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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Friday 19 June 2020
            Continued from Front                                                                                                And no single facility in the
            For  one  thing,  the  number                                                                                       county  has  come  close  to
            of  newly  confirmed  cas-                                                                                          the death toll at Life Care,
            es  per  day  has  risen  from                                                                                      which was struck unaware.
            about  21,400  two  weeks                                                                                           While  it  is  unclear  how
            ago to 23,200, the AP anal-                                                                                         much  specific  treatments
            ysis found.                                                                                                         may  have  contributed  to
            And  in  Florida,  Georgia,                                                                                         the decline in deaths, doc-
            Texas and Arizona — states                                                                                          tors  are  trying  antivirals
            that  loosened  their  stay-                                                                                        such as remdesivir, plasma
            at-home  restrictions  early                                                                                        donated from people who
            — daily deaths have been                                                                                            have  recovered  from  the
            quietly  rising  since  early                                                                                       virus  and  steroids  such  as
            June, said Ali Mokdad, pro-                                                                                         dexamethasone,      which
            fessor of health metrics sci-                                                                                       grabbed    attention   this
            ences  at  the  University  of                                                                                      week  with  reports  confirm-
            Washington in Seattle.                                                                                              ing it can save the lives of
            "These  are  not  numbers.                                                                                          many  of  the  sickest  pa-
            These  are  human  beings,"                                                                                         tients.  While  all  viruses  mu-
            Mokdad  said.  "We're  go-                                                                                          tate, scientists say the coro-
            ing to see a rise in deaths in    In this June 15, 2020, file photo, visitors to the River Walk pass a restaurant that has reopened in   navirus so far is not chang-
            many places in the United    San Antonio.                                                                           ing in a way that has made
            States."                                                                                           Associated Press  it less deadly.
            The  outbreak  has  killed                                                                                          The  decline  in  deaths  this
            about  118,000  people  in  have  been  bringing  down  for the virus will rise. Hospi-  Dr. Shmuel Shoham, a pro-  spring might well be tied in
            the U.S. and nearly a half-  the  daily  death  toll  since  talizations  will  then  go  up  fessor of medicine at Johns  part to warmer weather as
            million  worldwide,  accord-  mid-April, and the U.S. as a  and, finally, so will deaths.  Hopkins University School of  people  spend  more  time
            ing to Johns Hopkins' count,  whole is still seeing the posi-  Several  factors  are  be-  Medicine.  Lessons  learned  outdoors where circulating
            though  the  real  numbers  tive  effects,  even  though  lieved  to  be  pushing  the  from the "awful early days"  air  disperses  the  virus.  But
            are believed to be higher.  people are starting to work,  curves for deaths and cas-   are now benefiting the se-   that does not bode well for
            Potential  vaccines  are  in  shop and eat out again.     es in opposite directions.   verely  sick  and  people  in  the U.S. come this fall and
            early stages of testing, and  Doctors  watching  for  an  Rising  case  numbers  can  nursing  homes,  Shoham  winter. Mokdad noted that
            it is unlikely any will be ready  uptick in deaths will be on  partially  be  explained  by  said.                  deaths  are  on  the  rise  in
            before early next year.      the alert for certain signals  the  wider  availability  of  It  looks  that  way  in  Wash-  the  Southern  Hemisphere,
            Experts  note  that  a  rise  in  to emerge in a specific or-  testing.  Mild  cases,  previ-  ington state's King County,  where it's now winter.
            deaths  could  take  awhile  der, Shahpar said.           ously undetected because  where the first nursing home  "This  virus  is  going  to  have
            to  show  up  in  the  U.S.  sta-  First,  cellphone  data  will  of  limits  on  who  could  be  outbreak  in  the  U.S.  killed  a  second  wave.  It's  go-
            tistics.   Stay-at-home  or-  show    people    moving  tested, are now showing up  45 people at the Life Care  ing  to  follow  the  pattern
            ders  imposed  in  March,  around more. Next, doctors  in the numbers.                 Center in suburban Seattle.  of  pneumonia,"  he  said.
