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A32    sports
                  Diaranson 30 Maart 2022

                          Miami casino works to save beloved jai alai from extinction

                                                                      elite athletes fling a goatskin  the  sport  at  age  10.  Jai  alai  who at 39 is one of the oldest
                                                                      ball called a pelota in a three-  was a favorite pastime grow-  but  most  physically  fit  play-
                                                                      walled  fronton,  or  court,  at  ing up in the small town of  ers.  “I  don’t  stand  a  chance
                                                                      130 mph (210 km/h).          Markina-Xemein in northern  in the long run, but I want to
                                                                                                   Spain. But as an adult, he and  play as hard as I can.”
                                                                      Instead, just a few dozen fam-  his  brother  Julen  followed
                                                                      ily  members  and  die-hard  their father and grandfather’s  To speed up the sport, Magic
                                                                      fans  turned  out  for  a  recent  footsteps  to  Miami,  which  City  has  reduced  the  tradi-
                                                                      match. Live wagering, which  for decades was a magnet for  tional  fronton  by  nearly  60
                                                                      long  drove  the  sport,  has  the game’s top talent.     feet (18 meters) and replaced
                                                                      dried  up  in  the  era  of  You-                         the  goatskin  ball  —  as  hard
                                                                      Tube  and  online  gambling.  “This is the only place where  as  a  hockey  puck  —  with  a
                                                                      And many of the game’s top  you can make a living playing  bouncier pelota that ricochets
                                                                      players who used to make the  jai alai,” Goitiandia said, wip-  against  plexiglass  instead  of
                                                                      journey  across  the  Atlantic  ing  his  brow  after  winning  the  traditional  granite  wall.
                                                                      have  hung  up  their  wicker  an  exhausting  round-robin  Magic  City  is  also  experi-
                                                                      cestas  —  curved  baskets  for  doubles match.           menting with the rules, cre-
                                                                      catching  and  throwing  —                                ating  so-called  Battle  Court
                                                                      leaving a void that a roster of  The  remaining  players  are  matches resembling head-to-
                                                                      local,  homegrown  talent  is  former high school and col-  head singles tennis.
                                                                      hard-pressed to fill.        lege athletes who learned the
                                                                                                   game as adults and still strug-  The  goal  is  to  reach  young-
                                                                      But  the  one  advantage  of  gle  with  basics  like  catching  er,  online  bettors  for  whom
                                                                      having fallen so far is that the  the ball.               win-place-show wagering is a
                                                                      only direction left to go is up.                          bygone era. Content deals on
                                                                                                   Tanard  Davis,  who  was  free,  advertising-supported
                                                                      “We’re   pretty   confident  signed  by  the  Indianapolis  platforms  means  games  are
                                                                      there’s  a  future,”  said  Scott  Colts after playing football at  reaching a potential audience
                                                                      Savin, the chief operating of-  University of Miami, saw his  of  115  million  households
                                                                      ficer of Magic City. “At least  NFL career fizzle and moved  and  Magic  City  has  teamed
                                                                      there’s  a  present,  so  that  to Atlanta to pursue a career  with  platform  BetRivers  for
                                                                      means  we  have  a  fighting  in law enforcement. In 2018,  online betting in seven states.
                                                                      chance at a future.”         he  was  among  the  Hurri-
                                                                                                   canes  alumni  who  answered  Want  your  own  sports  fran-
                                                                      The fate of the sport depends  an  email  blast  looking  for  chise?  Sponsoring  a  team
                                                                      on  the  shoulders  —  and  volunteers from Magic City’s  with  catchy  names  like  the
            (AP) — The world’s fast-     and ’80s.                    overextended  rotator  cuffs  owners, the Havenick family,  Wall Warriors and Cesta Cy-
            est ball sport has been dy-                               — of Magic City’s roster of  who are also major donors to  clones  costs  $100,000  —  a
            ing  a  slow  death  for  de-  What could be jai alai’s cur-  28  athletes.  Seven  of  them  UM athletics.         bargain,  Savin  said,  for  a
            cades.                       tain  call  is  playing  out  at  —  from  Spain,  France  and                         niche sport whose natural fan
                                         Magic  City  Casino,  the  last  the Philippines — were hired  Davis is grateful for the op-  base  is  somewhere  between
            Now, a group of committed  place the game is played as a  after a nearby fronton at The  portunity to put on a uniform  the  WNBA  and  Canadian
            enthusiasts is doing all it can  professional  sport.  Gone  are  Casino  at  Dania  Beach  Ca-  and get the adrenaline flow-  football.
            to  save  jai  alai,  a  game  that  the celebrities like Paul New-  sino  ended  its  seven-decade  ing again.
            originated in the Basque re-  man  and  John  Travolta  who  run last year.                                         “It’s crawl, walk, run — but
            gion of Spain and France but  used  to  crowd  into  sweaty,                           “It’s like a high school basket-  I think we got past crawl,” he
            took  root  in  Miami  during  smoke-filled  grandstands  on  One  of  the  foreign  players,  ball  player  facing  off  against  said.
            the  go-go  days  of  the  1970s  a  Saturday  night  to  watch  Inaki  Goitiandia,  took  up  Lebron  James,”  said  Davis,

