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A28     u.s. news
                 Diamars 22 December 2020

                       Harris, Ivanka Trump stump in Georgia ahead of Senate runoff

            (AP)  —  Campaigning  in                                                                                            gia  plans,  Trump  continued
            Georgia  on  Monday,  Vice                                                                                          to  express  anger  at  Repub-
            President-elect    Kamala                                                                                           lican  Gov.  Brian  Kemp  and
            Harris  stressed  a  need  to                                                                                       GOP Secretary of State Brad
            elect  Democratic  U.S.                                                                                             Raffensperger  for  certify-
            Senate  candidates  who                                                                                             ing Biden’s win over him by
            will  advance  President-                                                                                           more than 11,000 votes.
            elect  Joe  Biden’s  agenda.                                                                                        Both  Perdue  and  Loeffler
            Ivanka    Trump,    mean-                                                                                           have  avoided  explicit  public
            while, warned that failing                                                                                          acknowledgement of Biden’s
            to reelect the two Repub-                                                                                           win while attacking Raffens-
            lican  incumbents  in  next                                                                                         perger.
            month’s  crucial  runoff                                                                                            Ahead of Ivanka Trump’s re-
            could  erode  her  father’s                                                                                         marks,  Perdue,  who  is  run-
            legislative achievements.                                                                                           ning against Ossoff, repeated
                                                                                                                                his admonition to Georgians
            Telling a crowd in Columbus                                                                                         that “the eyes of the world are
            that  “everything  is  at  stake”                                                                                   on  us  right  now.”  Loeffler,
            in the Jan. 5 contests, Harris                                                                                      who  is  being  challenged  by
            said  Democratic  candidates   they kept Senate control, sty-  back  to  the  Senate  “to  pro-  drawing  audience  members   Warnock, reiterated her cam-
            Jon Ossoff and the Rev. Ra-  mying a progressive platform  tect  all  that  America  stands  to take videos and selfies.  paign’s assertion that the pas-
            phael  Warnock  would  ad-   to raise the minimum wage,  for.” She called the runoff the  Monday’s  appearances  were   tor  is  a  radical  and  socialist.
            vance Biden policy priorities   expand  access  to  health  care  “most important congressio-  part of a string of pre-runoff   “If  we  don’t  vote,  we  won’t
            such as increased funding for   and invest in infrastructure.  nal  race  in  history,”  and  de-  visits  by  high-profile  surro-  just lose; we’ll lose the coun-
            schools  in  low-income  dis-  “We  have  too  much  good  scribed  Perdue  and  Loeffler  gates  of  the  outgoing  presi-  try,” she said.
            tricts, a $15,000 tax credit to   work  to  do,  Columbus,  to  as  the  “last  line  of  defense”  dent and the president-elect.   Warnock  pushed  back  at  his
            first-time  home  buyers,  and   be mired in gridlock and ob-  against  Democrats’  agenda  Biden  himself  has  already   opponent’s  repeated  digs,
            policing reforms.            struction,” he said.         and  for  her  father  in  Con-  stumped in Georgia, and Vice   which  he  said  hindered  his
            “We will need the legislation   Trump,  President  Donald  gress.                      President  Mike  Pence  has   attempts  at  “a  substantive
            to  be  passed,”  Harris  said.   Trump’s  daughter  and  a  se-  “We need David and Kelly in  made several visits. President   debate  about  the  people  of
            “We  will  need  Jon  and  Ra-  nior  White  House  adviser,  the Senate to keep our econ-  Donald Trump said late Sat-  Georgia.”
            phael  in  the  United  States   stumped  with  Republican  omy going, to keep delivering  urday  that  he  would  return   “My  opponent  is  trying  to
            Senate. These are the things   U.S.  Sens.  David  Perdue  on the president’s plans, and  Jan. 4 for an election-eve ral-  reduce  this  race  to  the  kind
            that are at stake.”          and  Kelly  Loeffler  on  Mon-  to  keep  our  schools  open,”  ly, just two days before Con-  of  empty  schoolyard  insults
            Harris’  other  planned  stop   day outside a pub in Milton,  she said, drawing cheers from  gress  meets  to  count  votes   made between children who
            was canceled due to a sched-  a  wealthy  suburb  about  30  the audience.             from the Electoral College.  aren’t thinking very carefully
            uled Senate vote on a corona-  miles  (48  kilometers)  north  As  she  spoke,  touting  her  Trump has refused to accept   on  a  playground,”  he  said.
            virus relief package.        of Atlanta.                  father’s  record  on  unem-  the  results  of  his  own  elec-  “I’m trying to have a debate,
            Speaking  ahead  of  Harris,   Over  the  crowd’s  shouts  of  ployment  and  work  on  a  tion loss, alleging without ev-  and  she’s  engaged  in  name-
            Ossoff warned that Republi-  “We love Trump!” and “Fight  COVID-19  vaccine,  a  truck  idence a conspiracy to throw   calling. That’s all right. As we
            cans  would  block  the  Biden   for  Trump!”  she  implored  pulling  a  massive  “Trump  the  election  to  Biden.  In  a   say  in  the  South,  ‘Bless  her
            administration’s  agenda  if   voters  to  send  Republicans  2020” sign circled the street,  tweet  announcing  his  Geor-  heart.’”

