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                        Friday 19 June 2020
            China passes draft of controversial Hong Kong security law

            BEIJING (AP) — China's leg-                                                                                         curity  issues  from  money
            islature on Thursday passed                                                                                         laundering to terrorism and
            a draft of a national secu-                                                                                         cybercrime.  That  leaves
            rity  bill  for  Hong  Kong  that                                                                                   the  proposed  legislation
            has been strongly criticized                                                                                        to  deal  with  vaguely  de-
            as  undermining  the  semi-                                                                                         fined crimes of a highly po-
            autonomous territory's legal                                                                                        litical nature along the lines
            and political institutions.                                                                                         found  in  mainland  China's
            The National People's Con-                                                                                          Communist  Party-dominat-
            gress'  Standing  Commit-                                                                                           ed system.
            tee  reviewed  the  bill  that                                                                                      Earlier  this  month,  Hong
            covers  four  categories  of                                                                                        Kong's   legislature   ap-
            crimes: succession, subver-                                                                                         proved  a  contentious  bill
            sion  of  state  power,  local                                                                                      making it illegal to insult the
            terrorist  activities,  and  col-                                                                                   Chinese  national  anthem
            laborating  with  foreign  or                                                                                       after  pro-democracy  law-
            external  foreign  forces  to                                                                                       makers boycotted the vote
            endanger national security.                                                                                         out of protest.
            No details on the definitions                                                                                       Senior  opposition  figures
            of  those  crimes  or  the  ap-                                                                                     have also been arrested for
            plicable punishments were                                                                                           taking  part  in  demonstra-
            given.  It  also  wasn't  clear                                                                                     tions  and  questions  have
            when  the  law  would  be                                                                                           arisen over whether the na-
            passed in its final version, al-  Pro-Hong Kong demonstrators shout slogans during a protest at a shopping mall in Hong Kong,   tional security legislation will
            though  Beijing  has  repeat-  Tuesday, June 16, 2020.                                                              be  used  to  disqualify  pro-
            edly  said  it  is  determined                                                                     Associated Press  democracy  candidates  in
            to press ahead despite the                                                                                          September's  elections  for
            criticism.                   law  if  passed  will  revoke  as  the  territory's  constitu-  at a daily briefing. "China's  the Beijing-controlled Legis-
            The congress moved to en-    some  of  the  special  privi-  tion.                     determination in promoting  lative Council.
            act  the  legislation  at  the  leges  it  grants  to  Hong  "It  would  jeopardize  the  the national security law in  Hong  Kong  activist  Joshua
            national  level  after  Hong  Kong after the former British  system  which  has  allowed  Hong Kong is unwavering."   Wong  said  he  expected
            Kong's    own    Legislative  colony  was  handed  over  Hong  Kong  to  flourish  and  In  Berlin  on  Thursday,  Ger-  the law would bring nega-
            Council  was  unable  to  do  to China in 1997. Britain has  made  it  a  success  over  man  Chancellor  Angela  tive  repercussions  for  peo-
            so  because  of  strong  lo-  said  it  will  offer  passports  many  years,"  they  said.  Merkel called for an "open  ple like him who hold con-
            cal  opposition.  Critics  say  and a path to citizenship to  "Open  debate,  consulta-  dialogue" between Europe  trarian views.
            it  could  severely  limit  free  as many as 3 million Hong  tion with stakeholders, and  and  China  on  an  invest-  Opposing  the  law  "could
            speech and opposition po-    Kong  residents.  Beijing  has  respect for protected rights  ment  agreement,  climate  be my last testimony (while)
            litical activity.            denounced  the  moves  as  and  freedoms  in  Hong  change  and  Africa  "but  I  am  still  free,"  Wong  said
            Legal  experts  say  Beijing's  interference in its affairs.   Kong are essential."    also  on  questions  of  the  Thursday  during  an  on-
            justifications for the law are  On Wednesday, the Group  China's    Foreign   Ministry  rule  of  law  and  human  line  event  to  promote  de-
            highly debatable.            of  Seven  leading  econo-   condemned the G-7 state-     rights, and not least the fu-  mocracy  and  the  market
            China    acted    following  mies called on China to re-  ment,  accusing  the  group  ture  of  Hong  Kong,  where  economy  held  in  Copen-
            widespread  and  some-       consider its plans in a joint  of  "speaking  and  pointing  we are concerned that the  hagen, Denmark. "Our long
            times  violent  anti-govern-  statement  voicing  "grave  fingers freely at Hong Kong  important principle of 'one  march  to  democracy  will
            ment protests in the territory  concern regarding China's  affairs."                   country, two systems' is be-  be forced into a prolonged
            last year that Beijing saw as  decision  to  impose  a  na-  "We  strongly  deplore  and  ing hollowed out more and  period of crackdown," said
            a dangerous campaign to  tional security law on Hong  firmly  oppose  the  joint  more."                            Wong,  who  rose  to  promi-
            split  Hong  Kong  from  the  Kong," adding that it would  statement  issued  by  the  The  Asian  financial  hub's  nence as a student leader
            rest of the country.         breach  Beijing's  interna-  G-7  foreign  ministers,"  the  highly   respected   legal  during   pro-democracy
            The  U.S.  has  said  that  the  tional commitments as well  ministry  spokesperson  said  system  already  covers  se-  demonstrations in 2014. q
            Japan's ex-justice minister arrested in vote-buying case

                                                                      By MARI YAMAGUCHI            reason.                      Their arrest came a day af-
                                                                      Associated Press             Local   media    including  ter  the  parliamentary  ses-
                                                                      TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japanese  Kyodo  News  reported  the  sion ended, when both no
                                                                      Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's  arrest was over allegations  longer had immunity.
                                                                      former  justice  minister  and  that the couple offered mil-  While the couple left Abe's
                                                                      the   minister's   lawmaker  lions of yen in cash to doz-  ruling  Liberal  Democrat-
                                                                      wife  were  arrested  Thurs-  ens of voters ahead of the  ic  Party  earlier  this  week,
                                                                      day  over  allegations  they  2019 upper house election  there  are  still  questions
                                                                      engaged  in  vote  buying  in which Anri Kawai won a  about whether party elec-
                                                                      during  last  year's  election,  seat.                    tion funds were used in the
                                                                      officials  and  local  media  The couple has denied any  alleged vote-buying.
                                                                      said.                        wrongdoing.                  The  couple's  arrest  comes
                                                                      The  Tokyo  Public  Prosecu-  Katsuyuki  Kawai  served  as  as Abe's government is al-
                                                                      tors  Office  said  it  arrested  justice  minister  for  only  a  ready  facing  public  criti-
                                                                      the  former  minister,  Kat-  month  from  last  Septem-  cism  over  its  handling  of
            In  this  Sept.  11,  2019,  file  photo,  Japan's  Justice  Minister  Kat-
            suyuki  Kawai  speaks  during  a  press  conference  at  the  prime   suyuki Kawai, and his wife,  ber, resigning when the al-  the  coronavirus  pandemic
            minister's official residence in Tokyo.                   Anri  Kawai,  though  it  did  legations surfaced but has  and  its  devastating  eco-
                                                     Associated Press  not  immediately  give  a  remained  as  lawmaker.  nomic impact.q
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