Page 7 - aruba-today-20230210
P. 7

                                                                                                           local Friday 10 February 2023

            Labor union STA signs collective contract for Tierra del Sol employees

            (Oranjestad)—Yesterday  had to tighten our resourc-       bor contract,” he assured.   out.                         New owner of Tierra del Sol
            Morning,  the  labor  union  es,  and  Tierra  del  Sol  did  This  contract  is  valid  for  3                     As it has been known since
            ‘Sindicato  di  Trahadornan  not have the financial sup-  years,  so  they  can  keep  As a union, they knew they  the  beginning  of  the  new
            di Aruba’ (STA) held a press  port for the union’s require-  the  peace  in  the  years  to  could  have  applied  more  year, Tierra del Sol was sold
            conference  to  inform  the  ments,  which  the  workers  come.  What  they  man-      pressure  on  the  company,  to a tourist company called
            public that after a few years  were  asking  for,”  Diego  aged to include in the con-  but seeing as the company  Iberostar Group, which is a
            of delays, they have signed  de  Cuba,  president  of  the  tract  is  very  good,  “if  we  will be handed over to an-  company  that  categorizes
            a labor contract (CAO) with  union, expressed.            make  a  calculation  with  other  owner,  a  big  invest-  themselves  as  a  leader  in
            the  goal  of  creating  labor                            everything  together,  the  ment  has  to  be  made  for  the  world  of  tourism.  They
            peace to the employees at  He also explained that they  conditions  will  improve  for  the  golf  course.  This  area  own more than 100 4/5-star
            Tierra del Sol.              saw  a  recovery  after  the  those workers with approxi-  deteriorated over the years  hotels  in  16  countries  with
                                         pandemic,  but  once  they  mately 15%, which is an av-   due to lack of a team and  about 5.6 million clients.
            The process for signing this  were  ready  to  finally  sign,  erage of approximately 5%  materials for maintenance.   Iberostar  Group  is  a  Span-
            contract was one that took  they were met with another  per year if we look at every-                               ish family-owned company
            a  long  time  to  complete.  obstacle. They learned that  thing that will be improved.  “We  have  expressed  our  that  has  been  specializing
            The  pandemic  had  been  the company was sold to a  Their  salary  will  increase,  understanding about this to  in the tourist sector for more
            the first bump that caused  Spanish  group,  “but  every  paid off days will improve,  the new owners. However,  than  60  years.  Their  origin
            a  delay  in  this  process,  as  cloud has a silver lining, the  savings  fund,  end  of  year  we also expect them to un-  starts in the shoe industry in
            this made the financial situ-  collective  contract  will  be  bonus  and  vacation  mon-  derstand  that  the  workers  1877.  After  1956,  they  en-
            ation  on  Aruba  difficult.  signed today. This is a well-  ey. So, if we take a look at  have  waited  a  very  long  tered  in  the  tourist  sector
            However,  there  were  hap-  balanced  contract,  and  everything  together,  this  time, and have even sacri-      with the purchase of Viajes
            py to see that not one em-   has  most  of  the  important  contract  is  indeed  pretty  ficed to maintain whatever  Iberia,  and  they  started
            ployee  lost  their  job:  “we  ingredients  for  a  good  la-  good,”  de  Cuba  pointed  they  could  with  what  little  creating alliances with tour
                                                                                                   they had. I have to say that  prestige tour companies in
                                                                                                   thankfully  the  new  owners  Europe, Merca of Canada.
                                                                                                   were very empathetic, and  In  1983,  the  trade  name
                                                                                                   we  were  able  to  sign  with  Iberostar  was  born,  with  7
                                                                                                   them,” de Cuba expressed.  hotels in Mallorca, Spain.
                                                                                                   They also hope there could  In  2017,  they  launched
                                                                                                   be  labor  peace  at  Tierra  a  movement  to  protect
                                                                                                   del Sol in the coming years,  the  oceans  called  “Wave
                                                                                                   and that they could even-    of  Change”,  with  which
                                                                                                   tually  sign  for  something  they  aim  to  contribute  to
                                                                                                   better for the workers, “be-  the  14  goals  of  the  SDGs
                                                                                                   cause I think that the inves-  in  order  to  conserve  and
                                                                                                   tors  aren’t  just  millionaires,  utilize  oceans,  beaches
                                                                                                   they’re billionaires. So, they  and  marine  resources  in
                                                                                                   are serious people, people  a  sustainable  way.  It  is  for
                                                                                                   that  own  hotels  and  that  this  reason  that  they  take
                                                                                                   are  going  to  create  an-  advantage  of  the  poten-
                                                                                                   other  one.  They  seem  to  tial  that  the  tourist  industry
                                                                                                   have  serious  intentions  in  has to construct a rentable
                                                                                                   investing  in  this  country.  and  responsible  model  for
                                                                                                   Let’s hope everything goes  tourism  in  order  to  protect
                                                                                                   well.” De Cuba finalized.    oceans  and  reduce  cli-
                                                                                                                                mate change.q
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