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A30    world news
                       Diamars 28 Juni 2022

                          No sign of reprieve for 3 condemned by Ukraine separatists

                                                                      of  a  legitimate  military.  But  The UK, like all other coun-  vengeful  and  contemptuous
                                                                      their  advocates  claim  they  tries except Russia, does not  of international rule of law.
                                                                      were  enlisted  in  Ukraine's  recognize the DPR as a sov-
                                                                      regular army.                ereign state. Russia has said it  Is this an escalation?
                                                                                                   would consider an appeal of  Russia  and  Belarus  are  the
                                                                      Are their executions like-   the sentences;  it  is not  clear  only  European  countries  to
                                                                      ly?                          if Britain has contacted Mos-  retain the death penalty. Rus-
                                                                      Denis  Pushilin,  president  of  cow about the case. Saadoun's  sia has not carried out an ex-
                                                                      the  separatist  government,  family has called on Russian  ecution since 1996, and later
                                                                      appears firmly determined to  President Vladimir Putin for  declared  a  moratorium  on
                                                                      see through the sentence.    help, but it's unclear if there  applying capital punishment.
                                                                      "I certainly have the right to  have been formal contacts.  Ukraine  itself  abolished  the
                                                                      pardon. But as of now I see                               death  penalty  in  2000,  three
                                                                      none  of  the  prerequisites  to  What  are  the  implica-  years after conducting its last
                                                                      exercise  this  right,"  he  told  tions?                 execution. Latvia retained the
            (AP)  —  Less  than  two  out, possibly in early July, it  reporters  at  Russia's  St.  Pe-  Russia's  willingness  to  con-  death  penalty  for  wartime
            weeks  remain  for  two  likely  would  increase  ani-    tersburg  International  Eco-  sider  an  appeal  underlines  crimes until 2012.
            Britons  and  a  Moroccan  mosity  between  the  sides  in  nomic Forum. "Those people  its  influence  in  the  separat-
            to  appeal  the  death  sen-  the Ukraine conflict.       who came for money to kill  ist  governments  in  Donetsk  Belarus  recently  made  its
            tences  imposed  by  sepa-                                the  civilian  population  —  and  in  the  neighboring  Lu-  stance  more  severe  by  add-
            ratist forces that captured  Here's a look at the case and  women children, the elderly  hansk  region,  although  they  ing  "attempted  terrorism"  as
            them  during  fighting  in  its potential consequences:   — must bear the appropriate  are  viewed  as  sovereign  by  a capital crime — meaning it
            eastern Ukraine.             Who  are  the  condemned  punishment."                    Moscow.                      could be applied to exiled op-
                                         men?                         Russian  foreign  ministry  Applying the death sentence  position leaders such as Svi-
            With no obvious progress, or  A court in the DPR on June  spokeswoman  Maria  Zakha-   only to foreigners emphasiz-  atlana Tsikhanouskaya.
            even signs of official contacts,  9  sentenced  Britons  Aiden  rova  also  strongly  supported  es the frequent contention of
            the likelihood is growing that  Aslin and Shaun Pinner, and  the  sentences  at  the  same  the Kremlin and the separat-  It is unknown how the DPR
            the men will be shot by firing  Moroccan  Brahim  Saadoun,  forum,  saying:  "These  are  ists that Ukraine is in thrall to  intends to conduct the execu-
            squad,  a  conspicuous  move  to death by firing squad after  crimes against the Donbas ci-  Western countries and other  tions — whether in front of a
            even  in  a  corner  of  Europe  convicting them of terrorism  vilian population. War crimes  outside forces that they claim  few  witnesses,  open  to  gen-
            that has resisted the wave of  and  trying  to  overturn  con-  by  Ukrainian  national  radi-  are  determined  to  weaken  eral public view or in secret.
            abolishing  capital  punish-  stitutional  order.  They  were  cals and foreign mercenaries  both Russia as a country and  Belarus' procedure is notori-
            ment.                        allotted one month to appeal  will not go unpunished."    the  greater  concept  of  a  na-  ously callous — no execution
                                         the sentences.                                            tion  that  encompasses  all  date  is  announced  and  the
            The sentences handed down  The court claimed they were  A  lawyer  for  Aslin  said  the  Russian speakers.         prisoner  is  informed  of  his
            by the Donetsk People's Re-  fighting   as   mercenaries,  Briton  is  pessimistic  about                           imminent  death  only  about
            public  brought  wide  con-  which  would  exempt  them  his prospects, and that British  In turn, death sentences im-  two  minutes  before  being
            demnation  from  abroad  but  from  protections  observed  authorities have not contact-  posed  by  an  unrecognized  shot in the back of the head,
            were  supported  by  Russian  for  prisoners  of  war  who  ed the DPR about an appeal.  state  harden  Western  views  according to reports.
            officials;  if  they  are  carried  were  fighting  as  members                        of  Russia  and  its  clients  as

