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sports Diamars 28 Juni 2022
Female referee at men's World Cup wants the game to shine
(AP) — Japanese referee will be in charge of games, it's
Yoshimi Yamashita agrees not a given. They would also
with Pelé or whoever it be used as so-called "fourth
was decades ago that first referees" on the sidelines.
described soccer as the However, they cannot be
"beautiful game." used as assistants.
Yamashita is one of three "Each match official will
women picked by FIFA to be be carefully monitored in
referees at the men's World the next months with a fi-
Cup in Qatar, which opens nal assessment on technical,
on Nov. 21. It's the first time physical and medical aspects
a woman will be in charge on to be made shortly before
soccer's largest stage. the World Cup," Massimo
Busacca, FIFA's director of
She sees her job this way: Let refereeing, said in a state-
the game shine, as it should. ment.
"One of the big goals as a ref- Yamashita's selection puts the
eree is to bring out the the focus on Japan's low ranking
attractiveness of soccer," she on most measures of equal
said Monday in Tokyo in an pay for women, and in global
interview with the Associated studies of gender equality.
Press. "I do my best for that,
and I will do what I should Only 14.3% of the seats in Ja-
at that time toward that end. pan's national legislature are Women's soccer has led the pressure. She has been a She said the difference in the
So if I need to communicate held by women — 152nd of way in Japan. Japanese wom- referee in Japan's men's J men's and women's game
with the players, I will do 190 countries in a study pub- en won the 2011 women's League, and has also been in was, of course, speed. But not
that. If I need to show a card, lished several months ago by World Cup, were runners- charge of the Asian equiva- simply that some men might
I will show a card. Rather the U.S. Congressional Re- up in 2015, and have been lent of the men's Champi- run faster.
than control, I'm thinking search Service. Another study been consistently among the ons League. She also handled "It's the speed, but not just
about what to do toward the on the gender pay gap placed game's elite teams. matches during last year's To- the players' speed," she said.
big goal of bringing out the Japan 120th of 156 countries. Yamashita went through a kyo Olympics. "Not the ball speed. It's just
appeal of soccer." "I would be very happy if workout on Monday just "Of course, I think the pres- the game speed. It means for
women could play an active outside Tokyo, sweltering in sure is huge," she said, "and I me I have to make quicker
Stephanie Frappart of France role in sports in this way, and temperatures that reached 35 think I have a lot of responsi- decisions — more speed."
and Salima Mukansanga of if sports and especially soccer C (95 F). She laughed when bility. But I am really happy Yamashita conducted most
Rwanda are the other women could lead this," Yamashita she was reminded that games to take this duty and pres- of the interview in Japanese,
who were selected. There are said. "In Japan, there is still a in Qatar — located on a tip of sure, so I try to take it posi- but said she would use Eng-
36 referees in total. FIFA has long way to go in the world the Arabian Peninsula — will tively and I try to be happy." lish and "facial gestures, body
also named three female as- of soccer (regarding par- be much cooler, being played She described the excitement gestures" when communicat-
sistant referees in a pool of ticipation of women), so it in the Northern Hemisphere of leaving the waiting room ing with players in Qatar.
69: Neuza Back of Brazil, would be great if this could winter and in air-conditioned just before a match. "Usually when I give a card,
Karen Diaz Medina of Mex- connect to promotion of fe- stadiums. "I guess it cheers me up I say nothing," she said, shift-
ico, and Kathryn Nesbitt of male participation in differ- in that moment. I feel like ing to English. "But when
the United States. ent ways, not only in soccer Yamashita seemed relaxed that's when I switch gears the I give a warning, I just tell
or in sports." during the interview, re- most," she said. them I'm not happy. They
Though it's likely all three moved from the obvious understand."
Wimbledon player comes to aid of fainting ballboy with candy
(AP) — Quick reactions are a showed the Wimbledon crowd Burrage said she noticed the ballboy
hallmark of being a professional she could respond to adversity The British player noticed a ballboy was in distress and wanted to help.
tennis player, and Jodie Burrage quickly. who was feeling faint on the sidelines "I just reacted how I think anyone
during her match on Monday, then would. He was not in a good spot,"
rushed over to make sure he was OK. Burrage said. "I just tried to help him
She first gave him a sports drink, then out as much as possible."
some nutritional gel before a specta- More help came from the crowd in
tor handed over a bag of candy. the form of the chewy candy.
"Just tried to get him some sugar, gave "I definitely love a Percy Pig, that's
him a Gatorade and a gel. The gel is for sure," Burrage said. "I was just
not the nicest thing, so they managed like, 'This kid needs sugar.' He wasn't
to find some Percy Pigs somewhere liking the gel. I was like, 'Yeah, defi-
along the line in the crowd, which nitely need something else.' Someone
he got down and then started to feel just shouted on the side, 'Got some
better," Burrage said. "Hopefully he's sweets here if you want.' They were
feeling better now." Percy Pigs."
Burrage made her debut at Wimble-
The match was stopped for about 10 don last year and also lost in the first
minutes until the boy was helped off round. But she'll get another chance
court. this year in women's doubles. She
Unfortunately for the 23-year-old and Eden Silva will play their first
Burrage, her heroics didn't help her match later in the week.
in the match. She lost to Lesia Tsu-
renko 6-2, 6-3 on the opening day of "Really looking forward to that," Bur-
the tournament. rage said. "Hopefully I can get over
the line in that one."