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SPORTS Diabierna 18 September 2020
Jets' Darnold working to put dismal season debut behind him
(AP) — Sam Darnold's we can coach him better and
feet weren't right at times. make sure we put him in the
His arm misfired. And his right situations.”
mind seemed scattered. It That's on Loggains and par-
was an ugly opening game ticularly coach Adam Gase,
for the New York Jets who is expected to help Dar-
quarterback, and a per- nold improve this season.
formance that was alarm- Gase talked about trying to
ingly unexpected. get Darnold into more of
an early rhythm. But that
“For me, it’s little things,” might be a little more dif-
Darnold said. “It’s taking a ficult this week against the
deep breath, playing a little 49ers. Not only are running
slower, quieting my feet back Le'Veon Bell and wide
down. And then again, the receiver Denzel Mims on
little details that we can clean injured reserve, but leading
up in the run game and the receiver Jamison Crowder's
pass game. And again, like availability is uncertain after
I've said, they’re fixable.” he sat out practice Thursday
The thing is, the Jets need with a hamstring injury.
their quarterback to not only “For me, it’s just about doing
correct those things but not my job every play,” Darnold
make those same mistakes. said. “Really, whoever is out
The 23-year-old Darnold is there, you’ve just got to get
still considered by many in the ball to them, make sure
the organization the fran- Lawrence being there at No. with the franchise. Johnson day and Friday. that they need to be in the
chise-type quarterback the 1 next April could become called Darnold “the absolute “I think once you start work- right spot at the right time."
Jets believed he'd be when a difficult — and franchise- best” player he has seen at ing on another team, it’s easi- But with so many playmak-
they took him third overall in altering — decision the Jets turning the page and moving er to move on.” Darnold was ers out, the perception by
the 2018 draft. And that in- will have to make. on. And that's exactly what 21 of 35 for 215 yards with many is that Darnold simply
cludes Jets CEO Christopher the young QB is doing this a touchdown and an inter- doesn't have enough to work
Johnson, who spoke glow- Stick with Darnold? Or, al- week while preparing to face ception at Buffalo, but those with to succeed. Or at least to
ingly of Darnold this week. ready time to move on? San Francisco. numbers were largely padded be competitive.
“I have every confidence in Granted, it's one game into by a strong final drive. “That’s not true at all,” Dar-
Sam, I really do,” Johnson the season. But it's troubling “For me, it’s always just been nold insisted. “We have really
said. “I think we’re going to that some doubts have al- a one-week-at-a-time men- “Sam's been fine,” offensive good playmakers. Again, it’s
see him turn into that quar- ready crept in. To his credit, tality,” Darnold said. "And coordinator and quarterback about me getting the ball in
terback that we all expected Darnold shouldered the then obviously learn from coach Dowell Loggains said. their hands and making sure
shortly. I really do. I think blame for the 27-17 loss af- the game on Monday and “He was looking forward that they can run after the
he’s an absolutely sterling ter the game and the next few then Tuesday, even Monday after the tough game offen- catch.”
quarterback.” But Darnold days after it. He has the quali- night, start watching tape sively to getting back in the Darnold knows he needs to
can't have many more games ties of a team leader, beyond of the Niners, get ready for film room and making sure lead the way.
like he did Sunday at Buf- the captain's “C” on his jer- a great Tuesday, start get- we corrected all the things we “Really good couple days of
falo. Not in Year 3. Other- sey. Darnold simply needs to ting ready again, continue to needed to correct. We talked practice here to get ready for
wise, New York will contin- be better — and consistently watch tape of the Niners and about the things we did well, the Niners,” Darnold said.
ue to lose and the prospect of good — to dispel any of the then have a great couple of the things we didn't do well, “It's obviously, a good test for
Clemson quarterback Trevor uncertainty about his future practices Wednesday, Thurs- the lack of execution, how us. We’re ready to roll.”
Chiefs fan at season opener tests positive for virus
(AP) — Ten fans who at- place showed the people in-
tended the Kansas City volved were wearing masks
Chiefs game last week when they entered the sta-
have been told to quaran- dium, as required by the or-
tine after one fan tested ganization.
positive for COVID-19,
Kansas City health offi- The contact tracing allowed
cials announced Thurs- the team to identify those
day. sitting with the infected per-
son, service staff who might
A person who watched the have had contact with the
game from the group’s box person, and others near the
in Arrowhead Stadium’s person when he or she en-
lower level tested positive tered the stadium, the team
the day after the game, the said.
health department said.
The health department and The Chiefs opened the NFL
Chiefs organization worked season last week against
together to track down those the Houston Texans with
who had contact with the only 22% capacity — about
person. 17,000 fans — at Arrow-
head. Fans were required to
The Chiefs said in a state- wear masks and social dis-
ment Thursday that contact tance and other safety pre-
tracing protocols it had in cautions were in place.