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u.s. news Diabierna 18 September 2020
US judge blocks Postal Service changes that slowed mail
(AP) — A U.S. judge on said. He also said the changes
Thursday blocked con- created “a substantial pos-
troversial Postal Service sibility many voters will be
changes that have slowed disenfranchised.” Bastian, an
mail nationwide, calling appointee of former Presi-
them “a politically moti- dent Barack Obama, said he
vated attack on the effi- planned to issue a written or-
ciency of the Postal Ser- der later in the day, but that
vice” before the Novem- it would be substantially the
ber election. same as that sought by the
states. Following a national
Judge Stanley Bastian in Yaki- uproar, Postmaster General
ma, Washington, said he was Louis DeJoy, a major donor
issuing a nationwide prelimi- to President Donald Trump
nary injunction sought by 14 and the GOP, announced he
states that sued the Trump was suspending some chang-
administration and the U.S. es — including the removal
Postal Service. of iconic blue mailboxes in
The states challenged the many cities and the decom- also said the changes inter- Service has done,” Borson of pieces of mail that would
Postal Service's so-called missioning of mail process- fered with their constitu- said. “The states are accus- otherwise arrive on-time no
“leave behind” policy, where ing machines. But other tional authority to administer ing us of making changes we longer are.
trucks have been leaving post- changes remained in place, their elections. At the hear- have not in fact made.” They also noted some of the
al facilities on time regardless and the states — including ing, Justice Department at- Voters who are worried about effects the changes had al-
of whether there is more mail the battlegrounds of Michi- torney Joseph Borson sought their ballots being counted ready wrought: Michigan
to load. They also sought to gan, Wisconsin and Nevada to assure the judge that the “can simply promptly drop spent $2 million earlier this
force the Postal Service to — asked the court to block Postal Service would handle their ballots in the mail,” he year on envelopes that met
treat election mail as First them. The states sought to election mail promptly, not- said, and states can help by election mail standards —
Class mail. The judge noted have the “leave behind” pol- ing that a surge of ballots in mailing registration form or only to learn that the Postal
after a hearing that Trump icy revoked; election mail the mail would pale in com- absentee ballots early. Service wouldn’t treat them
had repeatedly attacked vot- treated as First Class mail parison to increases from, say, Borson also insisted that the as first class mail. In Madison,
ing by mail by making un- rather than as slower-moving holiday cards. states also were required to Wisconsin, the number of
founded claims that it is rife categories; the reinstallation bring their challenge not in ballots that weren’t counted
with fraud. Many more vot- of any mail processing ma- He also said slow-downs court, but before the Postal because they arrived late for
ers are expected to vote by chines needed to ensure the caused by the “leave behind” Regulatory Commission it- the August primary doubled
mail this November because prompt handling of election policy had gotten better since self — even though by law from the August 2018 prima-
of the COVID-19 pandemic, mail; and that the court hold it was first implemented, and the commission has 90 days ry. The other states suing in-
and the states have expressed DeJoy to his promise to sus- that the Postal Service in real- to respond. Bastian rejected clude Washington, Colorado,
concern that delays might re- pend other changes. ity had made no changes with that notion, saying there was Connecticut, Illinois, Mary-
sult in voters not receiving Led by Washington Attorney regard to how it classifies and no time for that with the elec- land, Minnesota, New Mex-
ballots or registration forms General Bob Ferguson, the processes election mail. De- tion just seven weeks away. ico, Oregon, Rhode Island,
in time. states said the Postal Service Joy has repeatedly insisted The states conceded that Vermont and Virginia — all
made the changes without that processing election mail mail delays have eased since led by Democratic attorneys
“The states have demon- first bringing them to the remains the organization's the service cuts first created general. Pennsylvania is lead-
strated the defendants are Postal Regulatory Commis- top priority. a national uproar in July, but ing a separate multistate law-
involved in a politically moti- sion for public comment and “There's been a lot of confu- they said on-time deliveries suit over the changes, and
vated attack on the efficiency an advisory opinion, as re- sion in the briefing and in the remain well below their pri- New York and Montana have
of the Postal Service," Bastian quired by federal law. They press about what the Postal or levels, meaning millions filed their own challenges.
First lady promotes Trump's approach to opioid crisis in NH
(AP) — First lady Melania November. programs for babies born said combating opioid abuse drugs in the womb. Car-
Trump used her first solo trip with neonatal abstinence syn- is one of the “three pillars of roll said the administration’s
outside Washington since The first lady toured Con- drome. Mrs. Trump, who has my Be Best initiative.” She goal is to “reduce the supply
before the start of the coro- cord Hospital in New Hamp- focused many of her public also touted her husband’s ad- of drugs on the street, to try
navirus pandemic to show- shire’s capital city with James efforts on health issues such ministration’s release of $1.5 to give these people a chance
case a piece of her “Be Best” Carroll, director of the Office as the nation’s opioid crisis, billion to states and tribes to to put their hand up and say
youth well-being initiative of National Drug Control tweeted earlier in the day that address the crisis. ‘I’m here.'”
on Thursday in a state her Policy, in an effort to high- the appearance was a nod to “Be Best encourages the cre-
husband is hoping to win in light the hospital’s treatment Recovery Month. ation of a safer, healthier and Melania Trump also deliv-
more hopeful world for our ered 20 fleece “Be Best” blan-
The appearance came during children,” Mrs. Trump said. kets to the hospital’s special
the stretch run of the presi- “And thanks to my husband case nursery.
dential election, in which and this administration, we The opioid crisis has hit New
President Donald Trump are doing exactly that.” Hampshire hard. The state
needs to pick up swing states had nearly 36 drug overdose
like New Hampshire to win The first lady wore a face deaths per 100,000 residents
reelection. Trump lost the mask for the entirety of her in 2018. That was one of the
state to Democratic nomi- appearance at the hospital. six highest rates in the coun-
nee Hillary Clinton by fewer The tour included a round- try.
than 3,000 votes in 2016. table discussion with Carroll The first lady also made a
It was the second narrow- and hospital officials, and a stop at the Manchester Fire
est margin of victory in the tour of the hospital’s Simula- Department Central Station,
election. Only Michigan was tion Center, which included where she and the president
closer, and Trump won that activities designed to help visited in 2018.
state. During Thursday’s ap- provide comfort to babies
pearance, Melania Trump born after being exposed to