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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 10 February 2023

            Supreme Court might have easy outs on elections, immigration

            By  MARK  SHERMAN  and                                                                                              they  argue  their  interests
            JESSICA GRESKO                                                                                                      aren’t  represented  in  the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    case.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            The  court  could  still  rule
            Supreme Court soon could                                                                                            before  May  11,  though
            find  itself  with  easy  ways                                                                                      that  would  be  faster  than
            out of two high-profile cas-                                                                                        usual.  It’s  also  possible
            es  involving  immigration                                                                                          the  policy’s  end  date  will
            and elections, if indeed the                                                                                        be  pushed  back  beyond
            justices are looking to avoid                                                                                       that date. But if the public
            potentially  messy,  divisive                                                                                       health emergency ends as
            decisions.                                                                                                          planned  and  the  justices
            Off-ramps  in  those  cases                                                                                         do  nothing  until  then,  the
            could  prove  attractive  in                                                                                        case  could  end  without  a
            a term with no shortage of                                                                                          decision.
            big cases that could divide                                                                                         When the court agreed to
            the court’s six conservatives                                                                                       take  the  case  in  Decem-
            and  three  liberals.  Affirma-                                                                                     ber,  the  justices  were  split.
            tive  action,  voting  rights,                                                                                      Five  justices  wanted  to
            gay rights and student loan                                                                                         wade  in  and  four  justices
            forgiveness also are on the                                                                                         the  court’s  three  liberals
            agenda  for  a  court  that  is                                                                                     and conservative Neil Gor-
            less  than  a  year  removed                                                                                        such  said  they  would  not
            from  overturning  nearly  50   An electronic sign flashes “Watch for unexpected pedestrians,” Dec. 20, 2022, on the highway   have gotten involved in the
            years of constitutional pro-  next to the fenced U.S.-Mexican border just east of downtown El Paso, Texas, next to one of the   first place.
            tections  for  abortion  and   three bridges that connect the Texas city with the sprawling metropolis of Juarez, Mexico.   The  other  case  the  court
            seeing  a  significant  dip                                                                        Associated Press  could  dodge  involves  a
            in  public  confidence.The  day.                          Title  42  orders  and  moot  preme Court case that the  closely  watched  elections
            Biden  administration  pro-  That’s  because  the  ad-    this  case,”  wrote  the  ad-  justices  in  December  put  issue  and  comes  out  of
            vided one possible way out  ministration  recently  an-   ministration’s  top  Supreme  on  a  fast  track,  with  argu-  North  Carolina.  Last  week
            for the court this week.     nounced  that  the  public  Court lawyer, Solicitor Gen-  ments set for March 1.       the  state’s  top  court  or-
            A  legal  fight  over  turning  health  emergency  that  eral Elizabeth Prelogar.      At issue isn’t the use of Title  dered  a  new  look  at  the
            away  immigrants  at  the  justified the quick expulsion  The  use  of  Title  42  began  42  itself  but  the  question  case.
            border  because  of  the  of immigrants will expire on  during     Donald    Trump’s  of whether a group of Re-     Republicans in North Caro-
            coronavirus     pandemic,  May 11.                        presidency  and  continued  publican  states  can  insert  lina have asked the justices
            under  a  provision  of  fed-  “Absent other relevant de-  after Joe Biden took office.  themselves  into  a  lawsuit  for a ruling that could leave
            eral  law  known  as  Title  42,  velopments, the end of the  It has been used millions of  over  the  policy.  The  states  state  legislatures  virtually
            is  about  to  become  irrel-  public  health  emergency  times  to  quickly  turn  away  support keeping it in place.  unchecked in making rules
            evant,  the  administration  will  (among  other  conse-  migrants at the border.      If it ends, they say illegal im-  for congressional and presi-
            said  in  a  court  filing  Tues-  quences)  terminate  the  Title 42 is at the root of a Su-  migration will increase and  dential elections. q

            U.S., U.K. impose cybersecurity sanctions on Russian group

            By FATIMA HUSSEIN            fected  millions  of  comput-  ic,” Treasury says these are  U.S. financial system. Sanc-  sanctions on Iran have ac-
            Associated Press             ers  worldwide,  including  the  first  sanctions  of  their  tions were imposed last July  celerated in recent months,
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  ransomware  attacks  that  kind  for  the  U.K.,  and  re-   and September on a group  as  President  Joe  Biden’s
            U.S.  Treasury  Department  targeted  hospitals  in  the  sult from a partnership be-  of firms tied to the sale and  administration tries to bring
            on Thursday announced a  United States at the height  tween the U.S. Department  shipment  of  Iranian  petro-      Tehran  back  to  negotia-
            joint U.S.-U.K. effort to sanc-  of the COVID-19 pandemic  of  the  Treasury’s  Office  leum  and  petrochemical  tions for a return to the 2015
            tion  Russian  cybercriminals  in 2020, U.K. officials said.  of  Foreign  Assets  Control  products  to  East  Asia.  U.S.  Iran nuclear deal.q
            as  the  one-year  anniver-  In  a  statement,  Treasury  and  several  U.K.  agencies
            sary  of  Russia’s  invasion  of  said  the  sanctioned  men  aimed at disrupting Russian
            Ukraine nears and Treasury  included developers, mon-     cybercrime.
            tightens  its  efforts  to  finan-  ey-launderers and a senior  In  a  separate  Treasury  ac-
            cially punish violators of ex-  figure,  Vitaly  Kovalev,  who  tion,  nine  entities  across
            isting sanctions.            it said was indicted in fed-  Iran,  Malaysia  and  Singa-
            The  U.S.  coordinated  with  eral court in New Jersey in  pore  were  sanctioned  on
            the United Kingdom to im-    connection  with  2009  and  Thursday  for  their  role  in
            pose  sanctions  on  seven  2010  bank  hacks  that  pre-  shipping  sanctioned  Irani-
            people that it said are part  dated his involvement with  an oil to buyers in Asia  con-
            of the Russia-based cyber-   the Trickbot Group.          tinuing a trend of punishing
            crime  gang  Trickbot.  All  The U.S. statement said cur-  firms that ship Iranian oil.
            members are listed as living  rent  members  of  the  Trick-  Six Iran-based petrochemi-
            in  Russia  or  Russian-occu-  bot  Group  are  associated  cal   manufacturers   and
            pied Ukraine.                with  Russian  intelligence  subsidiaries, and three firms
            Trickbot  is  named  for  a  services  but  did  not  al-  in Malaysia and Singapore
            strain of trojan viruses origi-  lege  the  sanctioned  men  involved  in  facilitating  the   The Treasury Department is seen near sunset in Washington, Jan.
            nally used to steal financial  worked with those services.  sale  and  shipment  of  oil,   18, 2023.
            data.  The  viruses  have  in-  Calling  the  actions  “histor-  were hit with blocks to the                                    Associated Press
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