Page 24 - bon-dia-aruba-20200918
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Diabierna 18 September 2020 suerte/servicio

            Ta e turno pa comunidad vota pa e heroe premia pa CIBC First Caribbean

            Cu  aproximadamente  100  nominacion  ricibi  den  re-                                                              Caribbean since 1836.
            gion, aworaki ta turno di comunidad pa yuda nos scoge
            e heroe den nos comunidad na Aruba.                                                                                 CIBC  FirstCaribbean  is  a
                                                                                                                                member of the CIBC Group.
            “ Den e ultimo siman nan nos a ricibi varios nominacion ilus-                                                       CIBC is a leading Canadian-
            trando esunnan eherciendo nan trabou cu curashi y boluntad                                                          based global financial institu-
            den e lucha contra Covid-19 haciendo esaki nan mision di tur                                                        tion with 11 million personal
            dia “ a remarca Sra. Debra King, Director of Corporate Com-                                                         banking and business clients.
            munications, CIBC First Caribbean.                                                                                  Through  our  three  major
            “Aworaki  den  nos  segundo  fase  di  nos  iniciativa,  nos  kier                                                  business  units  -  Retail  and
            comparti storia nan di nominado nan cu ta inspira esunnan                                                           Business  Banking,  Wealth
            rond di nan y asina dunando e chens  pa describi y deposita                                                         Management  and  Capital
            nan voto. Nos ta spera cu publico por wordo inspira cu tur e                                                        Markets - CIBC offers a full
            storia nan cu nos a ricibi” Senora King a añadi.                                                                    range of products and servic-
            Apenas un luna pasa, banco a lansa e iniciativa aki regional cu                                                     es through its comprehensive
            meta pa identifica e heroe cu a sa di briya den e momento nan                                                       electronic  banking  network,
            mas scur y dificil cu crisis di Covid 19 ta trece cun’e.                                                            branches  and  offices  across
            Pa e mercado di Aruba e top 3 nominado nan a keda den per-                                                          Canada  with  offices  in  the
            sona di Sr. Angelo Anthonij di 35 aña diservicio medico, Sra.                                                       United States and around the
            Noëlia  Khalil  di  26  aña  den  servicio  medico  y  Sra.  Wilma                                                  world.
            Boek di 44 Aña den servicio medico.
            Pa  vota  pa  e  heroe  di  e  iniciativa“  First  caribbean  Unsung                                                For more information about
            Frontline Heroe” mester log in riba nos website www.cibcf-                                                          CIBC  FirstCaribbean,  visit
  , Facebook y Instagram.                                                                            ,    Face-
            E periodo di votacion lo termina 26 di September 2020 y e ga-                                                       book, Twitter , LinkedIn, In-
            nador lo wordo anuncia na fin di luna di September 2020. Ga-                                                        stagram or YouTube.
            nado lo ricibi un E-check di US$2,000 pa un staycation den
            un hotel di su escogencia personal.  Ta encurasha comunidad                                                         Media contact:
            pa haci nan votacion riba website menciona pa asina elogia un                                                       Debra  King,  Director  of
            heroe local den un manera special.                                                                                  Corporate     Communica-
                                                                                                                                tions, CIBC FirstCaribbean,
            About CIBC FirstCaribbean                                                                                           Barbados  Head Office; tele-
            CIBC  FirstCaribbean  is  a  relationship  bank  offering  a  full   also  have  an  office  in  Hong  bean  intends  to  lead  these   phone:  246  367  2248;  fax:
            range of market leading financial services through our Cor-  Kong.  The  face  of  banking  changes  with  the  expertise,   246 421 7148 and email: deb-
            porate and Investment Banking, Retail and Business Banking   is  changing  throughout  the  integrity   and   knowledge
            and Wealth Management segments. We are located in sixteen   world and CIBC FirstCarib-  gained  from  banking  in  the
            (16) countries around the Caribbean, providing the banking
            services that fit our customers’ lives through approximately
            3,000 employees in 68 branches and offices. We are one of the
            largest regionally listed financial services institutions in the   Resultado Sorteo
            English and Dutch speaking Caribbean, with over US$11 bil-   september 17, 2020
            lion in assets and market capitalization of US $2 billion.  We

                                                                             Cadena Alexander Lottery ta presenta resultado di weganan di suerte
                                                                                                            Prome           Segundo           Tercer
                                                                                                            premio           premio           premio
                                                                                  Diario                    4345             5379             7816

                                                                                  Korsou                    7937             5415             8851

                                                                                  super4                    6236

                                                                                   Lotto CatoChi            8112             0827             8434

                                                                                   wega anoChi              0691             6987             9873

                                                                                   Big4                     0394

                                                                                   wega anoChi              9394

                                                                                   1 oFF                    8483

                                                                                   wega anoChi               7770

                                                                                   ZoDiaC                   5189                   aquario

                                                                                   wega anoChi              9158                     LiBra

                                                                                   Lotto Di Dia              10-11-20-25-26                  1x match4

                                                                                                      Afl. 52,000                            114x Afl.8
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29