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                                                                                                       SPORTS Diabierna 18 Februari 2022
                             MLB labor talks resume on 2nd day of no spring training

            (AP) — On what was sup-                                                                                             next week.
            posed to be the second day
            of  spring  training,  nego-                                                                                        Baseball’s first stoppage since
            tiations  aimed  at  ending                                                                                         1995  was  in  its  78th  day.
            Major  League  Baseball’s                                                                                           There is little chance exhibi-
            lockout  resumed  Thurs-                                                                                            tion games will start as sched-
            day  at  the  office  of  the                                                                                       uled on Feb. 26, and opening
            players’ association.                                                                                               day on March 31 will soon be
                                                                                                                                threatened.  Given  the  need
            The meeting lasted about 15                                                                                         for  21-28  days  of  training
            minutes.                                                                                                            and additional time to report
                                                                                                                                and  go  through  COVID-19
            A three-man MLB delegation                                                                                          protocols,  an  agreement  by
            led by Deputy Commission-                                                                                           the end of February or early
            er Dan Halem arrived short-                                                                                         March  is  needed  for  an  on-
            ly before 1 p.m. for just the                                                                                       time start.
            sixth  negotiating  session  on
            core  economics  since  base-                                                                                       Players  and  owners  remain
            ball’s  ninth  work  stoppage                                                                                       far apart on luxury tax thresh-
            began Dec. 2.                eligible — from 22% to 80%.  proposed  eligibility  for  the  Dan Halem and head union   olds and rate. They have ma-
                                         As  part  of  the  proposal,  the  bonus  pool  from  30  players  negotiator Bruce Meyer held   jor  differences  on  revenue-
            The  union  dropped  its  re-  union increased the proposed  to 150.                   a  20-minute  side  conversa-  sharing  and  how  to  address
            quest to have all players with   bonus  pool  for  pre-arbitra-                        tion after the negotiating ses-  players’ allegations of service
            two  years  of  major  league   tion  players  from  $100  mil-  Players  made  proposals  in  sion,  a  one-on-one  meeting   time manipulation.
            service  become  eligible  for   lion to $115 million.    six  non-economic  areas  that  that was described as unusu-
            salary arbitration and instead                            included the Joint Drug Pro-  ally candid.                MLB said it remains opposed
            proposed  expanding  “super   Clubs are at $15 million.   gram, international play, and                             to  any  increase  in  salary  ar-
            two”  eligibility  —  the  play-                          health and safety.           The union told MLB it was    bitration eligibility or reduc-
            ers with two to three years of   The  union  also  expanded  MLB Deputy Commissioner  prepared  to  meet  every  day   tion in revenue sharing.
            major league service who are

