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                   Friday 10 February 2023
            U.S. says China balloon could collect intelligence signals

                                                                                                                                been  able  to  study  and
                                                                                                                                scrutinize  the  balloon  and
                                                                                                                                its equipment.
                                                                                                                                “We  will  continue  to  an-
                                                                                                                                swer the dangers posed by
                                                                                                                                the  PRC  with  determina-
                                                                                                                                tion and resolve,” Sherman
                                                                                                                                said,  referring  to  the  Peo-
                                                                                                                                ple’s  Republic  of  China.
                                                                                                                                “We will make clear to the
                                                                                                                                PRC  that  violations  of  our
                                                                                                                                sovereignty  and  the  sov-
                                                                                                                                ereignty  of  other  countries
                                                                                                                                are unacceptable.”
                                                                                                                                At a separate Senate sub-
                                                                                                                                committee  hearing,  law-
                                                                                                                                makers repeatedly pressed
                                                                                                                                administration  officials,  in-
                                                                                                                                cluding  Pentagon  military
                                                                                                                                leaders,  about  why  the
                                                                                                                                balloon was not shot down
                                                                                                                                over  sparsely  populated
                                                                                                                                areas  of  Alaska.  And  they
                                                                                                                                questioned  whether  al-
                                                                                                                                lowing the balloon to tran-
                                                                                                                                sit such a large area set a
            In this image provided by the FBI, FBI special agents assigned to the evidence response team process material recovered from the
            high altitude balloon recovered off the coast of South Carolina, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023, at the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Va.  precedent for future spying
                                                                                                               Associated Press   efforts by China and others.
                                                                                                                                “It  defies  belief  that  there
            Continued from Front         cal airship that had blown  Senior  FBI  officials  who  ity,  said  an  analysis  of  the  was  not  a  single  opportu-
                                         off  course  and  that  the  briefed  reporters  on  the  balloon  debris  was  “in-   nity to safely shoot this spy
            A  statement  from  a  senior  U.S. had “overreacted” by  condition  of  anonymity  consistent”  with  China’s  balloon prior to the coast of
            State  Department  official  shooting it down.            under  ground  rules  set  by  explanation  that  it  was  a  South  Carolina,”  said  Sen.
            offered  the  most  detail  to  “It  is  irresponsible,”  Mao  the bureau said just a few  weather balloon that went  Susan Collins, R-Maine. “By
            date  linking  China’s  mili-  said. The latest accusations,  pieces  of  the  balloon  had  off course. The U.S. is reach-  the  administration’s  logic
            tary to the balloon that was  she  said,  “may  be  part  of  arrived  at  the  FBI’s  Quan-  ing  out  to  countries  that  we  would  allow  the  Chi-
            shot  down  by  the  U.S.  last  the  U.S.  side’s  information  tico, Virginia, lab for investi-  have  also  been  targeted,  nese to fly surveillance bal-
            weekend over the Atlantic  warfare against China.”        gation. So far, investigators  the  official  said,  to  discuss  loons  over  the  Pentagon
            Ocean.  The  public  details  Underscoring  the  tensions,  have  parts  of  the  balloon  the  scope  of  the  Chinese  or  other  sensitive  sites  and
            outlining  the  program’s  China’s  defense  minister  canopy,  wiring,  and  what  surveillance  program,  and  populated areas.”
            scope    and    capabilities  refused  to  take  a  phone  one  official  called  “a  very  is looking into potential ac-  Melissa  Dalton,  assistant
            were  meant  to  refute  Chi-  call from Defense Secretary  small  amount  of  electron-  tion  that  “supported  the  defense   secretary   of
            na’s persistent denials that  Lloyd  Austin  to  discuss  the  ics.” The official said it was  balloon’s incursion into U.S.  Homeland  Defense,  and
            the  balloon  was  used  for  balloon  issue  on  Saturday,  “very  early  for  us  to  assess  airspace.”          Lt. Gen. Doug Sims, director
            spying,  including  a  claim  the  Pentagon  said.  Secre-  what  the  intent  was  and  The official said the U.S. has  of  operations  for  the  Joint
            Thursday  that  U.S.  accu-  tary of State Antony Blinken  how the device was oper-    confidence  that  the  man-  Chiefs of Staff, said the U.S.