                           Credit Suisse fined for facilitating cocaine cash laundering

            (AP) — A Swiss court on  tion's  ability  to  protect  that  fall  of  communism,  "turned  The proceeds from the drug  year  of  challenges"  marked
            Monday  said  it  has  fined  $19  million  from  control  of  towards other sources of in-  sales, often in small denomi-  by bad bets on a hedge fund,
            Credit  Suisse  more  than  the  courts  was  also  found  come,  and  numerous  wres-  nation  notes,  entered  Swiss  set asides for legal costs and
            $2  million  for  failing  to  guilty, though the former em-  tlers  received  approaches  bank accounts from 2004 to  accounting changes due to its
            prevent  money  launder-     ployee's  fine  and  20-month  from  mafia  clans."  One  un-  at  least  2007  and  were  used  acquisition of a U.S. invest-
            ing  linked  to  a  Bulgarian  sentence were suspended.   identified  wrestler  aimed  to  to buy real estate in Bulgaria  ment bank over 20 years ago.
            criminal  organization  a                                 cash  in  by  trafficking  tons  and Switzerland.
            decade-and-a-half ago.       Prosecutors  said  the  un-  of  cocaine  through  "mules"                             The  bank  launched  a  new
                                         named  former  bank  em-     from  South  America  to  Eu-  In February, Credit Suisse re-  strategy  late  last  year  after  a
            The  court  also  ordered  the  ployee had helped to execute  rope by air and sea and then  ported  a  fourth-quarter  loss  string  of  setbacks  dented  its
            confiscation  of  the  equiva-  transactions for the organiza-  laundering the profits.  of 2 billion Swiss francs ($2.2  reputation.
            lent  of  more  than  $12  mil-  tion  between  July  2007  and                        billion)  as  it  wrapped  up  "a
            lion worth of deposits linked  December 2008, "despite the
            to  the  criminal  group  and  presence  of  concrete  indica-
            opened with Credit Suisse.   tions as to the criminal origin
                                         of the funds."
            The bank is also on the hook
            for a compensatory claim of  Two Bulgarian nationals were
            more than $19 million. That's  also found guilty of participa-
            the  amount  that  the  court  tion  in  a  criminal  organiza-
            said could not be confiscated  tion  and  aggravated  money
            due  to  the  bank's  internal  laundering  for  acts  commit-
            failures, which the court said  ted  between  May  2005  and
            had  encouraged  the  money  January 2009.
            laundering.                  The courts said it suspended
                                         the  sentences  and  fines  for
            Zurich-based  Credit  Suisse  some  of  the  individuals  in
            bank,  Switzerland's  second-  part  due  to  the  passage  of
            largest bank after rival UBS,  time since the alleged crimes
            said  it  will  appeal  the  deci-  took place.
                                         In  the  original  indictment,
            A former Credit Suisse em-   the  Swiss  attorney  general's
            ployee who prosecutors said  office  noted  how  top-level
            contributed  to  the  organiza-  athletes in Bulgaria, after the
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