Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200918
P. 30

              Diabierna 18 September 2020

                          Justice minister accuses EU of 'attack' on Polish democracy

            (AP)  —  Poland's  justice                                                                                          national  laws  that  have  in-
            minister  accused  the  Eu-                                                                                         creased political control over
            ropean  Union  of  waging                                                                                           the  courts  and  official  pro-
            an "attack on democracy"                                                                                            nouncements  against  LGBT
            after the European Parlia-                                                                                          rights.
            ment  passed  a  resolution                                                                                         The debate came after a Span-
            criticizing  lax  adherence                                                                                         ish lawmaker, Juan Fernando
            to the rule of law and dis-                                                                                         López Aguilar, prepared a re-
            crimination against wom-                                                                                            port  on  fundamental  rights
            en, LGBT people and mi-                                                                                             in Poland. He said Thursday
            norities  in  the  EU  mem-                                                                                         that  Polish  authorities  "con-
            ber-state.                                                                                                          tinue to operate in contempt
                                                                                                                                of the European legal order."
            Justice  Minister  Zbigniew                                                                                         "The  broad  support  for  this
            Ziobro  called  the  resolution                                                                                     report is the best response to
            "absurd"  and  an  assault  on                                                                                      the allegations about a 'leftist
            the "true rule of law" and said                                                                                     conspiracy,'"  López  Aguilar
            Poland would fight efforts to                                                                                       said.  "What  the  Polish  gov-
            cut the country's EU funding                                                                                        ernment has forgotten is that
            over the allegations.                                                                                               democracy is not about ma-
            Ziobro said the EU was try-                                                                                         jority rule, but about respect-
            ing to impose its agenda and  Hungary in recent years have  need to mend Poland's justice  lution  on  Poland  this  week,  ing  EU  law,  pluralism,  the
            values on Poland while disre-  become  challenges  for  the  system. He insisted Warsaw's  expressed concerns regarding  right to dissent and protect-
            specting  the  majority  views  bloc, with many other Euro-  explanations are bringing re-  the  legislative  and  electoral  ing minorities."
            in  the  largely  conservative  pean countries now critical of  sults and he sees a "change in  system, the independence of  The head of the EU's execu-
            and Roman Catholic nation.   what they see as backsliding.  the  temperature"  in  discus-  the judiciary and fundamen-  tive  arm,  European  Com-
            The  minister  said  both  Po-  Poland's Prime Minister Ma-  sions with the EU on the sub-  tal rights. The resolution was  mission  President  Ursula
            land and fellow EU member  teusz Morawiecki, on a visit  ject. His Lithuanian counter-  adopted  on  a  513-148  vote,  von der Leyen, in her first S
            Hungary "are a constant tar-  to Lithuania, said his govern-  part, Saulius Skvernelis, said  with 33 abstentions.  tate of the Union address on
            get of leftist attacks."     ment  had  "no  major  issues"  Lithuania will never back any  It followed a debate on Mon-  Wednesday, also strongly de-
            Once considered models for  with Brussels, but that there  sanctions on Poland and en-  day in which the Polish gov-  nounced  the  stigmatization
            a democratic transition from  is  a  certain  'lack  of  under-  couraged more dialogue.   ernment  faced  strong  criti-  of LGBT people by authori-
            communist rule, Poland and  standing"  by  the  EU  of  the  EU lawmakers, in their reso-  cism,  particularly  over  new  ties in Poland.

