Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20210412
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A30    world news
                      Dialuna 12 aPRil 2021

                                         Official: Chinese vaccines' effectiveness low

                                                                      mRNA-based vaccines.         Turkey.                      “Everyone  should  consider
                                                                                                                                the benefits mRNA vaccines
                                                                      Gao  did  not  respond  to  a  The  effectiveness  of  a  Sino-  can bring for humanity,” Gao
                                                                      phone call requesting further  vac  vaccine  at  preventing  said. “We must follow it care-
                                                                      comment.                     symptomatic  infections  was  fully and not ignore it just be-
                                                                                                   found to be as low as 50.4%  cause we already have several
                                                                      “The  mRNA  vaccines  de-    by researchers in Brazil, near  types of vaccines already.”
                                                                      veloped in our country have  the  50%  threshold  at  which  Gao  previously  questioned
                                                                      also entered the clinical trial  health  experts  say  a  vaccine  the safety of mRNA vaccines.
                                                                      stage,” said the official, Wang  is useful. By comparison, the  He was quoted by the official
                                                                      Huaqing.  He  gave  no  time-  Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has  Xinhua News Agency as say-
                                                                      line for possible use.       been found to be 97% effec-  ing in December he couldn’t
                                                                      Experts say mixing vaccines,  tive.                       rule out negative side effects
                                                                      or  sequential  immunization,                             because they were being used
                                                                      might  boost  effectiveness.  Health  experts  say  Chinese  for the first time on healthy
                                                                      Researchers  in  Britain  are  vaccines  are  unlikely  to  be  people.
            (AP)  —  In  a  rare  admis-  mote  doubt  about  the  ef-  studying a possible combina-  sold  to  the  United  States,
            sion  of  the  weakness  of  fectiveness  of  the  Pfizer-Bi-  tion of Pfizer-BioNTech and  Western  Europe  and  Japan  Chinese state media and pop-
            Chinese  coronavirus  vac-   oNTech vaccine made using  the  traditional  AstraZeneca  due to the complexity of the  ular health and science blogs
            cines,  the  country's  top  the  previously  experimental  vaccine.                   approval process.            also  have  questioned  the
            disease  control  official  messenger RNA, or mRNA,                                                                 safety and effectiveness of the
            says  their  effectiveness  is  process.                  The  coronavirus  pandemic,  A  Sinovac  spokesman,  Liu  Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine.
            low and the government is                                 which began in central China  Peicheng,   acknowledged
            considering  mixing  them  “It’s now under formal con-    in  late  2019,  marks  the  first  varying levels of effectiveness  As of April 2,  some 34 mil-
            to get a boost.              sideration whether we should  time  the  Chinese  drug  in-  have  been  found  but  said  lion people in China have re-
                                         use  different  vaccines  from  dustry  has  played  a  role  in  that can be due to the age of  ceived both of the two doses
            Chinese vaccines “don’t have  different  technical  lines  for  responding to a global health  people in a study, the strain of  required for Chinese vaccines
            very  high  protection  rates,”  the  immunization  process,”  emergency.              virus and other factors.     and about 65 million received
            said the director of the China  Gao said.                                                                           one, according to Gao.
            Centers for Disease Control,                              Vaccines made by Sinovac, a  Beijing  has  yet  to  approve
            Gao Fu, at a conference Sat-  Officials  at  a  news  confer-  private  company,  and  Sino-  any  foreign  vaccines  for  use  The Sinovac spokesman, Liu,
            urday  in  the  southwestern  ence  Sunday  didn’t  respond  pharm,  a  state-owned  firm,  in China.               said  studies  find  protection
            city of Chengdu.             directly  to  questions  about  have made up the majority of                           "may  be  better”  if  time  be-
                                         Gao’s  comment  or  possible  Chinese vaccines distributed  Gao  gave  no  details  of  pos-  tween  vaccinations  is  longer
            Beijing  has  distributed  hun-  changes in official plans. But  to several dozen countries in-  sible changes in strategy but  than the current 14 days but
            dreds  of  millions  of  doses  another  CDC  official  said  cluding  Mexico,  Turkey,  In-  cited mRNA as a possibility.  gave no indication that might
            abroad  while  trying  to  pro-  developers  are  working  on  donesia, Hungary, Brazil and                         be made standard practice.