            sations  about  the  balloon  canceled a planned week-    ating.”                      ufacturer  of  the  balloon  wanted  to  avoid  any  inju-
            amount  to  “information  end  trip  to  Beijing.The  U.S.  According  to  two  U.S.  of-  shot down on Saturday has  ries or deaths from the de-
            warfare.”                    flatly  contradicted  China’s  ficials,  the  balloon  recov-  “a  direct  relationship  with  bris field if the balloon was
            On  Capitol  Hill,  the  House  version  of  events,  saying  ery  efforts  were  temporar-  China’s  military  and  is  an  shot down over Alaska.
            voted unanimously to con-    that imagery of the balloon  ily  suspended  on  Thursday  approved  vendor  of  the”  And  they  added  that
            demn China for a “brazen  collected by American U-2  due  to  high  seas.  They  army.  The  official  cited  in-   shooting  it  down  over  the
            violation” of U.S. sovereign-  spy planes as it crossed the  said  some  balloon  debris  formation  from  an  official  frigid, icy waters in that re-
            ty  and  efforts  to  “deceive  country showed that it was  was  intact  on  the  ocean  PLA procurement portal as  gion  would  have  made  it
            the  international  commu-   “capable  of  conducting  floor and divers had recov-     evidence  for  the  connec-  more difficult and danger-
            nity  through  false  claims  signals  intelligence  collec-  ered potentially high-value  tion  between  the  compa-  ous  to  recover  the  pieces
            about  its  intelligence  col-  tion”  with  multiple  anten-  equipment  over  the  past  ny and the military.     for more analysis.
            lection  campaigns.”  Re-    nas  and  other  equipment  day and a half.               The  release  of  new  infor-  “We  thought  before  we
            publicans  have  criticized  designed  to  upload  sensi-  Much of the debris is con-  mation  appeared  part  of  shot,”  said  Sims.This  is  not
            President Joe Biden for not  tive  information  and  solar  centrated  in  two  separate  a  coordinated  administra-  the  first  time  the  U.S.  gov-
            acting sooner to down the  panels to power them.          sections  of  an  area  that’s  tion response, with multiple  ernment has publicly called
            balloon,  but  both  parties’  Jedidiah Royal, the U.S. as-  15  football  fields  long  and  officials  appearing  before  out alleged activities of the
            lawmakers  came  together  sistant  defense  secretary  15  football  fields  across,  congressional  committees  People’s  Liberation  Army.
            on the vote, 419-0.          for  the  Indo-Pacific,  told  according  to  the  officials  to  face  questions  about  In a first-of-its-kind prosecu-
            In  Beijing,  before  the  U.S.  a  Senate  Appropriations  who spoke on condition of  the balloon.                 tion  in  2014,  the  Obama
            offered  its  new  informa-  subcommittee that the mili-  anonymity because of the  Testifying  before  the  Sen-   administration  Justice  De-
            tion,  Chinese  Foreign  Min-  tary  has  “some  very  good  sensitivity  of  the  collection  ate Foreign Relations Com-  partment   indicted   five
            istry   spokesperson   Mao  guesses” about what intel-    process.                     mittee, Deputy Secretary of  accused  PLA  hackers  of
            Ning  repeated  her  na-     ligence China was seeking.  The  State  Department  of-   State Wendy Sherman said  breaking  into  the  comput-
            tion’s  insistence  that  the  More  information  was  ex-  ficial,  providing  details  to  officials had taken “all nec-  er networks of major Ameri-
            large  unmanned  balloon  pected to be provided in a  reporters  by  email,  also  essary steps to protect sen-     can  corporations  in  an  ef-
            was a civilian meteorologi-  classified setting.          on  condition  of  anonym-   sitive information” and had  fort to steal trade secrets.q
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