                           Belarus president closes some borders, puts army on alert

                                                            today  in  front  of  this  hall  of  the  most  beautiful,  thousands of people, including European ambas-
                                                            advanced, patriotic people I want to appeal to the  sadors, laying flowers there.
                                                            peoples of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine — stop  After the initial broad crackdown on protests, Be-
                                                            your crazy politicians, don't let war break out! "  larusian authorities changed tactics and tried to end
                                                            He did not mention neighboring Latvia, which like  displays of dissent with the selective detentions of
                                                            Poland and Lithuania is a NATO member.           demonstrators and the jailing of opposition leaders.
                                                            Earlier Thursday, the main opposition candidate in  The  U.S.  and  the  EU  have  criticized  the  presi-
                                                            the  disputed  presidential  election  said  that  activ-  dential election as neither free nor fair, and urged
                                                            ists are compiling a list of law enforcement officers  Lukashenko to start talks with the opposition — a
                                                            who  were  allegedly  involved  in  violence  against  call he has rejected. Washington and Brussels have
                                                            protesters denouncing the results of the vote.   been  pondering  sanctions  against  Belarusian  of-
                                                            Nearly 7,000 people were detained and hundreds  ficials for alleged vote-rigging and the violent re-
                                                            were brutally beaten by police during the first sev-  sponse to protests.
                                                            eral days of post-election protests.             On  Thursday,  the  European  Parliament  over-
                                                            Lukashenko's  main  challenger  in  the  election,  whelmingly passed a resolution rejecting the offi-
                                                            former English teacher and political novice Sviat-  cial election results and saying it would not recog-
                                                            lana Tsikhanouskaya, said "we have been given the  nize Lukashenko as the legitimate president once
            (AP)  —  Belarus'  president,  beleaguered  by  names  of  those  who  were  beating  and  torturing  his current term expires Nov. 5.
            six  weeks  of  mass  protests  demanding  his  people. We are preparing a list of officials and law  Belarus' foreign ministry responded strongly, say-
            resignation, on Thursday announced he was  enforcement officers who have taken part in law-      ing: "We are disappointed that the European Parlia-
            putting troops on high alert and closing the  less repressions."                                 ment, positioning itself as a serious, objective and
            country's borders with Poland and Lithuania.  Human rights groups are working with opposition  democratic structure, could not find the political
                                                            activists to identify the officers and officials, Tsikh-  will  to  look  beyond  its  nose,  overcome  one-sid-
            President Alexander Lukashenko's decision under-  anouskaya said, adding that the list will be shared  edness and not become a hostage to conventional
            lines his repeated claim that the wave of protests is  with the United States, the European Union and  cliches."
            driven by the West. He faces increasing criticism  Russia.                                       Russia,  Lukashenko's  main  ally  and  sponsor,  has
            from the United States and the European Union.  Tsikhanouskaya, who left for Lithuania in the wake  maintained  staunch  support  for  the  Belarusian
            Protests began after the Aug. 9 presidential election  of the election under pressure from Belarusian au-  leader. Moscow announced this week it would of-
            that official results say gave the authoritarian leader  thorities, said the opposition will name the list in  fer a new $1.5 billion loan to his government.
            a  sixth  term  in  office;  opponents  say  the  results  honor  of  Alexander  Taraikovsky,  a  protester  who  Polish  Prime  Minister  Mateusz  Morawiecki  said
            were manipulated.                               died in Minsk the day after the election as police  Friday during a trip to Lithuania that the two coun-
            "We are forced to withdraw troops from the streets,  dispersed peaceful demonstrators.           tries — both Belarus' neighbors — will continue to
            put the army on high alert and close the state bor-  Authorities initially said an explosive device Tarai-  offer medical and material assistance to Belarusians
            der on the west, primarily with Lithuania and Po-  kovsky intended to throw at police blew up in his  who were hurt and persecuted during the protests.
            land," Lukashenko said at a women's forum.      hands and killed him. However, Associated Press  He argued that the EU and international lenders
            Lukashenko also said Belarus' border with Ukraine  video showed he was not holding any explosives  should  offer  at  least  1  billion  euros  in  economic
            would be strengthened.                          when he fell to the ground, his shirt bloodied.  support for Belarus and its businesses.
            "I don't want my country to be at war. Moreover,  Belarusian  authorities  later  acknowledged  that  "It is crucial for Europe to be aware of how im-
            I don't want Belarus and Poland, Lithuania to turn  Taraikovsky  might  have  been  killed  by  a  rubber  portant a free and sovereign Belarus is for the se-
            into a theater of military operations where our is-  bullet.  The  street  in  the  capital  of  Minsk  where  curity  and  the  welfare  of  our  entire  continent,"
            sues  will  not  be  resolved,"  he  said.  "Therefore,  Taraikovsky died turned into a pilgrimage site, with  Morawiecki said.
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