                         Welcome back: Pujols returns to Cardinals for a final season

            (AP) — With a wave of his  42-year-old Pujols said Mon-   emerged  from  beyond  the  The  Cardinals  and  Pujols  ite scrapbook or baseball card
            hand and a tip of the cap,  day. “This is my last run.”   right field wall at Roger Dean  agreed to a $2.5 million, one-  album  and  seeing  those  im-
            Albert Pujols walked back                                 Stadium  between  the  first  year  contract,  giving  him  a  ages and memories jump off
            into  the  world  of  the  St.  It was quite a scene as Pujols  and second innings of a game  chance  to  end  his  career  in  the pages.”
            Louis Cardinals for one fi-  rejoined the Redbirds.       against Houston.             the place where it started. He
            nal season.                                                                            returns with 679 career home  Pujols  spent  part  of  Mon-
                                         Wearing  a  big  smile  and  his  Cardinals  pitchers,  catchers  runs.                day video conferencing with
            “This  is  it  for  me,”  the  familiar red No. 5 jersey, he  and coaches sitting on chairs                         39-year-old  Cardinals  catch-
                                                                      far  down  the  line  stood  to  “Seldom  does  one  get  to  er  Yadier  Molina,  his  team-
                                                                      acknowledge  the  three-time  share in watching or being a  mate during eight seasons in
                                                                      NL  MVP,  as  did  the  fans  in  part of ‘living’ history,” Car-  St. Louis.
                                                                      the stands. Pujols strolled to  dinals  President  of  Baseball
                                                                      the  St.  Louis  dugout  on  the  Operations  John  Mozeliak  “I’m  happy  for  him  to  be
                                                                      first base side, where he was  said. “From the day we called  here,” said Molina, who like-
                                                                      greeted with hearty hugs and  Albert’s  name  in  the  draft  ly is in his final season. too.
                                                                      high-fives.                  room  back  in  1999,  to  now,  “It’s going to be a fun year.”
                                                                                                   as we set our sights on 2022,
                                                                      “I  had  to  put  a  little  smile  this reunion just makes sense  Pujols  played  the  first  11
                                                                      on,” Pujols said. “I was get-  in so many ways.”          years of his career in St. Lou-
                                                                      ting a little emotional.”                                 is,  teaming  with  Molina  to
                                                                                                   “We  are  all  looking  forward  lead the Cardinals to the 2006
                                                                      All these years later, the slug-  to  reuniting  Albert  with  his  and 2011 World Series titles.
                                                                      ger who helped the Cardinals  Cardinals family, and for the
                                                                      win two World Series cham-   fan  in  all  of  us,  including  “We’ve  only  got  one  thing
                                                                      pionship was home.           myself, this feels like looking  in  mind  –  winning  another
                                                                                                   through the pages of a favor-  championship,” Molina said.
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