Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-20220628
P. 27
obituario Diamars 28 Juni 2022
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada
discouraged, for the Lord, your God will be with you Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega. Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
wherever you go. E ta hibami na awa trankil, E ta hibami na awa trankil,
Pa mi bolbe haya forsa”.
With deep sympathy we announce the passing of our dear Salmo:23 Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
mother, grandmother, great grandmother, mother-in-law, Salmo: 23
aunt, & sister. Cu inmenso tristeza y dolor na nos curason, pero
conforme cu boluntad di Dios, nos ta anuncia Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
fayecimento di nos ser stima:
Sabina Gweneth Richard
Sabina & Larry Nedd
Timothy & Noemi Charles Rosimbo Geerman
Jephthah & Saida Charles Cariñosamente yama” Rochi” of “Mo Rochi”
Micha Charles & Cherryl Popke *11-12-1953 - †21-06-2022
Henry Johan van Loon
Grandchildren: Na nomber di su: *09-11-1977 - †24-06-2022
TJ & Dominique Unico yiu stima: Haime Geerman y famia
Donavan & Dorris Nieto y Nieta stima: Marlon y Marilaine Geerman
Christopher & Marjori Mayornan: †Francisco y †Imelda Geerman-Croes Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
Marybeth & Jordan
Kervin in the Netherlands Rumannan:
Kevin in the Netherlands †Jacento y Albertina (Tina) Geerman-Quandus
Jo-Ann †Ramona y † Egidio Tromp-Geerman
Jephthah y Edylien Basilio y Carmen Geerman-Curiel
Marvick & Dayelin †Julian (Jan) y † Susanita(Annie) Geerman-Geerman
Jermain in the USA Maria luisa (Isha) Geerman
Tatisha Francisca (Sica) y Oslin Croes-Geerman
Zhanyé Severiano (Feli) y Liesje Geerman-Tromp
Subrino y Subrinanan:
Great grandchildren: Deta Tromp y famia
Jordan, Touche, Mabel, Nova, Brady, Zoe, Isaac, Vivian Tromp y famia
Chilion, Chillian, Alycha, Joshuelee, Jeanaily Michael Tromp y famia na New Jersey
Mason, Ishaia Bryan Geerman y famia Veel heb je ons gegeven
Marshall, Maylee Carlton Geerman y famia veel heb je voor ons betekend
Lucy Geerman y famia plotseling uit ons leven gedreven
Brothers: Sucy Geerman y famia blijf je in onze harten leven.
Thomas Richard in Dominica Jullie Heward y famia
†Bernard & Amerilis Giovanny Geerman y famia
Joey and Jenny Richard and family in the Netherlands Rocky Donato y famia Hopi cosnan bunita bo a entrega nos
†Loyd Osbert Croes y famia Hopi bo a significa pa nos
Osmar Croes y famia Inesperadamente bo no ta huntu cu nos mas
Nieces and nephews: Sidney Geerman y famia Sin embargo lo bo keda biba den nos curason
Milla Richard Sherman Geerman y famia na Alemania
Johnathan & Eunetta in the Netherlands Shirliza Geerman pa semper.
Sean in the Netherlands
Suyendra in the Netherlands Ihanan:Michael, Osbert, Jerryk, Jullie y Shirliza Met veel verdriet, maar dankbaar voor het vele
goede dat zij ons tijdens
Caretakers: Ex casa y mama di su yiu: Marieta Willems haar leven heeft gegeven, delen wij u mede dat
Illiani, Misbel, Silvana, Janeth, Elisabeth, Claudia Mama di su nieta y nieto: Jeanila Filiciana
Ex casa: Janet y famia van ons is heengegaan
Mary, Lidia, Marie Sobre subrino y subrinanan: Geomar, Charmaine, onze lieve en zorgzame moeder, zus en tante
Joyceline, Monrick, Jayderick, Jerryk, Jurviënny, Fachael,
Close friends: Mitchell, Angelina, Josephine, Bryon, Caldrick, Francis,
Meredith, Rica, Bernard Edgar, Ciclaine, Andre, Marianela, Marlon, Juveally, Steve
Giovanny, Giovean, Francene, Isaley, Oszinho, Chayenna,
Neighbors: Osrick, Fransann, Osdin, Francheline, Sidmar, Sidion,
Jair & Jen Gambin Silainy, Sidrick, Sidliëne, Saidyienne, Shaylee
Related family members: Richards, Charles, Toussaint, Demas famia: Geerman, Croes, Quandus,Tromp ,Curiel,
Peltier, Warner, Letang, Oleana, Nedd, Martines, Currie, Heward, Donato, Loefstok, Agunbero, Koolman, Varela,
Cellaire, De Cuba, Haayen, Molina, Loopstok, Gachette, Rasmijn, Montero, Ras, Werleman, Leon, Wester, Wernet,
Popke, Doctor, Cornelis, Kusters, Laats, Maduro, Tromp, Hernandis, Erasmus, Hassell, Kelly, Boekhoudt,
Moreno, Segura, Becerra, Williams Henriquez, Mackay, Angela, Willems, Filiciana
Family and friends in the USA, England, Canada, Amigonan di domino,ex coleganan di Arubaanse Wegen
Dominica, Curacao, St.Maarten, Netherlands, Colombia Bouw y Thiel Corporation.
Our gratitude goes to: Dr. Singh Disculpa nos si den nos dolor y tristeza nos por a lubida
Staff and employees of Fundacion Cas Di Mi Chepa algun famia,Amistad of conocir.
We invite all family members and friend to assist in the Oportunidad pa condolencia lo ta Diabierna 1 di juli 2022 Greta Maria Kock
funeral service which will take place on Tuesday June for di 7:00 pm pa 9:00 pm na Royal Funeral Home. * Aruba, 23 november 1954 † Wijk bij
28,2022 from 2pm to 4pm at Aurora Funeral Home and Duurstede, 13 juni 2022
then to cemetery at Sabana Basora Acto di despedida ta tuma lugar Diasabra 2 di juli 2022,
We apologize in our sadness if we left out any family for di 2:00 pa 4:00 di atardi na Royal Funeral Home. Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
members and friends. Cremashon lo tuma lugar den seno familiar.