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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 9 september 2021

                                Paris terror trial opens for 20 accused in 2015 attacks

            (AP) — The trial of 20 men  nying them answers to many  about to decide are inscribed
            accused  in  a  series  of  co-  of  the  remaining  questions  in  their  historic  intensity  as
            ordinated attacks on Paris  about  the  attacks  and  the  among the international and
            in  2015  that  spread  fear  people  who  planned  them.  national  events  of  this  cen-
            across  Europe  and  trans-  Abdeslam,  whose  broth-     tury,” he said.
            formed  France  opened  er  was  among  the  suicide
            Wednesday  in  a  custom-    bombers, appeared wearing a  Dominique       Kielemoes,
            built  complex  embedded  black short-sleeved shirt and  whose  son  bled  to  death  at
            within    a   13th-century  black  trousers,  his  long  hair  one of the cafes, said hearing
            courthouse.                  tied back.                   victims’  testimonies  at  the
                                                                      trial  will  be  crucial  to  both
            Nine  Islamic  State  group  When asked to state his pro-  their own healing and that of
            gunmen  and  suicide  bomb-  fession, he declared he was “a  the nation.
            ers struck within minutes of  fighter for Islamic State” after
            one  another  at  several  loca-  intoning a prayer.      “The  assassins,  these  terror-
            tions  around  Paris  on  Nov.                            ists, thought they were firing
            13, 2015, leaving 130 people  Abdeslam, who fled the night  into the crowd, into a mass of
            dead and hundreds wounded.  of  the  attacks  after  ditching  people. But it wasn’t a mass
            It was the deadliest violence  his car and a malfunctioning  —  these  were  individuals  first appeared.           1,800 plaintiffs and over 300
            to strike France since World  suicide  vest,  is  the  only  de-  who  had  a  life,  who  loved,                   lawyers.
            War II and among the worst  fendant  charged  with  mur-  had  hopes  and  expectations,  The same IS network that hit
            terror attacks to hit the West.  der.  The  other  defendants  and  that  we  need  to  talk  Paris went on to strike Brus-  For the first time, victims can
                                         present  face  lesser  terrorism  about at the trial. It’s impor-  sels months later, killing an-  also have a secure audio link
            The worst carnage was at the  charges.                    tant,” she said.             other 32 people.             to  listen  from  home  if  they
            Bataclan concert hall, where                                                                                        want with a 30-minute delay.
            three men with assault rifles  The  presiding  judge,  Jean-  Of  the  20  men  charged,  six  Authorities  have  to  extraor-
            gunned down scores of peo-   Louis  Peries,  acknowledged  will be tried in absentia. Ab-  dinary  lengths  to  ensure  se-  The trial is scheduled to last
            ple  and  grabbed  a  handful  the  extraordinary  nature  of  deslam  will  be  questioned  curity  at  the  trial,  building  nine  months.  The  month
            of  hostages.  Others  targeted  the  attacks,  which  changed  multiple  times  —  but  it  re-  an  entirely  new  courtroom  of  September  will  be  dedi-
            the  national  soccer  stadium,  security  in  Europe  and  mains  to  be  seen  if  he  will  within the storied 13th-cen-  cated  to  laying  out  the  po-
            where  the  president  was  at-  France’s  political  landscape,  break his silence beyond the  tury Palais de Justice in Paris,  lice  and  forensic  evidence.
            tending  a  game,  as  well  as  and the trial to come. France  sort  of  allegiance  he  offered  where Marie Antoinette and  October  will  be  given  over
            cafes filled with people on a  only emerged from the state  Wednesday  to  Islamic  State  Emile Zola faced trial, among  to  victims’  testimony.  From
            mild autumn night.           of emergency declared in the  groups.                     others.                      November to December, of-
                                         wake  of  the  attacks  in  2017,                                                      ficials including then-French
            The  lone  surviving  attacker  after  incorporating  many  of  “We  were  expecting  it,  and  Survivors  of  the  attacks  as  President  François  Hollande
            from  that  night,  Salah  Ab-  the  harshest  measures  into  we were prepared for it and  well  as  those  who  mourn  —  who  was  at  the  Stade  de
            deslam, is the key defendant  law.                        in  fact,  we’re  not  expecting  their  dead  on  Wednesday  France  on  the  night  of  the
            — but he has so far refused                               anything  from  him,”  Kiele-  packed the complex’s rooms,  assaults — will testify, as will
            to speak to investigators, de-  “The  events  that  we  are  moes  said  after  Abdeslam  which were designed to hold  relatives of the attackers.

