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                                                                                         world news Diamars 22 December 2020

                          Russia, AstraZeneca to test combination of COVID-19 shots

            (AP) — Developers of the                                                                                            thousands  of  people  needed
            Russian  coronavirus  vac-                                                                                          to ensure its safety and effec-
            cine  Sputnik  V  on  Mon-                                                                                          tiveness.
            day  announced  signing                                                                                             The  vaccine’s  developers
            an agreement with Astra-                                                                                            have said study data suggest-
            Zeneca to test a combina-                                                                                           ed the vaccine was 91% effec-
            tion  of  the  British  drug-                                                                                       tive,  a  conclusion  based  on
            maker’s  COVID-19  shots                                                                                            78  infections  among  nearly
            and  a  component  of  the                                                                                          23,000  participants.  That’s
            vaccine  created  in  Mos-                                                                                          far fewer cases than Western
            cow.                                                                                                                drugmakers have accumulat-
                                                                                                                                ed during final testing before
            The  developers  of  Sputnik                                                                                        analyzing  their  candidates’
            V  proposed  the  approach  to                                                                                      efficacy,  and  important  de-
            AstraZeneca last month, sug-                                                                                        mographic  and  other  details
            gesting  it  could  increase  the                                                                                   from the study have not been
            effectiveness  of  the  British                                                                                     released.
            vaccine.  The  company  an-
            nounced on Dec. 11 a study                                                                                          The  latest  study  results  on
            to test the combination, and                                                                                        the vaccine developed by As-
            on Monday signed a memo-                                                                                            traZeneca  and  Oxford  Uni-
            randum of cooperation with                                                                                          versity  suggest  it  it  safe  and
            Moscow-based  medical  re-                                                                                          about  70%  effective.  Health
            search  facility  the  Gamaleya                                                                                     officials  around  the  world
            Institute, the Russian Direct  Speaking  at  a  teleconfer-  vaccines and on a number of  cized  for  giving  Sputnik  V  hope  to  rely  on  the  British
            Investment  Fund  and  Rus-  ence marking the signing of  other vitally important medi-  regulatory approval in August  vaccine due to comparatively
            sian drugmaker R-Pharm.      the  memorandum,  Russian  cines.”                        after  the  vaccine  only  been  low cost, availability and ease
            AstraZeneca  developed  its  President  Vladimir  Putin  The  trials  are  expected  to  tested on a few dozen people.  of  use.  However,  questions
            vaccine with Oxford Univer-  hailed  cooperation  between  start “in the nearest future,”  This month, Russian author-  remain about how well it may
            sity.  The  Gamaleya  Institute  AstraZeneca and Russian sci-  according to Kirill Dmitriev,  ities started mass vaccinations  help  protect  those  over  age
            developed Sputnik V, and the  entists, saying it “will make it  head  of  the  Russian  Direct  with Sputnik V, even though  55, a key concern given that
            Russian  Direct  Investment  possible  to  achieve  a  break-  Investment Fund.        it is still undergoing the ad-  older  individuals  are  more
            Fund bankrolled the project.  through  while  working  on  Russia has been widely criti-  vanced studies among tens of  vulnerable to COVID-19.

