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                        Friday 19 June 2020

                                                                                    How many times do our children tell us that dad is their superhero? A
                                                                                    great father is a coach, mentor, soldier, friend and husband. Aruba To-
                                                                                    day has a place in their heart for all dads.

                                                                                    We invite you to send a picture of your father with a small text dedi-
                                                                                    cated to Father’s Day in order for us to create a nice Superhero article
                                                                                    to be published in Aruba Today! Send it to email news@arubatoday.
                                                                                    com or as a message on Facebook Aruba Today.

                                                                                       We also invite you to join us with an ad of your Father’s Day Spe-
                                                                                       cial and we will give you a FREE PR to go with that, published in
                                                                                       print and online! Your ad will reach the local market because Bon
                                                                                       Dia Aruba and Aruba Today come out as one newspaper now.
                                                                                       Note also our Facebook special: 3 days pinned post on Bon Dia
                                                                                       Aruba Facebook for only Afl. 200,00 (> 24.000 likes)!

                                                                                    Please contact our sales department for more details at: +297 597-7801
                                                                                    or email: linda.reijnders@cspnv.comq

            Sea turtle conservation by Turtugaruba Foundation

            ORANJESTAD  ―  Turtugaruba  was  founded  on        Driekiel (March – September)                about  70  hatchlings  on  the  streets,  dead,  as
            September  3rd,2003  by  a  group  of  enthusias-  •   Loggerhead Sea Turtle - Dikkopschildpad -  cars drove over them. Thanks to their protection
            tic volunteers. Ten years earlier, in 1993, a Sea   Cawama (May – September)                    methods and a lot of time and effort, the vol-
            Turtle Recovery Action Plan (STRAP) was intro-  •   Hawksbill Sea Turtle - Karetschildpad - Caret  unteers of Turtugaruba have managed to get
            duced in Aruba and the rest of the Caribbean        (June – December)                           this under control. But for a sustainable solution
            as  an  initiative  of  the  United  Nations  Environ-  •   Green Turtle - Soepschildpad - Turtuga Blan-  there must be less light visible on the beaches
            ment  Program  (UNEP).  Tom  Barmes,  who  was      co (July-November)                          and  a  strict  regulation  of  it.  Sea  turtles  simply
            working  at  DLVV  (Deptartment  of  Agriculture,                                               need dark nesting beaches for their survival. It
            Husbandry and Fishery) was one of the writers of  There  also  came  a  better  understanding  and  is  clear  that  even  more  coastal  development
            the STRAP for Aruba, together with Karen Eckert,  overview of the biggest threats to the sea tur-  would not make the situation better for the sea
            director of WIDECAST (Wider Caribbean Sea Tur-  tles existence in Aruba and how these problems  turtles.  Again,  more  hotel  rooms?  And  even
            tle Conservation Network). This is how sea turtle  should be tackled. Despite hard work, all those  busier beaches? These are choices Aruba has
            conservation  started  on  the  island  following  a  years,  most  problems  have  not  really  gone  to make. Do we want to leave a place for the
            plan that is still complied with today.         away, but luckily and thanks to the enormous  sea turtles? Not only Aruba, but the entire world
                                                            efforts from the volunteers, the sea turtles are still  needs sea turtles! Sea turtles play a vital role in
            Tom formed a group of volunteers around him,  here. On Aruba the sea turtles are threatened  keeping our oceans healthy.
            because  nature  does  not  know  office  hours,  with  extinction  by  pollution,  driving  on  dunes
            like an organization such as DLVV. This group of  and  beaches  with  quads  and  4x4’s  and  the  The  Green  Turtle,  for  example,  keeps  the  sea
            volunteers used the name Widecast Aruba and  loss of nesting beaches due to coastal devel-      grasses  on  the  bottom  of  the  sea  short  and
            today there are still a few of them active. They  opment on behalf of tourism. Because coastal  therefore a healthy place for many fish to de-
            first started protecting the Leatherback Sea Tur-  development comes with artificial light and arti-  posit  their  eggs.  The  Leatherback,  the  larg-
            tle nests on Palm Beach and Eagle Beach. This  ficial light is a mayor issue for sea turtles, mother  est turtle of the world, eats mainly jellyfish and
            group also investigated which other species of  turtle usually comes on shore at night looking for  helps  maintain  the  balance  between  jellyfish
            sea  turtles  use  Aruba  as  their  nesting  habitat  a dark beach to make her nest. However… a  and plankton. Despite the threats that exist on
            and  which  beaches  are  used  by  them.  For  a  dark beach is hard to find here nowadays. Light  Aruba, the turtles still keep coming. That’s why
            period of 25 years a study has been conducted  causes stress and can result in her returning to  today  Turtugaruba  is  especially  proud  of  the
            in  which  every  early  morning  the  beach  was  the sea without laying her eggs. Artificial light  volunteers  and  the  many  people  and  orga-
            being monitored in which now there is a good  causes  disorientation  for  the  baby  sea  turtles  nizations of our community that carry a warm
            overview of sea turtle nesting activities.      (hatchlings).                                   place in their hearts for the sea turtles. All four
                                                                                                            species are active now, which means all hands
            There are 4 different sea turtle species that vis-  They  crawl  towards  artificial  light  sources  (like  on deck in the field for us, the volunteers. We
            it Aruba to lay their eggs, each with their own  streetlights,  hotel  lights,  etc.)  and  then  they  strive to keep the sea turtles, our oldest ‘repeat
            specific season:                                don’t find the sea. In the 90’s it was still a com-  guests’, always coming back to Aruba and get
            •   Leatherback  Sea  Turtle  -  Lederschildpad  -  mon  occurrence  to  find  a  complete  nest  of  the chance to reproduce here.q
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