Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-20210909
P. 28
a28 obituario/u.s. news
Diahuebs 9 september 2021
California recall vote offers test of Biden
political clout
(AP) — President Joe Biden
has been beset by public
Señor ta mi wardador health, military and climate
pues mi’n tin falta di nada. crises in the past month. Not
Den cunucu di yerba berde much time has been left for
E ta ponemi sosega. a potential political disaster
E ta hibami na awa trankil brewing for his party in Cali-
pa mi bolbe haña forza. fornia.
Cu inmenso dolor na nos curazon pero With a week to spare, the White
agradecido pa tur locual ela nifica pa nos, nos ta House is diving into the Califor-
anuncia fayecimento di: nia gubernatorial recall election,
coming to Democratic Gov.
Gavin Newsom’s aid with vis-
its from Vice President Kamala
Harris and then Biden himself
to try to alleviate lingering con-
cerns about Democratic turnout
in the unusual September vote. It’s hard to overstate Biden’s
Barring the polls, the main popularity in California — he
Harris will campaign in the state concern for Newsom remains won the state with nearly 64% of
with Newsom on Wednesday getting Democratic base vot- the vote in 2020. And according
after a previously planned visit ers engaged and aware that they to the PPIC poll, 58% of Cali-
was nixed due to the chaos sur- need to turn out for an unusu- fornians approve of Biden’s job
rounding the Afghanistan with- ally timed election, according to as president. Harris, meanwhile,
drawal. And Biden himself is Kyle Kondick, a nonpartisan po- remains one of the highest-
Marco Ismael Bislip expected to visit the state early litical analyst at the University profile Democrats in Califor-
mihor conoci como: “Ismael” next week, ahead of Tuesday’s of Virginia. nia, where she still maintains a
election. home.
Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues! “The main problem for New-
For Biden it’s a chance to flex his som is making sure that Demo- But Biden and Harris have faced
political muscle in a state where cratic turnout is robust enough criticism from some within the
both he and Harris remain to save him,” Kondick said. progressive Democratic base,
popular. The outcome also will a subset of the party that also
provide a test of Biden’s clout “One way to do that is to bring remains somewhat disenchant-
after a difficult August and in in high-profile surrogates who ed with Newsom. And even
advance of the 2022 midterms, will get a lot of news coverage, if Newsom wins, a tight race
when control of Congress and and will help spread the word could signal trouble ahead for
more than half of the nation’s about the fact that the recall is Biden in next year’s midterms.
governorships are up for grabs. happening. And from a Demo-
cratic perspective, it’s hard to Every voter in California has
Harris and Biden are hoping to find two people better than Vice already received a ballot, and
help bolster Newsom’s chance President Kamala Harris, who’s they’ll have to answer two ques-
Mi Dios, Mi Señor, Mi Salbador to survive an unpredictable re- from California herself, and, of tions: First, whether they believe
Cu Bo amor infinito tenemi den Bo braza call effort in a state that remains course, the president.” the governor should be recalled,
Ya no tin scuridad key to advancing Biden’s agenda and then, who should replace
Unicamente Bo Luz briyando at the state and national level. Biden has already campaigned him. Voters will choose from a
for Virginia Democratic guber- list of 46 replacement candidates
Cu dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia natorial candidate Terry McAu- — many of them unknown,
fayecimento di nos ser stima: Benenson noted that beyond liffe, who faces election in No- but others with some recogni-
the political implications for the vember. In Ohio’s 11th Con- tion, including conservative talk
Democratic Party of losing a gu- gressional District Democratic show host Larry Elder, who has
bernatorial seat, the outcome of primary for a special House emerged as the GOP frontrun-
the recall could have an effect election this November, winner ner. With so many candidates
on the makeup of the Senate, if Shontel Brown painted oppo- dividing those ballots, if the re-
Democratic Sen. Dianne Fein- nent Nina Turner as anti-Biden call effort succeeds, it’s possible
stein’s seat opens up — leaving to pull out a surprise victory. a candidate could win with 25%
her replacement to be appointed or less of the vote.
by the governor. White House officials say to ex-
pect both Biden and Harris to Republicans have gone after
While reliable polling has been keep a robust campaign sched- Newsom for his handling of the
scarce in the race, a recent sur- ule when the midterm elections COVID-19 pandemic and the
vey from the Public Policy Insti- heat up next year. state’s economy, with business
tute of California, conducted in owners and parents expressing
late August, showed more likely But the outcome of the Cali- frustration over long-lasting re-
voters would vote no than yes fornia gubernatorial recall will strictions on businesses, mask
on removing Newsom, 58% to offer an early test of whether mandates and school closures.
39%. Biden maintains his political In contrast, Newsom has sought
Sra. Miriam Filomena Corsen-Geerman potency after a tough August, to nationalize the recall cam-
*15-08-1948 - †08 september 2021 Among all likely voters, wheth- during which his national poll paign, tying the effort to restric-
er they would keep Newsom or numbers took a hit after the tive voting laws passed by Re-
Ta invita pa asisti na acto di entiero cu lo tuma not, about half say they do not rocky U.S. withdrawal from Af- publican legislatures and warn-
lugar diasabra 11 september 2021 for di 9’or pa have a preference on a replace- ghanistan and rising COVID-19 ing during a campaign event last
11’or di mainta na Royal Funeral Home. ment candidate or do not know rates drew headlines. weekend that “we did not defeat
Despues lo sali pa santana catolico di St.Cruz. their preference. Trumpism” in 2020.