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                Diabierna 18 Februari 2022

                        Experts see avocado price rise, damage to Mexican producers

            (AP)  —  Experts  say  you  shipped  north,  there  were                                                            Michoacan, the fruit has be-
            may  be  paying  more  for  signs Thursday that supplies                                                            come a staple in the United
            your avocado toast in the  will  tighten  and  companies                                                            States, where per capita con-
            short term, and the effects  that  import  avocados  may                                                            sumption of avocados tripled
            of the U.S. temporary ban  have  to  look  beyond  Mexi-                                                            since  2001  to  8  pounds  per
            on  imports  of  the  fruit  is  co, which currently supplies                                                       person in 2018.
            already being felt by avo-   about 80% of U.S. imports of
            cado pickers in Mexico.      the fruit.                                                                             “The moment you hit some-
                                         “I think it is going to increase                                                       body’s  avocado  toast  at
            Mexico  is  negotiating  secu-  prices  in  the  United  States,                                                    brunch, that’s like hitting the
            rity  guarantees  for  U.S.  in-  not  now  because  there  is                                                      very heart of many American
            spectors  who  certify  Mexi-  still avocado in transit, but I                                                      families that rely on that Sun-
            can avocados for export. The  anticipate  that  in  a  week  or                                                     day brunch, right? So all of a
            inspections  were  halted  last  10 days we will have a price                                                       sudden, we’re getting kind of
            week  after  one  of  the  U.S.  spike,”  said  Miguel  Gómez,   perhaps in mid-March,” Gó-  Gov. Alfredo Ramírez Bedol-  questions as to ... where are
            inspectors was threatened in  professor of applied econom-  mez said.                  la.                          the priorities here?” said De-
            the western state of Michao-  ics  and  management  in  the   Peru,  Colombia  and  Chile                           sirée LeClercq, a professor of
            acan, where growers are rou-  Cornell SC Johnson College   already  ship  avocados  to  the  But  in  the  meantime,  avo-  employment law at Cornell’s
            tinely subject to extortion by  of Business.              United States, but in quanti-  cado  growers  in  Michoacan   School of Industrial and La-
            drug cartels.                                             ties that are only a tiny frac-  have been left in uncertainty;   bor Relations.
                                         Jack  Hartung,  the  chief  fi-  tion of Mexico’s production.  avocados  can  be  left  on  the
            Avocado  pickers  stood  on  a  nancial officer of the Chipo-  That may change.        trees for a certain amount of   That  raises  the  issue  of
            roadside  this  week  outside  tle restaurant chain, said in a                         time,  but  already-harvested   whether  Americans  would
            the city of Uruapan, Michoa-  statement that “we are work-  “I was talking with a few buy-  fruit has to be shipped quick-  be  willing  to  pay  more  for
            can, asking for donations after  ing closely with our suppliers   ers  of  avocado  domestically,  ly.              avocados not associated with
            they lost their work. Holding  to navigate through this chal-  and  on  toward  the  future.                        violence, drug cartels or de-
            up  signs  saying  “Voluntary  lenge.  Our  sourcing  part-  They they know they need to  “We  have  the  uncertainty;  if   forestation.
            donations”  and  “We  make  ners  currently  have  several   diversify suppliers,” said Gó-  it (the export production) is
            our  living  off  avocado  pick-  weeks of inventory available,   mez. “The issue is that they  going to go into the domes-  “It’s  requiring  Americans
            ing,” they waited for motor-  so  we’ll  continue  to  closely   realized that it would be very  tic  market,  all  into  Mexico,   to  really  ask  themselves,  do
            ists to drop spare change into  monitor the situation and ad-  risky  to  depend  on  a  single  prices will drop,” said avoca-  they  want  to  pay  more  to
            buckets they held.           just our plans accordingly.”  source.                     do buyer and distributor José   have a quality product or do
                                                                                                   Manuel Garcia Tovar. “So we   they  want  to  kind  of  look
            “Since  last  Wednesday  we  Gómez expects any shortage   The  avocado  growers  asso-  are  in  a  situation  in  which   the other way and be able to
            haven’t  picked  anything,”  would be short-lived.        ciation  and  Michoacan  state  growers may or may not want   slice their toast accordingly?”
            said one of the workers, who                              officials  have  been  holding  to harvest.”              said  LeClercq.  “And  I  think
            refused  to  give  his  name  “I think that the the disrup-  meetings this week with U.S.                           that  consumers  are  becom-
            because  of  the  widespread  tion in the market will be very   officials to work out security  It  also  remains  to  be  seen   ing  more  educated  on  how
            violence in the state. “In the  short  now  because  (avocado   guarantees  for  U.S.  inspec-  how U.S. consumers will re-  these products are made. But
            meantime,  you  die  of  hun-  from) Peru is going to come   tors.                     act if they start seeing prices   whether  or  not  that’s  going
            ger.”                        in  late  March,  early  April,                           rise.  While  there  is  concern   to trickle into consumer be-
                                         and I’m sure they are going to   “We  are  working  to  restore  about  the  deforestation  and   havior, I think has yet to be
            While avocados that were al-  do everything it takes to start   avocado  exports  as  soon  as  violence  that  have  resulted   seen.”
            ready  inspected  can  still  be  shipping avocados earlier and   possible,”  wrote  Michoacan  from  the  avocado  boom  in

