Page 29 - bon-dia-aruba-20210412
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                                                                                         world news Dialuna 12 aPRil 2021

                                 Ukraine says 1 soldier killed in east as tensions rise

            (AP)  —  The  Ukrainian  fied in recent weeks and Rus-    that “if Russia acts recklessly,
            military said that a soldier  sia has built up troops along  or aggressively, there will be
            was  killed  and  another  the Ukraine border.            costs,  there  will  be  conse-
            seriously  wounded  in  ar-                               quences.”
            tillery  fire  from  Russia-  Russia denies Western claims
            backed  separatist  rebels  that  it  has  sent  troops  into  Ukrainian forces and Russia-
            Sunday,  as  hostilities  rise  eastern  Ukraine  to  help  backed separatists have been
            sharply  in  the  country’s  the  rebels,  but  officials  say  fighting  in  eastern  Ukraine
            east.                        the  army  could  intervene  if  since shortly after Moscow’s
                                         Ukraine  tries  to  retake  the  2014 annexation of Ukraine’s
            As  of  the  reported  attack,  area  by  force.  The  troops  Crimean  Peninsula.  More
            Ukraine  says  27  soldiers  buildup has raised sharp con-  than 14,000 people have died
            have  been  killed  in  the  east  cerns in the West.     in the conflict, and efforts to
            this year, more than half the                             negotiate  a  political  settle-
            number  who  died  in  all  of  U.S. Secretary of State Ant-  ment have stalled.
            2020.  Attacks  have  intensi-  ony Blinken warned Sunday

                            8 dead, dozens hurt as Indonesia quake shakes East Java

                                                                      (28 miles) south of Sumber-  ther  mudslides  or  solidified  quake in Malang district.
                                                                      pucung town of Malang Dis-   lava from a volcanic eruption
                                                                      trict in East Java province, at  in  November,  while  oth-  Television  reports  showed
                                                                      a depth of 82 kilometers (51  ers were swept away by flash  people running in panic from
                                                                      miles).                      floods. Thousands of homes  malls and buildings in several
                                                                                                   with damaged.                cities in East Java province.
                                                                      Rahmat Triyono, the head of
                                                                      Indonesia’s  earthquake  and  Saturday's quake caused fall-  Indonesia,  a  vast  archipela-
                                                                      tsunami center, said the un-  ing rocks to kill a woman on a  go  of  270  million  people,  is
                                                                      dersea tremblor did not have  motorcycle and badly injured  frequently  struck  by  earth-
                                                                      the potential to cause a tsuna-  her  husband  in  East  Java’s  quakes,  volcanic  eruptions
                                                                      mi. Still, he urged people to  Lumajang district, said Rad-  and  tsunamis  because  of
                                                                      stay away from slopes of soil  itya Jati, spokesperson for the  its  location  on  the  “Ring  of
                                                                      or rocks that have the poten-  National Disaster Mitigation  Fire,” an arc of volcanoes and
                                                                      tial for landslides.         Agency.                      fault lines in the Pacific Ba-
                                                                      This  was  the  second  deadly  He  said  about  1,189  homes
            (AP)  —  A  strong  earth-   Sunday. It didn't trigger a  disaster to hit Indonesia this  and  150  public  facilities,  in-  In  January,  a  magnitude  6.2
            quake on Indonesia's main  tsunami.                       week, after Tropical Cyclone  cluding  schools,  hospitals  earthquake  killed  at  least
            island of Java killed eight                               Seroja caused a severe down-  and government offices, were  105 people and injured near-
            people, including a wom-     The U.S. Geological Survey  pour  Sunday  that  killed  at  damaged. Rescuers retrieved  ly  6,500,  while  more  than
            an whose motorcycle was  said the magnitude 6.0 quake  least  174  people  and  left  48  four bodies from the rubble  92,000  were  displaced,  after
            hit  by  falling  rocks,  and  struck off the island's south-  still  missing  in  East  Nusa  in  Lumajang's  Kali  Uling  striking Mamuju and Majene
            damaged more than 1,300  ern coast at 2 p.m. Saturday.  Tenggara  province.  Some  village.  Three  people  were  districts  in  West  Sulawesi
            buildings,  officials  said  It was centered 45 kilometers  victims  were  buried  in  ei-  also confirmed killed by the  province.

                          Egypt prosecutors find gross negligence behind train crash

            (AP)  —  Egyptian  prosecutors  before the collision. The ATC system  prompted  the  then-transportation  2002,  when  over  300  people  were
            said Sunday they found that gross  is a mechanism that guides trains’ safe  minister to resign.             killed  after  a  fire  broke  out  in  an
            negligence by railway employees  operation and involves a speed con-                                        overnight train traveling from Cairo
            was  behind  a  deadly  train  crash  trol.                             Egypt’s  deadliest  train  crash  was  in  to southern Egypt.
            that  caused  public  outcry  across
            the country. Drugs were allegedly  Prosecutors also allege that a control
            also involved.                      tower guard had smoked hashish and
                                                an assistant to a train driver had used
            The March 26 crash of two passenger  hashish  and  the  opioid  pain  killer
            trains in the province of Sohag, about  Tramadol, commonly sold as a street
            440 kilometers (270 miles) south of  drug in Egypt. The statement did not
            Cairo,  was  the  latest  in  a  series  of  elaborate as to whether drugs had im-
            deadly railway accidents in the Arab  pacted  their  decision  making  at  the
            most  populous  country.  At  least  18  time of the crash.
            people died and 200 others, including
            children, were injured.             Prosecutors said they have yet to con-
                                                clude their investigation in the crash.
            Prosecutors  last  month  ordered  the
            detention  of  eight  railway  employ-  Train  wrecks  and  mishaps  are  com-
            ees, including two train drivers, their  mon in Egypt, where the railway sys-
            assistants, the head of traffic control  tem has a history of badly maintained
            in  neighboring  Assiut  province,  and  equipment and mismanagement.
            three traffic control guards.
                                                Hundreds  of  train  accidents  are  re-
            The findings, announced Sunday in  ported every year. In February 2019
            a  detailed  statement  by  the  public  an  unmanned  locomotive  slammed
            prosecution, allege that a driver and  into  a  barrier  inside  Cairo’s  main
            his  assistant  had  deactivated  the  au-  Ramses  railway  station,  causing  a
            tomatic  train  control  system  (ATC)  huge explosion and a fire. That crash
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