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                                                                                         world news Diamars 28 Juni 2022

                           Putin to make 1st trip abroad since Ukraine conflict’s start

            (AP)  —  President  Vladi-                                                                                          in  Moscow  and  one  of  the
            mir  Putin  is  making  his                                                                                         movement’s officials was in-
            first  public  foreign  trip                                                                                        vited to the St. Petersburg In-
            since  Russia  sent  troops                                                                                         ternational Economic Forum
            into Ukraine, heading for                                                                                           in June.
            two former Soviet repub-
            lics and meetings likely to                                                                                         The  Kremlin  “encourages
            be friendly.                                                                                                        the  new  Afghan  authorities
                                                                                                                                to  form  an  ethnically  and
            Ahead  of  the  trip  beginning                                                                                     politically  balanced  govern-
            Tuesday  to  Tajikistan  and                                                                                        ment  and  intensify  actions
            Turkmenistan,  there  were                                                                                          for  combatting  terrorist  and
            no expectations of significant                                                                                      drug threats,” Ushakov said.
            developments.  But  the  visit                                                                                      Putin  on  Wednesday  is  to
            gives  Putin  the  opportunity                                                                                      be  in  Ashgabat,  the  capi-
            to show that he is not isolated                                                                                     tal  of  Turkmenistan,  which
            despite widespread sanctions                                                                                        largely  seals  itself  off  from
            and  denunciations  from  the                                                                                       the world. The purpose is to
            West because of the Ukraine                                                                                         attend  a  summit  of  Caspian
            operation.                                                                                                          Sea littoral states, which also
                                                                                                                                include Azerbaijan, Iran and
            At the first stop in Tajikistan,                                                                                    Kazakhstan.
            Putin is to meet with author-
            itarian  President  Emomali                                                                                         Kazakh  President  Kassym-
            Rahmon,  who  has  been  in                                                                                         Jomart  Tokayev  raised  eye-
            office  since  1994  and  kept   that  a  key  part  of  the  talks  Tajikistan, where a 1990s civil  ghanistan.    brows  at  the  St.  Petersburg
            his  country  close  to  Russia.   with  Rahmon  will  be  dis-  war  that  included  Islamist                      forum  when,  while  appear-
            Tajikistan  hosts  some  7,000   cussing measures to improve  insurgents  killed  as  many  as  Russia is following a narrow   ing  on  stage  with  Putin,  he
            Russian  troops,  Moscow’s   security along Tajikistan’s po-  100,000 people, is wary of Is-  path with Afghanistan — al-  firmly stated that Kazakhstan
            largest base abroad.         rous,  1,357-kilometer  (843-  lamic radicalism spilling over  though  it  officially  desig-  would not recognize the two
                                         mile)  border  with  Afghani-  from  Afghanistan.  It  also  is  nates the ruling Taliban as a   separatist  Ukrainian  regions
            Putin’s foreign policy adviser   stan.                    a main route for heroin and  terrorist  group,  the  Taliban   that Russia has declared to be
            Yuri  Ushakov  said  Monday                               opium  smuggling  from  Af-  also  have  a  representation   sovereign states.

                        Deaths rise to 23 from mass attempt to enter Spanish enclave

            (AP)  —  The  number  of                                                                                            tional  Spain.  “The  human
            people  who  were  killed                                                                                           rights  of  migrants  and  refu-
            after they tried to scale a                                                                                         gees  must  be  respected  and
            border fence between Mo-                                                                                            situations like that seen can-
            rocco  and  a  Spanish  en-                                                                                         not happen again.”
            clave in North Africa rose
            to  23  Saturday  as  human                                                                                         Five  rights  organizations  in
            rights  organizations  in                                                                                           Morocco and APDHA, a hu-
            Spain and Morocco called                                                                                            man  rights  group  based  in
            on  both  countries  to  in-                                                                                        the southern Spanish region
            vestigate the circumstanc-                                                                                          of  Andalusia,  also  called  for
            es surrounding the deaths.                                                                                          inquiries.

            Moroccan authorities said the                                                                                       The  International  Organiza-
            individuals died as a result of                                                                                     tion for Migration and U.N.
            a “stampede” of people who                                                                                          refugee  agency  UNHCR
            attempted Friday to climb the                                                                                       also weighed in with a state-
            iron fence that separates the                                                                                       ment  that  expressed  “pro-
            city of Melilla and Morocco.                                                                                        found  sadness  and  concern”
            In a statement, Morocco’s In-                                                                                       over  what  happened  at  the
            terior Ministry said 76 civil-                                                                                      Morocco-Melilla border.
            ians were injured along with                                                                                        “IOM and UNHCR urge all
            140  Moroccan  security  offi-  ing  the  border  breach  were  that traffic in human beings,”  In  another  of  the  associa-  authorities  to  prioritize  the
            cers.                        being  treated  at  hospitals  in  Sánchez said.          tion’s videos, a Moroccan se-  safety  of  migrants  and  refu-
                                         the Moroccan cities of Nador  His remarks came as the Mo-  curity officer appeared to use  gees, refrain from the exces-
            The ministry initially report-  and Oujda, MAP said.      roccan  Human  Rights  As-   a baton to strike a person ly-  sive use of force and uphold
            ed five deaths. Local authori-                            sociation  shared  videos  on  ing on the ground.         their human rights,” the or-
            ties  cited  by  Morocco’s  of-  Spanish  Prime  Minister  Pe-  social media that appeared to                       ganizations said.
            ficial Television 2M updated  dro  Sánchez  on  Saturday  show dozens of migrants ly-  In  a  statement  released  late
            the number  to 18 on Satur-  condemned  what  he  de-     ing on the ground, many of  Friday, Amnesty Internation-  In a statement published Sat-
            day  and  then  reported  that  scribed as a “violent assault”  them  motionless  and  a  few  al  expressed  its  “deep  con-  urday, the Spanish Commis-
            the death toll had climbed to  and  an  “attack  on  the  ter-  bleeding, as Moroccan secu-  cern”  over  the  events  at  the  sion  for  Refugees,  CEAR,
            23.  The  Moroccan  Human  ritorial  integrity”  of  Spain.  rity forces stood over them.  border.                  decried  what  it  described  as
            Rights  Association  reported  Spanish officials said 49 Civil                                                      “the  indiscriminate  use  of
            27 dead, but the figure could  Guards  sustained  minor  in-  “They  were  left  there  with-  “Although  the  migrants  may  violence  to  manage  migra-
            not  immediately  be  con-   juries.                      out  help  for  hours,  which  have  acted  violently  in  their  tion  and  control  borders”
            firmed.                                                   increased  the  number  of  attempt  to  enter  Melilla,  and  expressed  concerns  that
                                         “If  there  is  anyone  respon-  deaths,”  the  human  rights  when it comes to border con-  the  violence  had  prevented
            Two members of Morocco’s  sible  for  everything  that  ap-  group  said  on  Twitter.  It  trol,  not  everything  goes,”  people who were eligible for
            security  forces  and  33  mi-  pears  to  have  taken  place  at  called for a “comprehensive”  said Esteban Beltrán, the di-  international protection from
            grants who were injured dur-  that  border,  it  is  the  mafias  investigation.       rector  of  Amnesty  Interna-  reaching Spanish soil.
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