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WORLD NEWS Friday 10 February 2023
Russian diplomat says ties with U.S. in ‘unprecedented crisis’
By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV START since the start of the
Associated Press COVID-19 pandemic, but
MOSCOW (AP) — Russia- Moscow last fall refused to
U.S. relations are in a state allow their resumption, rais-
of “unprecedented cri- ing uncertainty about the
sis” without any sign of im- pact’s future. Russia also
provement, a senior Russian indefinitely postponed a
diplomat said Thursday. planned round of consulta-
Deputy Foreign Minister Ser- tions under the treaty.
gei Ryabkov argued that The U.S. State Department
the White House’s empha- last week said that Russia’s
sis on increasing weapons refusal to allow the inspec-
supplies to Ukraine to en- tions “prevents the United
sure Russia’s defeat leaves States from exercising im-
no room for diplomacy. portant rights under the
“I don’t see any prospect treaty and threatens the vi-
for a productive political ability of U.S.-Russian nucle-
and diplomatic process,” ar arms control.” It noted
Ryabkov said at a brief- that nothing prevents Rus-
ing. “We have a very deep sian inspectors from con-
and unprecedented crisis ducting inspections of the
in Russia-U.S. relations. The U.S. facilities.
Biden administration has Ryabkov on Thursday in-
driven them into a dead- Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov attends a meeting in Moscow, Russia, Tuesday, sisted that Russia has con-
lock.” March 15, 2022. Associated Press tinued to comply with the
Ryabkov warned that treaty and exchange infor-
the U.S. and its allies must range of weapons supplied gument that Russia’s refusal ployed nuclear warheads mation in accordance with
carefully assess the risks to Ukraine in order to avoid to allow the resumption of and 700 deployed missiles it. Ryabkov’s comments
stemming from supplying escalation, adding that inspections of its nuclear fa- and bombers. The agree- followed a Russian Foreign
increasingly powerful West- such assurances in the past cilities represents a breach ment envisages sweeping Ministry’s statement declar-
ern weapons to Ukraine. have served as cover for a of the New START treaty, on-site inspections to verify ing that it was impossible to
“The Americans need to steady expansion of the as- the last remaining nuclear compliance. maintain “business as usu-
thoroughly and deeply sortment of arms deliveries. arms control pact between Just days before the treaty al” with Washington at a
weigh the risks linked to “We don’t see any sign of the two countries. was due to expire in Feb- time when “the U.S. has ef-
their unabashedly cavalier reason in any of the NATO The New START treaty, ruary 2021, Russia and the fectively unleashed a total
course,” he said. and EU members’ capi- signed in 2010 by President United States agreed to hybrid war against Russia,
Ryabkov noted that Mos- tals,” Ryabkov said. “What Barack Obama and Rus- extend it for another five which is fraught with a real
cow doesn’t trust Western they are doing isn’t going sian President Dmitry Med- years. Russia and the U.S. danger of a direct military
statements about self- to strengthen their securi- vedev, limits each country have suspended mutual confrontation between the
imposed restrictions on a ty.” He rejected the U.S. ar- to no more than 1,550 de- inspections under New two nuclear powers.” q
Church of England allows blessings for same-sex couples
By DANICA KIRKA endorsed the doctrine on sexuality. The synod ear- when the law changed. riage. But the Archbishop of
Associated Press that marriage is between lier this week rejected an Public opinion surveys con- Canterbury, Justin Welby,
LONDON (AP) — The Church one man and one wom- amendment proposed by sistently show that a ma- said the church continues
of England’s national as- an, meaning priests are Ozanne that would have jority of people in England to have “deep divisions” on
sembly on Thursday voted still barred from marrying put the issue of marriage support same-sex mar- the issue.q
to let priests bless same-sex same-sex couples. equality back on the agen-
marriages and civil partner- “I know that what we have da later this year. “By con-
ships, while continuing to proposed as a way forward tinuing to tell LGB people
ban church weddings for does not go nearly far that they cannot hope to
the same couples. enough for many but too get married any time soon
Bishops proposed the com- far for others,” the Bishop in their church or that their
promise measure after five of London, Sarah Mullally, desire for sexual intimacy is
years of discussions about said in a statement. “It is my sinful, we send a message
the church’s position on prayer that what has been to the nation that few will
sexuality. It was approved agreed today will represent understand,” Ozanne said
by the church’s General a step forward for all of us on Twitter.
Synod, which is made up within the Church includ- “More importantly, it is a
of bishops, clergy and lay ing LGBTQI+ people as message that will continue
people from around the we remain committed to to cause great harm to
country, following eight walking together.” Jayne the LGBT community and
hours of debate over Ozanne, a gay rights cam- put young LGBT+ lives at The Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, left and The Archbishop
two days at a meeting in paigner and member of risk.” Same-sex marriage of Canterbury, Justin Welby, gather at the General Synod of
London. The measure in- the synod, said she was has been legal in England the Church of England, at Church House to consider a motion
cluded an apology for the “deeply disappointed” and Wales since 2013, but which reviews the church’s failure “to be welcoming to LGBTQI+
church’s failure welcome that conservatives had sti- the church didn’t alter people” and the harm they have faced and still experience, in
London, Thursday, Feb. 9, 2023.
LGBTQ people. But it also fled the church’s debate its teaching on marriage Associated Press