                         UK, France grapple with surge in migrant Channel crossings

            (AP)  —  Britain’s  interior  have  landed  on  beaches  in  trucks  or  on  ferries,  or  —  tel  has  suggested  she  could  seekers to safely come to the
            minister was meeting her  southeast  England  in  recent  increasingly  since  the  coro-  withhold it if France does not  U.K.
            French  counterpart  on  days  amid  calm,  summery  navirus  pandemic  disrupted  do  more  to  stop  the  smug-
            Wednesday  as  the  U.K.  weather, with 785 arriving on  international travel — in din-  gling  boats  from  departing.  Bella Sankey, director of De-
            pressed France to do more  Monday  alone,  according  to  ghies  and  other  small  boats  She will talk with French In-  tention  Action,  said  Patel
            to stop a surge of migrants  Britain’s Home Office. More  organized by smugglers.      terior  Minister  Gerald  Dar-  should  “reach  an  agreement
            trying to cross the English  than  12,000  have  made  the                             manin during a two-day G-7  with her French counterpart
            Channel in small boats.      crossing  this  year,  according  The British and French gov-  interior ministers’ meeting in  to  develop  a  humanitarian
                                         to Britain’s Press Association  ernments  have  worked  for  London that begins Wednes-  visa  which  would  give  safe
            Dozens of women, men and  news agency. In 2020, about  years  to  stop  the  journeys,  day.                        passage to those likely to be
            children, wrapped up in blan-  8,500 people made the jour-  without  much  success.  Ear-                           recognized as refugees in the
            kets,  were  brought  ashore  ney,  and  several  died  in  the  lier  this  year,  Britain  agreed  British  Prime  Minister  Bo-  U.K.”
            Wednesday  in  the  southeast  attempt.                   to  give  France  54  million  ris Johnson said stopping the
            England  port  of  Dover  by                              pounds  ($74  million)  to  crossings  depended  largely  French  lawmaker  Pierre-
            British  Border  Force  boats  Migrants  have  long  used  help  fund  a  doubling  of  the  on the French authorities.  Henri  Dumont,  who  rep-
            after  being  picked  up  from  northern France as a launch-  number  of  police  patrolling                        resents  the  Calais  region  of
            dinghies in the Channel.     ing  point  to  reach  Britain,  French beaches.          “We depend to a large extent  northern France, said author-
            Thousands     of   migrants  either  by  stowing  away  in                             on  what  the  French  are  do-  ities there were doing all they
                                                                      But  Channel  crossings  con-  ing, but clearly as time goes  could.
                                                                      tinue  to  soar.  According  to  on and this problem contin-
                                                                      the French Maritime Prefec-  ues, we are going to have to  “The fact is, we’ve got 300 to
                                                                      ture  in  charge  of  the  Chan-  make sure that we use every  400  kilometers  (190  to  250
                                                                      nel,  this  year  through  July  possible tactic at our disposal  miles)  of  shore  to  monitor
                                                                      has  seen  556  “operations”  to stop what I think is a vile  every  day  and  every  night,
                                                                      involving 12,148 migrants at-  trade  and  a  manipulation  and  it’s  quite  impossible  to
                                                                      tempting to cross or crossing  of  people’s  hopes,”  he  told  have police officers every 100
                                                                      the  Channel  by  boat.  That  lawmakers  in  the  House  of  meters (330 feet) because of
                                                                      compares to 868 such events  Commons.                     the  length  of  the  shore,”  he
                                                                      involving  9,551  migrants  in                            told the BBC.
                                                                      all of 2020.                 Refugee  charities  said  the
                                                                                                   tough  talk  from  the  British  “We cannot stop all the cross-
                                                                      Britain  has  not  yet  paid  the  government  was  pointless,  ings,” he added. “We need to
                                                                      promised  money,  and  U.K.  and  urged  the  government  address the causes of migra-
                                                                      Home  Secretary  Priti  Pa-  to make it easier for asylum-  tion.”
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