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A28     u.s. news
              Diabierna 18 September 2020

                                            Trump's big distortions on mail-in voting

                                                                                                                                pivotal  states,  who  are  will-
                                                                                                                                ing  to  conspire  with  a  for-
                                                                                                                                eign  government  and  risk
                                                                                                                                detection  and  prosecution.
                                                                                                                                Far easier and cheaper would
                                                                                                                                be  a  social  media  campaign
                                                                                                                                seeking to discourage certain
                                                                                                                                groups  of  people  from  vot-
                                                                                                                                ing,  which  is  something  the
                                                                                                                                FBI has warned about. Or a
                                                                                                                                cyberattack on voter registra-
                                                                                                                                tion  data  that  would  elimi-
                                                                                                                                nate  certain  voters  from  the
                                                                                                                                rolls. That could cause havoc
                                                                                                                                at  polling  places  or  election
                                                                                                                                offices as officials attempt to
                                                                                                                                count  ballots  from  people
                                                                                                                                who are “missing” from their
                                                                                                                                voter databases.
                                                                                                                                Attorney  General  Bill  Barr
                                                                                                                                has raised the possibility that
                                                                                                                                a  “foreign  country  could
                                                                                                                                print  up  tens  of  thousands
                                                                                                                                of  counterfeit  ballots.”  He
                                                                                                                                argued  they  would  be  hard
                                                                                                                                to detect, but that’s been dis-
                                                                                                                                puted  by  election  experts.
                                                                                                                                Mail-in  ballots  are  printed
                                                                                                                                on special paper and must be
                                                                                                                                formatted  correctly  in  order
                                                                                                                                to be processed and counted.
                                                                                                                                Ballots  are  specific  to  each
                                                                                                                                precinct,  often  with  a  long
                                                                                                                                list of local races, and would
                                                                                                                                be identified as fraudulent if
                                                                                                                                everything didn’t match pre-

                                                                                                                                  “The  Governor  of  Nevada
                                                                                                                                worked  very  hard  to  cancel
                                                                                                                                all of our venues. Despite the
            (AP)-   President   Donald  to  vote  through  the  mail  or  THE FACTS: It's highly un-  that  mail  ballots  in  certain   fact that he controls the state,
            Trump on Thursday contin-    in  person.  Four  other  states  likely that any chaos in states  states such as Florida, a must-  he  failed,  but  would  have
            ued  his  months  long  cam-  and the District of Columbia  with universal mail-in voting  win state for him are fine and   rather  done  rally  outside.
            paign  against  mail-in  voting  will be adopting that system  will cause the election result  safe.  But  mail-in  ballots  are   Can  you  imagine  this  man
            this  November  by  tweeting  in November, as will almost  to “never be accurately deter-  cast in the same way as what   is in charge ... of the Ballots
            critically  about  the  practice,  every  county  in  Montana.  mined."  The  five  states  that  Trump  refers  to  as  “absen-  in Nevada!? Not fair, Rigged
            building  on  complaints  he  Election  officials  note  that,  already  have  such  balloting  tee”  mail  ballots,  with  the   Election!” — tweets Monday.
            has made all week. The presi-  by registering to vote, people  have  had  time  to  ramp  up  same  level  of  scrutiny  such   The facts:
            dent has recently been trying  are  effectively  requesting  a  their systems, while four new  as  signature  verification  in   He's  making  a  baseless
            to distinguish between states  ballot,  so  it  makes  no  sense  states  adopting  it  —  Cali-  many states. In court filings,   charge.
            that  automatically  send  mail  to  call  the  materials  sent  to  fornia,  New  Jersey,  Nevada  the Trump campaign has ac-  Trump singled out Nevada’s
            ballots  to  all  registered  vot-  them “unsolicited.”   and Vermont — have not. Of  knowledged that mail-in and   Democratic Gov. Steve Siso-
            ers and those that make vot-  More broadly speaking, voter  those  nine  states,  only  Ne-  absentee ballots are legally in-  lak  for  his  ire  after  Sisolak
            ers request a mail ballot, but  fraud has proved exceedingly  vada is a battleground, worth  terchangeable terms.   criticized Trump’s recent in-
            even there he’s badly distort-  rare. The Brennan Center for  only  six  electoral  votes  and  States  nationwide  expect  a   door rally in a Las Vegas sub-
            ed the practice. A look at his  Justice in 2017 ranked the risk  only likely to be pivotal in an  surge  in  mail-in  voting  due   urb  for  violating  the  state’s
            statements and the facts:    of ballot fraud at 0.00004% to  absolute national presidential  to  the  ongoing  coronavirus   large-scale  ban  on  indoor
            TRUMP: “The big Unsolic-     0.0009%,  based  on  studies  deadlock. The others, includ-  threat.                   gatherings.  But  there’s  one
            ited Ballot States should give  of  past  elections.  In  the  five  ing the District of Columbia,                  problem — Sisolak is not in
            it  up  NOW,  before  it  is  too  states that regularly send bal-  are  overwhelmingly  Demo-                      charge of the ballots in Ne-
            late, and ask people to go to  lots  to  all  voters,  there  have  cratic and likely to be won by  Trump:          vada.  The  secretary  of  state
            the  Polling  Booths  and,  like  been no major cases of fraud  that party’s nominee, former  “Unsolicited  Ballots  are  un-  runs that state’s new all-mail
            always  before,  VOTE.  Oth-  or  difficulty  counting  the  Vice President Joe Biden.  controllable,  totally  open  to   election.  Her  name  is  Bar-
            erwise,  MAYHEM!!!  Solic-   votes.                       The main states that are be-  ELECTION  INTERFER-         bara  Cegavske,  and  she  is  a
            ited  Ballots  (absentee)  are                            ing  contested  —  Arizona,  ENCE by foreign countries,   Republican.
            OK." — tweet Thursday.       Trump:                       Florida,  Michigan,  North  and will lead to massive cha-
                                         “Because of the new and un-  Carolina,  Pennsylvania  and  os and confusion!” — tweet   Trump’s campaign is suing to
            The facts:                   precedented massive amount  Wisconsin — only send mail  Thursday.                      overturn  new  all-mail-ballot
            Trump  is  vastly  overstating  of  unsolicited  ballots  which  ballots to voters who request  THE FACTS: Mail-in ballots   rules  in  Nevada  and  Mon-
            the  potential  for  “mayhem”  will  be  sent  to  ‘voters’,  or  them.  Trump  said  Thursday  aren’t the biggest risk for for-  tana, where Democratic Gov.
            and  fraud  in  “big  unsolicit-  wherever, this year, the Nov  that  such  “solicited”  ballots  eign interference.  Steve  Bullock  said  counties
            ed ballot states." There is no  3rd  Election  result  may  are absolutely “OK.”       Trying to influence a federal   could send mail ballots to all
            such thing as an “unsolicited”  NEVER BE ACCURATELY                                    election through mail-in bal-  voters and 46 of the state’s 56
            ballot.  Five  states  routinely  DETERMINED,  which  is  Trump    frequently   blasts  lots  would  probably  mean   have.
            send  ballots  to  all  registered  what  some  want.”  —  tweet  mail-in voting as flawed and  paying  thousands  of  U.S.
            voters  so  they  can  choose  Thursday.                  fraudulent  while  insisting  citizens, carefully selected in
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