                          Shcherbakova wins figure skating gold as Valieva collapses

            (AP) — A Russian woman  controversial  coach  Eteri  even better.
            was standing atop the fig-   Tutberidze’s“Quad  Squad,”
            ure skating podium at the  the  17-year-old  Russian  in-  Moments  after  Valieva  de-
            Beijing Games on Thurs-      stead  relied  on  back-to-back  parted  the  arena,  workers
            day night.                   clean  programs  with  peer-  began setting up for a flower
                                         less  artistry  and  unmatched  ceremony  that  the  Interna-
            It just wasn’t the one anyone  skill. It culminated in her free  tional  Olympic  Committee
            expected.                    skate  Thursday  night,  when  said wouldn’t take place if she
                                         Shcherbakova  landed  her  was in the top three. Medals
            Even the fact that there was a  opening  quad  flip-triple  toe  will be handed out Friday in
            podium was a surprise.       loop combination and never  a  ceremony  that  also  would
                                         looked back.                 not have occurred in Beijing
            Anna    Shcherbakova,   the                               had  Valieva  reached  the  po-
            overlooked  world  cham-     She  followed  Adelina  Sot-  dium.
            pion,  delivered  a  clean  per-  nikova  and  Alina  Zagitova
            formance in her free skate at  in  giving  her  nation  three  Valieva had tested positive for
            historic  Capital  Indoor  Sta-  straight women’s figure skat-  a banned heart medication at   system  by  accident.  But  the  aren’t  able  to  get  our  med-
            dium to win a stunning gold  ing gold medals.             the  Russian  championships   World  Anti-Doping  Agency  als,”  said  Karen  Chen,  who
            medal,  while  teammate  Ka-                              in  December,  but  the  result   filed  a  brief  stating  that  two  competed  in  the  team  event
            mila Valieva — at the center  Meanwhile,  Valieva  was  in-  was  not  revealed  until  last   other  substances  she  ac-  for  the  U.S.  and  finished
            of  the  latest  Russian  doping  consolable  in  the  kiss-and-  week, shortly after she helped   knowledged  taking,  L-carni-  16th  in  the  women’s  pro-
            controversy  —  tumbled  out  cry  area.  The  15-year-old  to win a team gold medal that   tine and Hypoxen — though  gram Thursday night. “I have
            of the medals altogether with  phenom was heavily favored  is now also in doubt.       both  legal  —  undercut  the  yet to see the torch, but once
            a  mistake-filled  end  to  her  to  win  gold  but  is  headed                        argument that a banned sub-  that is like given to us, I think
            Olympic dream.               home  with  nothing  from  She  was  cleared  to  compete   stance  could  have  been  in-  it will be such a special mo-
                                         the women’s program and a  earlier this week by the Court   gested in error.           ment  that  we  will  cherish
            Shcherbakova  landed  both  looming  investigation  into  of  Arbitration  for  Sport,                              forever.”
            of  her  quads  to  finish  with  her positive drug test.  which  ruled  that  she  had   “You  use  all  of  that  to  in-
            255.95  points,  edging  out                              protected  status  as  a  minor   crease  performance,”  U.S.  As the doping case unfolded
            another  teammate,  Alexan-  Valieva  was  shaky  on  an  and would suffer “irreparable   Anti-Doping  Agency  CEO  around  her,  Valieva  tried  to
            dra Trusova, who landed five  opening  quad  salchow,  then  harm” if she was not allowed   Travis Tygart said.     go about her business as usu-
            somewhat shaky quads of her  stepped  out  on  a  triple  axel  to  perform.  The  court  did                       al, taking part in every prac-
            own.  Trusova  finished  four  and fell altogether on a quad  not rule on the full scope of   In the meantime, IOC Presi-  tice  on  her  schedule.  And
            points  back  in  second  place  toe loop-triple toe loop com-  the case, though, leaving that   dent  Thomas  Bach  tried  though she looked calm and
            but  wasn’t  pleased  with  the  bination.  Valieva  fell  again  to  anti-doping  investigators   to  appease  angry  American  cool  during  a  run-through
            judges,  especially  given  the  on  her  other  quad  toe  loop,  in the future.      skaters  by  offering  Olympic  for  her  short  program,  the
            difficulty of her program.   keeping her from completing                               torches to those who helped  first  cracks  began  to  appear
                                         that  combination,  and  spun  The  court’s  decision  cast  a   win their team silver medals,  when  she  skated  off  the  ice
            Kaori Sakamoto of Japan was  out on another jump late in  polarizing  shadow  over  one   The Associated Press learned  and  broke  down  in  tears  —
            happy.  She  took  bronze  to  the  program  —  though  by  of the marquee events of the   late Wednesday. The torches  even though she was leading
            break  up  an  expected  Rus-  that point, her fate was sealed.  Winter Games.         are  meant  to  serve  as  hold-  the event.
            sian  sweep  of  the  Olympic                                                          over  gifts  while  the  world
            podium.                      She did not speak to report-  Valieva  has  claimed  the   awaits  the  resolution  of  Va-  The complete collapse came
                                         ers  after  a  performance  that  drug  triggering  her  positive,   lieva’s doping case.  with  the  eyes  of  the  world
            With the fewest quads among  made  Shcherbakova’s  look  trimetazidine,  entered  her   “It’s  unfortunate  that  we  watching Thursday night.
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