                         Volcano erupts on Hawaii’s Big Island, draws crowds to park

            (AP)  —  Hawaii's  Kilauea                                                                                          spokesman,  said  the  agency
            volcano on the Big Island                                                                                           was  monitoring  the  “rapidly
            erupted and shot a steam                                                                                            evolving” situation.
            and  ash  cloud  into  the                                                                                          "We  will  send  out  further
            atmosphere  that  lasted                                                                                            notifications  on  Kilauea  and
            about an hour, an official                                                                                          other Hawaiian volcanoes as
            with the National Weather                                                                                           we observe changes,” he said.
            Service said early Monday.                                                                                          A  magnitude  4.4  earthquake
                                                                                                                                hit  about  an  hour  after  the
            The eruption began late Sun-                                                                                        volcano began erupting.
            day within Kilauea's summit                                                                                         The  USGS  said  it  received
            crater,  the  U.S.  Geologi-                                                                                        more  than  500  reports  of
            cal  Survey  said.  The  crater,                                                                                    people  who  felt  the  earth-
            named  Halemaumau,  is  lo-                                                                                         quake but significant damage
            cated  within  Hawaii  Volca-                                                                                       to buildings or structures was
            noes  National  Park  and  was                                                                                      not expected.
            home to a longstanding lava
            lake  that  was  present  for                                                                                       Kilauea last erupted in 2018,
            years before a 2018 eruption                                                                                        destroying  more  than  700
            caused it to drain.                                                                                                 homes  and  spewing  enough
            Tom Birchard, a senior fore-                                                                                        lava to fill 320,000 Olympic-
            caster  with  the  National                                                                                         sized  swimming  pools.  An
            Weather  Service  in  Hawaii,  the volcano’s crater, research-  needed.                for parking places,” she said.  area more than half the size
            said  lava  interacted  with  a  ers confirmed the presence of  “It’s  pretty  spectacular  this  Ferracane  also  said  people  of  Manhattan  was  buried  in
            pool  of  water  that  had  ac-  water.  The  lake  had  contin-  morning," she said, "but there  should  be  mindful  of  the  up to 80 feet (24 meters) of
            cumulated  inside  the  crater,  ued to fill since then.  are high amounts of hazard-  coronavirus  pandemic  and  now-hardened lava. The lava
            leading  to  a  short-lived  but  An advisory was issued by the  ous  sulfur  dioxide  gas  and  take measures to remain safe.  flowed  over  the  course  of
            fairly vigorous eruption.    National  Weather  Service  in  particulates  and  those  are  “We’re not doing crowd con-  four months.
            When lava interacts with wa-  Honolulu, warning of fallen  billowing  out  of  the  crater  trol yet, but that could hap-  The 2018 eruption occurred
            ter it can cause explosive re-  ash  from  the  volcano.  Ex-  right now and those present  pen,”  she  said.  "Right  now,  along a rift zone on the vol-
            actions.                     cessive exposure to ash is an  a  danger  to  everyone,  espe-  we’re urging people to wear  cano's flank where many res-
            All the water evaporated out  eye  and  respiratory  irritant,  cially  people  with  heart  or  a mask to reduce the spread  idential  neighborhoods  had
            of the lake and a steam cloud  it said. The agency later said  respiratory problems, infants,  of  COVID-19.  We  did  see  been  developed.  Last  night's
            shot up about 30,000 feet (9  the eruption was easing and a  young children and pregnant  quite a few visitors last night  eruption  was  contained  to
            kilometers)  into  the  atmo-  “low-level steam cloud” was  women.”                    unmasked.”                   the  summit  caldera  within
            sphere, Birchard said.       lingering in the area.       She  also  said  cars  are  lining  By  1  a.m.,  USGS  officials  the national park.
            The water was the first ever  Hawaii  Volcanoes  National  up at the park entrance to get  told  Hawaii  News  Now  The volcano had not erupted
            recorded in the summit cra-  Park  spokeswoman  Jessica  a glimpse of the lava.        that there were reported lava  since  2018  but  before  then
            ter of Kilauea volcano.      Ferracane said in a telephone  “There is a lot of cars waiting  fountains shooting about 165  had active lava flows for more
            In 2019, after a week of ques-  interview  that  the  volcanic  on  Crater  Rim  Drive  to  get  feet (50 meters) into the sky.  than three decades. Kilauea is
            tions  about  a  mysterious  activity is a risk to people in  out to Kilauea overlook. Peo-  David  Phillips,  a  Hawai-  one of the most active volca-
            green patch at the bottom of  the  park  and  that  caution  is  ple should expect long waits  ian  Volcano  Observatory  noes on earth.
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