Inclusion  Committee,  “but  Those would include at least  because  Flores  is  “a  good  show me guy as opposed to a  led  Flores  to  believe  Brian
            we still have a way to go on  three years of experience on  coach.” That Flores had sued  guy that sits around and talks  Daboll already had been cho-
            other fronts.”               the college or pro level.    the NFL and three teams —  about things.                  sen as the new coach.
                                                                      the  Dolphins,  Giants  and
            The NFL saw an increase in  There currently are five mi-  Broncos  —  claiming  racist  “I  think  that  we’ve  pecked  Belichick  refused  comment
            the number of people of col-  nority  head  coaches  in  the  hiring practices, did not dis-  around the entire discussion  on  the  lawsuit  and  any  role
            or  in  all  coaching  positions  NFL. There are seven Black  suade  the  long-time  Steel-  and  subject  and  we’ve  done  he  might  have  had.  Giants
            from 35% in the 2020 season  general managers.            ers coach in any way, Tomlin  a  lot  of  beneficial  things,”  owner  John  Mara  said  Sun-
            to 39% last season. There was                             said.                        Tomlin added of adjustments  day he is not interested in any
            an  all-time  high  increase  in  The  league  also  released  a                       to the Rooney Rule adopted  settlement with Flores and “I
            defensive coordinators to 15,  resolution  to  increase  diver-  A  member  of  the  league’s  in  2003  to  enhance  job  op-  think the truth will come out.
            up by two; an increase in mi-  sity ownership of franchises,  powerful  competition  com-  portunities  for  minorities.  The allegations are false.”

                          Cavs forward Wade done for season following knee surgery

            (AP) — Cavaliers forward  major injuries for months.      knee, the team said. He had  finger  when  the  Cavs  host  kle.
            Dean  Wade  will  miss  the                               been sidelined since last play-  the Orlando Magic on Mon-
            rest  of  the  season  follow-  Wade,  who  made  28  starts  ing  on  March  12,  when  he  day night. Allen has been able  The  Cavs  have  been  hit  as
            ing  knee  surgery,  the  lat-  this  season,  underwent  a  got hurt against Chicago.  to  do  more  on-court  activi-  hard as any team by injuries.
            est  medical  setback  for  a  procedure Monday to repair                              ties lately, but he’s not ready  They lost both leading scorer
            Cleveland  team  bitten  by  a  torn  meniscus  in  his  right  Wade’s loss will hurt Cleve-  to play and the team has not  Collin  Sexton  and  veteran
                                                                      land’s  depth  for  the  stretch  said whether he’ll be back.  point  guard  Ricky  Rubio  to
                                                                      run and into the playoffs. The                            season-ending  injuries,  and
                                                                      Cavs currently have the No.  Without  the  shot-altering  coach  J.B.  Bickerstaff  has
                                                                      7  spot  —  a  play-in  position  Allen,  the  Cavs  have  been  had to constantly juggle line-
                                                                      — in the Eastern Conference  vulnerable inside defensively  ups  and  rotations  while  not
                                                                      with seven games left. Wade  and  lack  another  rebounder  knowing  who  will  be  avail-
                                                                      had been an important con-   and offensive option. Cleve-  able on an almost nightly ba-
                                                                      tributor off the bench as well,  land  has  gone  4-6  in  its  last  sis.
                                                                      averaging  5.3  points  in  19.2  10  minus  Allen,  who  is  av-
                                                                      minutes.                     eraging 16.1 points and 10.8  Still,  Cleveland  has  won  41
                                                                                                   rebounds.                    games  and  will  make  the
                                                                      Cleveland  remains  without                               postseason  for  the  first  time
                                                                      All-Star  center  Jarrett  Al-  Guard  Rajon  Rondo  will  since 2018 after winning just
                                                                      len,  who  will  miss  his  11th  miss his eighth straight game  22 last season.
                                                                      straight game with a broken  Monday with a sprained an-
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