Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20200619
P. 30
Friday 19 June 2020
Denying marriage claim, justices OK James Brown's dying wish
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — The In that 2013 ruling, justices
Godfather of Soul's dy- wrote McMaster hadn't fol-
ing wish to help educate lowed Brown's expressed
needy children is a big step wishes for most of his mon-
closer to being fulfilled, ey to go to charity, having
now that South Carolina's instead selected a profes-
Supreme Court — wad- sional manager who took
ing into a 14-year-old le- control of Brown's assets
gal saga yet again — has from the estate's trustees to
ruled that James Brown's settle Brown's debts. Writing
last partner was not legally that McMaster's deal "de-
married to him. stroys the estate plan Brown
In an unanimous ruling on had established in favor of
Wednesday, the state's jus- an arrangement overseen
tices wrote that Tomi Rae virtually exclusively by the
Hynie, a former partner of AG," the court also ruled
Brown's who claimed to then that the Godfather
be his wife, failed to annul of Soul was of sound mind
a previous marriage, and when he made his will be-
therefore did not have a fore his death.
right to his multimillion-dol- The justices ruled again in
lar estate. the case two years later, or-
Brown's union with Hynie dering all estate proceed-
has long been the center of ings halted pending fur-
the evolving legal troubles ther evaluation by a lower
following his death at the court.
age of 73 on Christmas Day Finally on Wednesday, the
2006. The performer's death justices ruled that Hynie has
touched off years of bizarre no claims on the money,
headlines, beginning with and ordered a circuit court
Hynie being locked out of to "promptly proceed with
his 60-acre estate, while In this Dec. 25, 2006 file photo, James Brown's widow, Tomi Rae Hynie, reacts after being denied the probate of Brown's es-
photographers captured access to the home she shared with the singer and the couple's 5-year-old son, in Beech Island, tate in accordance with his
her sobbing and shaking its S.C. estate plan."
iron gates, begging to be Associated Press That plan, outlined in
let in. Brown's will, was to create
Brown was renowned for suits have been filed over a 2009 settlement after of Brown's assets was not an "I Feel Good" trust that
hundreds of iconic musi- the years by people trying Brown's estate had been made public, and attor- would use his music royal-
cal works including hits like to lay claim to what's left, floundering in court for neys said his accounts ties to fund educational ex-
"I Feel Good" and "A Man's which courts have estimat- years. In 2013, the state's had little money in them. penses for children in South
World," and was known ed to be worth anything high court overturned Mc- In 2008, some of his pos- Carolina and Georgia.
around the world for his from $5 million to more than Master's settlement, which sessions were auctioned "The ongoing litigation
flashy performances and $100 million. would have given nearly for $850,000, in part to pay since Brown's passing has
dynamic stage presence. Wednesday's ruling dealt half the estate to a charita- down debt, and all agreed thwarted his expressed wish
But years of drug problems another blow to a deal ble trust, a quarter to Hynie, that future income from that his estate be used for
and financial mismanage- brokered by Gov. Henry and the rest to be split music and movie royal- educational purposes ... a
ment caused his estate to McMaster who, as South among his adult children. ties and the use of Brown's point we find both extraor-
dwindle. Carolina's attorney gener- At the time of that settle- highly marketable likeness dinary and lamentable,"
More than a dozen law- al, stepped in to facilitate ment, the exact value was what remained at the court wrote.q
Memphis music festival, barbecue cooking contest canceled
By ADRIAN SAINZ teams from around the this year's events due to Festivals can be places "The festival holder has to
Associated Press world. public safety concerns, a where COVID-19 can make a decision if they
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — The In March, Memphis in May statement posted on its spread because they in- can meet the require-
Beale Street Music Festival, events were pushed to website said. volve a large group of ments that we're going to
the World Championship late September and Oc- The Mississippi River city re- people who are standing set forth, and whether its
Barbecue Cooking Con- tober in hopes that the vi- lies heavily on tourism reve- close together and walk- economically feasible for
test and other "Memphis rus outbreak would have nue from Memphis in May. ing around for an extend- them to carry the event
in May" events were can- slowed down. "The annual Memphis in ed period of time. out," Haushalter said dur-
celed Thursday due to the But virus cases and hos- May is an important part Shelby County Health De- ing an online news confer-
coronavirus outbreak in pitalizations in Memphis of the cultural fabric of our partment Director Alisa ence Thursday.
the Tennessee city. have risen in recent days, city, but this pandemic has Haushalter said it would The Lumineers, Three 6
Both the music festival and delaying a planned move impacted large scale pub- not be prudent to have Mafia, The Avett Brothers,
the barbecue cooking to ease restrictions on busi- lic events worldwide and festivals in 2020 and into Lil Wayne and The Smash-
contest are the corner- nesses such as restaurants Memphis is no exception." 2021. ing Pumpkins were among
stones of the city's month- and retail stores this week. said James L. Holt, presi- She said the department the musical acts sched-
long tourist event in May. Memphis in May's board dent of the Memphis in has been reviewing pro- uled to perform at the
They attract music fans of directors met Thursday May International Festival, posals from organizers of music festival before the
and barbecue cooking and decided to cancel in the statement. several festivals. postponement.q