                               Biden’s profoundly private Pentagon pick joins Twitter

                                                                      and  their  families.  “If  con-  Austin  is  known  for  avoid-  flag, dressed in a suit and tie.
                                                                      firmed, it will be the honor of  ing  public  remarks,  even  But the first scene is a photo
                                                                      my lifetime to lead them with  though he held a number of  of him, in combat uniform as
                                                                      honor and integrity," he said.  high-profile,  critical  military  a three-star general, with his
                                                                      Austin  would  be  the  first  jobs. He was commander in  wife, and other pictures show
                                                                      Black leader of the Pentagon,  Baghdad of the Multination-  him  in  military  dress  dur-
                                                                      a historic choice in a year that  al  Corps-Iraq  in  2008  when  ing  his  career,  meeting  with
                                                                      has  seen  racial  unrest,  pro-  Barack  Obama  was  elected  troops and families.
                                                                      tests and violence across the  president, and he returned to  The  message  is  a  safe,  per-
                                                                      country.  But  he  will  need  a  lead  U.S.  troops  there  from  sonal one that resonates with
                                                                      waiver  from  both  chambers  2010 through 2011.          families. He talks about ser-
                                                                      of Congress. Under the law, a  He  then  served  as  the  first  vice  members  who  leave
                                                                      service member must be out  Black  vice  chief  of  staff  of  home to fight for their coun-
                                                                      of uniform for at least seven  the Army, the service’s No. 2  try,  missing  birthdays  and
                                                                      years  before  serving  as  de-  position. And a year later he  other  events,  while  worried
                                                                      fense secretary. Austin retired  took command of U.S. Cen-  spouses wait at home.
            (AP)  —  President-elect  Capitol Hill from lawmakers  in 2016.                        tral  Command,  as  the  top  Those families, he said, “are
            Joe  Biden's  pick  for  de-  who balk at putting a career  That waiver has been granted  American  commander  for  absolutely  afraid  to  answer
            fense  secretary  made  his  military  officer  in  what  is  only  twice  —  most  recently  the  Middle  East.  There,  he  the phone if it ever rings late
            first  foray  into  the  world  typically a civilian post. And  in the case of retired Marine  developed and began imple-  at night. You’re afraid to an-
            of Twitter on Monday, an  it suggests they believe Aus-   Gen. Jim Mattis, who served  menting a U.S. military strat-  swer the door unless you can
            uncharacteristic move for  tin will have to sell himself to  as President Donald Trump’s  egy  to  roll  back  the  Islamic  see who’s at the door. If you
            a retired general who stu-   lawmakers.                   first Pentagon chief.        State group, which was cap-  can  imagine  going  through
            diously avoided the public  His first posting gave a nod to  The bulk of the other Biden  turing  territory  across  Iraq  that day in, day out over mul-
            spotlight  for  much  of  his  his private nature.        picks  for  top  administration  and Syria.               tiple  deployments,  you  can
            four decades in the Army.    “They  say  you  learn  some-  and Cabinet posts have long-                            begin to think how much our
                                         thing  new  every  day.  Well,  standing  Twitter  accounts.  Austin's Twitter video treads  spouses and our families sac-
            Retired  Gen.  Lloyd  Austin's  today  I’m  learning  about  Many  have  used  their  ac-  a careful line between touting  rifice.”
            social media debut reflected a  Twitter,” Austin, 67, tweeted  counts, as well as the transi-  his  military  career  and  em-  By  early  afternoon,  Austin
            recognition within the Biden  mid-morning. He followed it  tion team's account, to intro-  phasizing his current status as  had more than 7,000 follow-
            transition  team  that  the  up quickly with a video and a  duce themselves to a broader  a civilian. For much of it he's  ers, and the number was rap-
            nomination faces hurdles on  shoutout to service members  American audience.           seated  next  to  an  American  idly growing.
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