                           With fast-track passports, Russia extends clout in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  Ivan  Malyuta,  a                                                                                          more  outrage  in  Kyiv,  with
            resident  of  Donetsk,  a                                                                                           both  the  Foreign  Ministry
            city  in  eastern  Ukraine                                                                                          and  parliament  releasing
            controlled  by  Moscow-                                                                                             statements  condemning  the
            backed          separatists,                                                                                        move.
            applied     for    Russian
            citizenship  this  month                                                                                            Putin  hasn’t  said  how  he
            and  said  he,  his  wife  and                                                                                      will  act  on  the  request,  but
            three children will soon be                                                                                         signaled  he  wasn’t  inclined
            getting Russian passports.                                                                                          to  support  the  idea,  which
                                                                                                                                would    violate   a   2015
            “I want to be a citizen of the                                                                                      agreement about their status.
            Russian  Federation.  We  are
            moving  towards  this,  aren’t                                                                                      Political  analysts  agree  the
            we?”  he  said  at  a  Donetsk                                                                                      Kremlin  is  unlikely  to  back
            migration service office.                                                                                           independence  for  Donetsk
                                         in  eastern  Ukraine  in  2014,  Besides  the  quick  path  invasion.  Foreign  Minister   and  Luhansk  any  time
            Malyuta  and  his  family  will   shortly after annexing Crimea  to  citizenship,  Russia  has  Dmytro  Kuleba  urged  the   soon,  but  will  continue  to
            join  more  than  720,000    in  response  to  a  popular  offered  residents  of  the  European Union last week to   reap  political  benefits  from
            residents  of  rebel-held  areas   uprising  in  Kyiv  ousting  a  self-proclaimed   Donetsk  impose  sanctions  on  Russia   its  involvement  in  eastern
            in eastern Ukraine who have   Kremlin-friendly president.  and   Luhansk    republics  for  “its  illegal  mass  issuing   Ukraine.
            received  Russian  citizenship                            membership in the Kremlin’s  of  Russian  passports  to
            and  passports  in  a  fast-track   Moscow   has   denied  ruling party and other perks,  Ukrainian citizens.”      “It’s  a  form  of  keeping  the
            procedure  widely  seen  as   deploying troops or weapons  such  as  its  COVID-19                                  pressure on Kyiv, destabilizing
            an  attempt  to  underscore   to  the  rebel-held  areas,  vaccines or trade preferences  On   Tuesday,   Russian   it  and  hindering  Ukraine’s
            Russia’s  influence  in  the   with  government  officials  for local manufacturers.   lawmakers    appealed   to   movement towards European
            region.                      repeatedly   stressing   that                             President  Vladimir  Putin  to   values,  towards  NATO,”
                                         Russia  is  not  a  party  to  the  Ukraine  has  been  appalled  recognize  the  independence   said  Moscow-based  political
            Russia  threw  its  weight   conflict,  which  has  killed  by  the  efforts  amid  rising  of  the  two  self-proclaimed   analyst Dmitry Oreshkin.
            behind a separatist insurgency   over 14,000 people.      tensions  and  fears  of  a  new  republics,   eliciting   even
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