            combined  with  the  use  of  will  report  more  flu-like  ill-  As  for  the  drop  in  deaths,  County data shows deaths  "What  we're  seeing  in  the
            face  masks  and  other  so-  nesses, and the proportion  "it is probably several things  in similar facilities declining  Southern  Hemisphere  will
            cial-distancing  measures,  of  people  testing  positive  happening  at  once,"  said  over  the  past  two  months.  be happening here."q
              Cream of Wheat, Mrs. Butterworth confront race in packaging

              By DEE-ANN DURBIN                                                                    ing  the  brand  name,"  the  Butterworth's  syrup,  said
              AP Business Writer                                                                   company  said  in  a  state-  its  bottles  —  which  are
              Colgate, Cream of Wheat                                                              ment.                       shaped  like  a  matronly
              and  Mrs.  Butterworth  are                                                          B&G  Foods  Inc.,  which  woman  —  are  intended
              the  latest  brands  reckon-                                                         makes  Cream  of  Wheat  to  evoke  a  "loving  grand-
              ing  with  racially  charged                                                         hot  cereal,  said  Wednes-  mother." But the company
              logos.                                                                               day it is initiating "an imme-  said it can understand that
              The  soul-searching  comes                                                           diate  review"  of  its  pack-  the  packaging  could  be
              in  the  wake  of  PepsiCo's                                                         aging. A smiling black chef  misinterpreted. Critics have
              announcement  Wednes-                                                                holding  a  bowl  of  cereal  long claimed that the bot-
              day  that  it's  renaming  its                                                       has  appeared  on  Cream  tle's design is rooted in the
              Aunt Jemima syrup brand.                                                             of  Wheat  packaging  and  "mammy" stereotype.
              Mars  Inc.  says  it's  also  re-                                                    in  ads  since  at  least  1918,  "We  understand  that  our
              viewing its Uncle Ben's rice                                                         according  to  the  compa-  actions  help  play  an  im-
              brand.                     In this Nov. 20, 2007 file photo, bottles of Mrs. Butterworth's syrup   ny's web site.  portant  role  in  eliminating
              New  York-based  Colgate-  are displayed on a supermarket shelf in Basking Ridge, N.J.   "We  understand  there  are  racial bias and as a result,
              Palmolive  Co.  said  Thurs-                                        Associated Press  concerns  regarding  the  we  have  begun  a  com-
              day  it  is  working  with  its                                                      Chef  image,  and  we  are  plete  brand  and  packag-
              Chinese  partner,  Hawley  a  wide  smile;  a  Hawey  &  name  of  the  toothpaste  committed  to  evaluating  ing  review  on  Mrs.  Butter-
              & Hazel Chemical Co., on  Hazel  executive  came  up  was changed to Darlie and  our  packaging  and  will  worth's,"  Conagra  said  in
              changes to its Darlie brand  with  the  logo  after  visiting  the  logo  was  changed  to  proactively  take  steps  to  a statement. The changes
              toothpaste.                 the United States and see-  a racially ambiguous figure  ensure  that  we  and  our  are  the  latest  signal  of
              The   toothpaste,   which  ing  Al  Jolson  perform.  The  in  a  top  hat.  But  Colgate  brands do not inadvertent-  the  powerful  cultural  mo-
              is  popular  in  Asia,  was  Chinese name on the box  said  the  product  is  under  ly  contribute  to  systemic  ment  unleashed  by  the
              called  Darkie  when  it  translated  to  "black  man  further review.               racism,"  Parsippany,  New  Black Lives Matter protests,
              was  first  introduced  in  the  toothpaste."           "We  are  currently  working  Jersey-based  B&G  said  in  which have spread around
              1930s.  Packages  featured  Colgate-Palmolive      ac-  with  our  partner  to  review  a statement.             the  world  and  prompted
              a  drawing  of  a  minstrel  quired a 50% stake in Haw-  and  further  evolve  all  as-  Chicago-based  Conagra  companies to rethink their
              singer  in  blackface  with  ley  in  1985.  In  1989,  the  pects of the brand, includ-  Brands,  which  makes  Mrs.  policies and products.q
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