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A28    US NEWS
                Diabierna 18 Februari 2022

                        Use of rape-kit DNA to probe other crimes shocks prosecutors

            (AP) — The San Francisco  woman,  that  person  was  sic  analysis,  including  DNA
            district  attorney’s  stun-  crime  lab  Director  Mark  profiling,  using  those  data-
            ning  claim  that  Califor-  Powell.                      bases  —  without  regulation
            nia  crime  labs  are  using                              by the state or others.
            DNA  from  sexual  assault  Powell  did  not  respond
            survivors  to  investigate  Wednesday to an email from  Kreag  said  there  could  be
            unrelated  crimes  shocked  The Associated Press seeking  other instances where some-
            prosecutors  nationwide,  comment.                        one’s  DNA  is  collected  for
            and  advocates  said  the                                 a  specific  purpose  and  then
            practice  could  affect  vic-  San  Francisco  Police  Chief  run  through  a  database.  For
            tims’  willingness  to  come  Bill Scott said his department  example, homeowners could
            forward.                     is investigating. If he finds his  submit their DNA in a bur-
                                         department  is  using  victims’  glary  case  to  exclude  them,
            District   Attorney   Chesa  DNA  to  investigate  other  but later that DNA could be
            Boudin said he became aware  crimes,  he  is  committed  to  linked to another crime.
            of the “opaque practice” last  ending the practice.
            week after prosecutors found                              Several  other  law  enforce-  investigate other cases.”  law enforcement.
            a report among hundreds of  A  spokesman  declined  to  ment  agencies  in  California
            pages of evidence in the case  comment  Wednesday  on  and  elsewhere  around  the     Knecht  and  others  fear  the  The clash between his office
            against  a  woman  recently  when  the  results  of  the  in-  U.S.  pushed  back  against   effect  on  sexual  assault  vic-  and  the  police  department
            charged with a felony proper-  vestigation  can  be  expected.  Boudin’s assertion that it was   tims, many of whom are al-  intensified  this  month  after
            ty crime. The papers referred  He  said  Scott  would  likely  a common practice.      ready reluctant to report their  the start of a trial against Ter-
            to  a  DNA  sample  collected  address  the  allegations  later                        experiences  to  law  enforce-  rance  Stangel,  a  former  po-
            from  the  woman  during  a  Wednesday  during  a  Police  New  York  Police  Depart-  ment. Experts say only a third  lice officer facing battery and
            2016 rape investigation.     Commission meeting.          ment  Detective  Sophia  Ma-  of sexual assaults are reported  assault  charges  for  beating
                                                                      son said the agency “does not   to authorities.           a man with a baton in 2019.
            Boudin read from the report  There  are  strict  government  enter  victims’  DNA  profiles                         It’s  the  first  excessive-force
            Tuesday at a news conference  regulations   surrounding  into databases or use them in   The  possibility  —  however  case  against  an  on-duty  San
            and said he could not share it  DNA  collection  and  analy-  unrelated investigations.”  remote  —  that  an  accuser’s  Francisco police officer to go
            because of privacy concerns,  sis  on  the  state  and  federal                        DNA  could  be  used  against  to trial.
            but  his  office  allowed  the  level,  yet  dozens  of  local  Los Angeles Police Chief Mi-  them  could  throw  up  addi-
            San  Francisco  Chronicle  to  police  departments  around  chel  Moore  said:  “Certainly   tional barriers.       Earlier  this  month,  Scott
            review  the  documents.  The  the  U.S.  have  amassed  their  the  department  does  not  do                       ended  an  agreement  to  co-
            newspaper  said  the  wom-   own DNA databases to track  that.”                        Nelson  Bunn,  executive  di-  operate  in  the  district  attor-
            an  was  tied  to  a  burglary  in  criminals, AP found in 2017.                       rector of the National District  ney’s investigations of police
            late  2021  during  “a  routine                           District  attorneys  in  San   Attorneys  Association,  said  shootings,  in-custody  deaths
            search”  of  a  San  Francisco  It’s  not  clear  whether  that’s  Mateo, Santa Clara and Sac-  he  did  not  personally  know  and  uses  of  force  resulting
            Police Department crime lab  what  occurred  in  the  San  ramento  counties  also  swat-  of  crime  labs  using  DNA  in  serious  injury  because  of
            database.  The  match  came  Francisco crime lab, or if it’s  ted  down  the  suggestion,  as   in  such  a  manner.  Rape-kit  concerns over the office’s im-
            from  DNA  gathered  from  what Boudin was referring to  did representatives from San   DNA should only be used in  partiality.
            the same laboratory listed in  as a common practice.      Diego police, the Los Ange-  sexual  assault  investigations,
            a report on the sexual assault,                           les County Sheriff’s Depart-  he said.                    Boudin  has  denied  violating
            The Chronicle reported.      California  law  allows  local  ment crime lab and others.                             the  agreement,  and  the  two
                                         law  enforcement  crime  labs                             Boudin’s  news  conferences  have  since  pledged  to  rene-
            Boudin  said  someone  at  the  to  operate  their  own  foren-  In Oakland, law enforcement   did  not  occur  in  a  political  gotiate  it  with  help  of  the
            crime  lab  told  his  office  the  sic databases that are separate  uses  sexual  assault  victim   vacuum.  The  progressive  state attorney general and San
            practice  was  a  standard  pro-  from  federal  and  state  data-  DNA only “in the context of   prosecutor faces a recall elec-  Francisco’s mayor and city at-
            cedure. According to Rachel  bases. The law also lets mu-  the  case  for  which  the  evi-  tion  in  June  and  has  been  torney.
            Marshall,  Boudin’s  spokes-  nicipal  labs  perform  foren-  dence was submitted, not to   publicly  feuding  with  local

