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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 22 December 2020

                           Browns' Hubbard to miss 'significant time' with knee injury

            (AP)  —  Versatile  Browns                                                                                          the 29-year-old is among the
            offensive  lineman  Chris                                                                                           most  well-liked  players  on
            Hubbard's season is likely                                                                                          the team.
            over  after  he  sustained  a
            serious  knee  injury  early                                                                                        Teller remains sidelined with
            in Sunday night's win over                                                                                          a sprained ankle and Stefan-
            the New York Giants.                                                                                                ski doesn't think he'll be back
                                                                                                                                this week as the Browns play
            Coach  Kevin  Stefanski  said                                                                                       the New York Jets.
            Hubbard, who was filling in                                                                                         Harris,  a  fifth-round  pick
            for injured starter Wyatt Tell-                                                                                     from   Washington,   came
            er  at  right  guard,  will  miss                                                                                   through  in  a  pinch  and
            “significant  time.”  Hubbard                                                                                       played  well  after  Hubbard
            got hurt on Cleveland's sec-                                                                                        went down.
            ond  offensive  play  and  was                                                                                      “It felt good to get out there
            replaced by rookie Nick Har-                                                                                        and run around," said Harris,
            ris.                                                                                                                who had only taken one of-
            Stefanski  would  not  com-                                                                                         fensive  snap  this  season  be-
            ment  on  an  NFL  Network                                                                                          fore  going  in.  "I  didn't  even
            report that Hubbard has torn                                                                                        have time to think.”
            ligaments, a dislocated knee-                                                                                       Also, Stefanski said defensive
            cap and will undergo surgery.                                                                                       tackle  Sheldon  Richardson
            Hubbard's  loss  hurts  Cleve-                                                                                      should be fine after sustain-
            land's  depth  up  front.  He                                                                                       ing  a  neck  injury  Sunday
            can play guard or tackle and                                                                                        night.

                         Oklahoma RB Pledger, QB Mordecai announce transfer plans

            (AP)  —  Oklahoma  run-                                                                son  returned  from  suspen-
            ning  back  T.J.  Pledger                                                              sion.  Stevenson  has  gained  Mordecai completed 80% of
            and  quarterback  Tanner                                                               690  yards  from  scrimmage  his passes this season for 395
            Mordecai say they plan to                                                              in  five  games  since  coming  yards and two touchdowns as
            transfer                                                                               back. The Sooners also have  a backup. He briefly replaced
                                                                                                   talented  freshmen  running  Spencer Rattler against Texas
            Both  made  their  announce-                                                           backs  Seth  McGowan  and  this season and completed 5
            ments on social media. Mor-                                                            Marcus Major.                of 7 passes for 52 yards. Rat-
            decai  said  he  already  has                                                                                       tler  stepped  back  in  and  led
            entered  he  transfer  portal.                                                         Pledger  is  just  the  latest  the Sooners to victory in four
            Pledger  said  he  has  decided                                                        Sooner  running  back  to  en-  overtimes.
            to enter.                                                                              ter  the  portal.  Trey  Sermon
                                                                                                   entered  the  portal  before  Rattler  emerged  as  one  of
            Pledger  had  an  injury-                                                              this  season  and  ended  up  at  the nation’s most productive
            plagued career with the Soon-                                                          Ohio State, where he ran for  quarterbacks.  The  Sooners
            ers. He ran for 451 yards and                                                          a school record 331 yards in  also  signed  Caleb  Williams,
            five  touchdowns  this  season  stretch, he ran for 131 yards  and a score against TCU.  the  Big  Ten  championship  the  nation’s  consensus  No.
            and caught nine passes for 77  and two touchdowns against  Pledger’s  role  diminished  win  over  Northwestern  on  1  quarterback  recruit,  last
            yards this season. In his best  Texas, then ran for 122 yards  when  Rhamondre  Steven-  Saturday.                  week.

                          Bucks lose 2022 2nd-round pick over early Bogdanovic talks

            (AP)  —  The  Milwaukee  ing  whether  the  move  had
            Bucks were docked a 2022  been agreed upon earlier than
            second-round  pick  af-      league rules allow.
            ter  the  NBA  determined  Bogdanovic,     a   restricted
            the team held discussions  free  agent,  ended  up  sign-
            with  Bogdan  Bogdanovic  ing  with  Atlanta  when  Sac-
            or his agent before it was  ramento chose to not match
            allowed under free agency  the  Hawks’  four-year,  $72
            rules.                       million  offer  sheet.  Ilyasova
                                         was waived, but DiVincenzo
            The league said Monday the  and Wilson remain with the
            Bucks’ rule violation consti-  Bucks.
            tuted  “conduct  detrimental  NBA officials said they took
            to the NBA.”                 into  account  several  factors
            Reports surfaced in the days  in  the  decision:  the  Bucks’
            leading  to  the  start  of  last  cooperation with the investi-
            month’s  free  agency  period  gation;  the  Bucks  ultimately
            that the Bucks had agreed on  not signing Bogdanovic; and
            a  sign-and-trade  that  would  the lack of evidence of an im-
            have  brought  Bogdanovic  permissible  early  agreement
            and Justin James to Milwau-  on contract terms.
            kee  while  sending  Donte  "We  were  fully  coopera-
            DiVincenzo, D.J. Wilson and  tive  with  the  league  and  we
            Ersan  Ilyasova  to  the  Sacra-  look  forward  to  our  season
            mento Kings.                 beginning  on  Wednesday,”
            The trade fizzled as the NBA  the Bucks said Monday in a
            announced it was investigat-  statement.
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