                          2 German state governors want to be center-right candidate

            (AP) — Two German state  porters after a meeting of the  party CSU.
            governors  on  Sunday  de-   leaders  of  the  parliamentary  The center-right Union bloc,
            clared their willingness to  party  factions  of  the  Union  which is made up by the two
            become  the  center-right  bloc. “We both have declared  parties but dominated by the
            candidate  for  the  coun-   our willingness to run for the  CDU, hasn’t yet decided on
            try's  Sept.  26  national  candidacy  for  the  chancel-  its  candidate  for  the  parlia-
            election.                    lery.”                       mentary  election.  However,
                                                                      a decision is expected in the
            German  Chancellor  Angela  Armin  Laschet,  who  is  the  coming days.
            Merkel  isn’t  seeking  a  fifth  governor of Germany’s most
            term after 16 years in power.  populous state North Rhine-  “There's a big expectation to
            Her center-right Union bloc  Westphalia,  won  the  leader-  come to a solution together,
            has yet to choose its candidate  ship  of  Merkel’s  Christian  rather  sooner  than  later,  re-
            between two state governors,  Democratic Union, or CDU,  garding  the  question  of  the
            Armin  Laschet  and  Markus  in January. He hopes to suc-  candidacy  for  chancellery,”
            Soeder.                      ceed Merkel as chancellor as  Soeder said. “We determined  grant respect for each other.”  who is leaving office, to cre-
                                         does Soeder, who is Bavaria's  that  both  of  us  are  capable  "It  is  our  goal,  in  this  situ-  ate as much unity as possible
            “Markus Soeder and I had a  governor and the head of the  and both are ready, which is  ation  in  which  the  country  between  the  CDU  and  the
            long  talk,”  Laschet  told  re-  CDU's  Bavaria-only  sister  important, and that we both  finds itself, with a chancellor,  CSU," Laschet said.

                       German president: Buchenwald a reminder of Nazi 'barbarism'

            (AP) — Germany’s presi-      ated  at  Buchenwald.  Jews,  dictatorship  on  the  inside,  ceremony online. Large-scale  liberation on April 11, 1945.
            dent  on  Sunday  marked  Sinti and Roma were brought  and a racist way of thinking,”  commemorations  for  last  “It was a dictatorship, a Nazi
            the 76th anniversary of the  here  and  murdered,”  Presi-  Steinmeier  said.  “Buchen-  year’s 75th anniversary were  leadership  that  was  respon-
            liberation of the Buchen-    dent  Frank-Walter  Stein-   wald stands for racial fanati-  put on hold due to social dis-  sible  for  the  cruelest  crimes
            wald  concentration  camp  meier said during a speech in  cism,  torture,  murder  and  tancing requirements.       and the genocide," Steinmei-
            by  reminding  his  compa-   the nearby German town of  elimination.”                  The Buchenwald concentra-    er  said.  “But  it  was  human
            triots of the inconceivable  Weimar,  76  years  to  the  day  Holocaust   survivors   and  tion  camp  was  established  beings,  Germans,  who  did
            atrocities  the  Nazis  com-  after U.S. forces liberated the  their families weren't allowed  in  1937.  More  than  56,000  this to other human beings.”
            mitted  there  during  the  camp.                         to gather for anniversary ob-  of  the  280,000  inmates  held  After  his  speech  in  Weimar,
            Third Reich.                 “With its diversity of victims'  servances  this  year  because  at Buchenwald and its satel-  Steinmeier  went  to  the  site
                                         groups,  Buchenwald  repre-  of  the  coronavirus  pandem-  lite camps were killed by the  of  the  former  concentration
            “Communists  and  demo-      sents the entire barbarism of  ic.  Survivors  from  different  Nazis  or  died  as  a  result  of  camp, where he laid a wreath
            crats,  homosexuals  and  so-  the  Nazis,  its  aggressive  na-  parts  of  the  world  instead  hunger, illness or medical ex-  with yellow and red flowers
            called asocials were incarcer-  tionalism  to  the  outside,  it's  attended  Sunday's  memorial  periments  before  the  camp's  for the victims.
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