                             Arbery not seen stealing, cop told hate crime defendants

            (AP)  —  A  police  officer                                                            tors, who charged them with  in their neighborhood.
            testified Thursday that he                                                             violating Arbery’s civil rights
            told a white father and son                                                            and targeting him because he  The McMichaels were aware
            on trial for hate crimes in                                                            was Black.                   that a young Black man had
            the killing of Ahmaud Ar-                                                                                           been  seen  several  times  in
            bery there was no evidence                                                             The  jury  has  been  shown  the  unfinished  home  in  the
            the 25-year-old Black man                                                              roughly two dozen text mes-  months  before  the  shoot-
            had  stolen  anything  after                                                           sages and social media posts  ing.  When  Arbery  ran  past
            security cameras recorded                                                              in  which  Travis  McMichael  their home, five doors down
            him  wandering  inside  a                                                              and  Bryan  used  racist  slurs  from  that  property,  on  Feb.
            home  under  construction                                                              and  made  derogatory  com-  23, 2020, they grabbed guns
            several times.                                                                         ments  about  Black  people.  and pursued him in a pickup
                                                                                                   Some of Travis McMichael’s  truck. Bryan joined the chase
            “Nothing  has  been  taken                                                             posts   described   violence  and recorded cellphone video
            and  the  only  crime  we  had                                                         against Black people.        of Travis McMichael blasting
            was trespassing,” said Glynn                                                           The  McMichaels  and  Bryan  Arbery with a shotgun.
            County  police  Officer  Rob-                                                          have pleaded not guilty to the
            ert Rash, who took the wit-                                                            hate  crime  charges.  Defense  No  arrests  were  made  un-
            ness stand on the fourth day                                                           attorneys say the three didn’t  til  the  graphic  video  leaked
            of  the  trial  in  U.S.  District                                                     chase and kill Arbery because  online two months later and
            Court  in  the  Georgia  port  Travis  McMichael  and  a  bery and sentenced to life in  of his race. They have said the  Arbery’s  killing  became  part
            city of Brunswick.           neighbor,  William  “Roddie”  prison. Now they’re standing  men acted on earnest, though  of a larger national reckoning
                                         Bryan,  were  convicted  in  trial  again  in  a  separate  case  erroneous, suspicion that Ar-  over racial injustice.
            Father  and  son  Greg  and  state court of murdering Ar-  brought  by  federal  prosecu-  bery  had  committed  crimes
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