Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210909
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A30    world news
                Diahuebs 9 september 2021

                          Ministers say Egyptian gas to reach crisis-hit Lebanon soon

                                                                                                   “It  is  almost  ready.  Some
                                                                                                   things  here  and  there  need  The Arab cooperation to de-
                                                                                                   fixing,” she said.           liver gas to Lebanon through
                                                                                                                                Syria represents a significant
                                                                                                   Egyptian   energy   minis-   thawing of relations between
                                                                                                   ter  Tarek  Mullah  said  some  the war-ravaged country and
                                                                                                   clauses  in  the  deal  will  also  its  neighbors,  most  of  who
                                                                                                   need  reviewing.  He  didn’t  had either cut diplomatic ties
                                                                                                   elaborate.                   or  limited  relations  to  secu-
                                                                                                                                rity collaboration during the
                                                                                                   “We  put  a  roadmap  with  10-year civil war.
                                                                                                   the  ministers  and  technical
                                                                                                   teams. In the coming weeks  The  Syrian  government  of
                                                                                                   we will confirm that all that  Bashar  Assad  is  under  U.S.
                                                                                                   is  ready  to  be  able  to  pump  and western sanctions for its
                                                                                                   the gas at the soonest possible  role in the brutal war, which
                                                                                                   opportunity,” he said.       has left nearly half a million
                                                                                                   Ghajar  said  the  World  Bank  killed  and  disappeared  and
                                                                                                   will offer partial risk guaran-  nearly half of the population
                                                                                                   tees to ensure that the com-  displaced.
                                                                                                   mercial  deal  goes  through.
                                                                                                   He  didn’t  say  how  much  it  Despite  the  sanctions,  the
                                                                                                   will  cost  but  said  Lebanon  U.S.  has  supported  the  re-
                                                                                                   is  working  with  the  World  sumption of natural gas from
                                                                                                   Bank to secure the deal.     Egypt to Lebanon via Syria.
            (AP)  —  Egyptian  natural  reviving  the  Arab  gas  pipe-  electricity  in  the  country’s
            gas should reach Lebanon  line to deliver Egyptian gas to  only  natural  gas  plant,  in  Lebanon  is  witnessing  an  Syrian  Oil  Minister  Bassam
            through Jordan and Syria  Lebanon comes as the small  northern Lebanon.                economic  crisis  described  Tomeh  said  the  Syrian  grid,
            soon  after  maintenance  country  is  reeling  from  a  Speaking  at  a  news  confer-  as  one  of  the  world’s  worst  which had been damaged and
            of  pipelines  and  the  re-  crippling energy crisis.    ence with the three ministers  since the 1850s. Shortages of  sabotaged in the recent years,
            view of a deal interrupted                                in Amman, Jordanian energy  medicine, fuel and basic sup-  has been fixed and is part of
            10-years ago are finalized  Lebanese  Energy  Minister  minister Hala al-Zawati said  plies have often brought the  the  national  grid.  But  tech-
            by  early  October,  minis-  Raymond  Ghajar  said  the  the  infrastructure  to  resume  country  to  standstill,  while  nical teams are ensuring it is
            ters  of  the  four  countries  World  Bank  would  help  his  gas flow to Lebanon needed  political  disagreements  have  ready for use.
            said Wednesday.              cash-strapped   government  checks after a 10-year hiatus.  foiled efforts to form a gov-
                                         guarantee  payment  for  the  These should be finished in  ernment to negotiate a rescue  “God willing, we will support
            There is no date yet for when  gas, which is expected to help  three weeks.            package with international fi-  any joint Arab action that re-
            the gas will be pumped. But  produce  450  megawatts  of                               nancial institutions.        alizes our people’s interests.”

                          Fire kills 41 inmates, 80 hurt at crowded Indonesian prison

            (AP)  —  A  massive  fire  Most  of  the  41  killed  were  control,  hundreds  of  police  them  as  addicts  who  need  no longer imprisonment,” he
            raged  through  an  over-    drug  convicts,  including  a  and  soldiers  were  deployed  treatment, rather than crimi-  said.
            crowded  prison  near  In-   man  from  South  Africa  and  around the prison to prevent  nals, in the hope of dramati-
            donesia’s  capital  early  a  man  from  Portugal,  while  prisoners from escaping, Im-  cally  reducing  the  number  He  did  not  say  how  long  it
            Wednesday, killing at least  other victims included a ter-  ran  told  reporters  near  the  incarcerated.          would take to implement the
            41  inmates,  two  of  them  rorism convict and a murder-  scene.                                                   changes.
            foreigners  serving  drug  er, Indonesia’s Law and Hu-                                 Reynhard Silitonga, the head
            sentences, and injuring 80  man  Rights  minister  Yasona  Problems are rampant in In-  of corrections at the Ministry  In  addition  to  those  who
            others.                      Laoly told reporters.        donesia’s prisons, largely due  of  Law  and  Human  Rights,  died  in  the  Tangerang  fire,
                                                                      to overcrowding. More than  told The Associated Press in  eight inmates were hospital-
            Firefighters  battled  through  He  expressed  his  deep  con-  half  of  the  system’s  inmates  an e-mail that if there isn’t a  ized  with  severe  burns  and
            the  early  morning  hours  to  dolences  for  the  families  of  are  being  held  on  narcotics  change in policy, the number  nine with light injuries were
            extinguish the flames as black  the  victims  and  pledged  to  offenses;  a  product  of  the  of inmates could top 400,000  treated at a prison clinic, the
            smoke  billowed  from  the  provide  the  best  treatment  country’s war on drugs.     within five years.           Ministry  of  Law  and  Hu-
            compound of the Tangerang  for those injured.                                                                       man Rights said. Another 64,
            prison on the outskirts of Ja-                            As of July, there were a total  With the new approach, “the  many suffering smoke inha-
            karta.                       “This  is  a  tragedy  that  con-  of 268,610 inmates in Indo-  spirit  of  handling  drug  of-  lation,  were  evacuated  to  a
                                         cerns  all  of  us,”  Laoly  said.  nesia’s  prisons,  which  were  fenders,  especially  users,  is  mosque in the compound for
            After  the  blaze  was  extin-  “We are working closely with  built to hold 132,107 people.  directed at the health aspect,  observation.
            guished,  ambulance  after  all relevant parties to investi-
            ambulance  filled  with  body  gate the causes of the fire.”  Tangerang prison, located in
            bags  containing  the  victims                            the heart of Tangerang city in
            were  driven  by  Red  Cross  The  fire  broke  out  at  1:45  Jakarta’s  neighboring  prov-
            workers  to  the  morgue  of  a.m. in Block C2 of the pris-  ince of Banten, was designed
            a  local  hospital,  where  they  on,  where  the  19  cells  that  to house 900 inmates but has
            were stacked wall-to-wall on  were built to hold 40 inmates  more than 2,000, Laoly said.
            the floor of a room awaiting  were  stuffed  full  with  more  Officials  had  earlier  said  it
            transport  to  a  larger  facility  than triple that number. The  was  built  to  accommodate
            for identification.          cause of the blaze appears to  1,225 inmates.
                                         have been an electrical short
            Relatives  of  prisoners  trick-  circuit,  according  to  initial  The  government  has  ac-
            led in to the prison through-  findings, Jakarta Police Chief  knowledged  the  problem,
            out the day to check and see  Fadil Imran said.           and  is  planning  to  refocus
            whether  their  loved  ones                               its approach toward drug of-
            were among those killed.     As the fire was brought under  fenders  to  start  looking  at
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