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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Diabierna 18 Februari 2022

                       France and EU to withdraw troops from Mali, remain in region

            (AP) — France announced                                                                encroached in many areas.    in Brussels. “We are not aban-
            Thursday  that  it  will  no                                                                                        doning Sahel. We are just re-
            longer have troops in Mali                                                             “What  have  they  given  us?”  structuring our presence. We
            by the summer amid ten-                                                                he asked during a press con-  will continue supporting the
            sions  with  the  country’s                                                            ference.  “Mali  is  not  alone  people  in  Sahel  and  Malian
            ruling  military  junta,  al-                                                          and  will  not  remain  alone.  people.”
            though  Paris  intends  to                                                             France  and  European  coun-
            maintain  a  military  pres-                                                           tries  can  leave.  ...  Let’s  give  Macron criticized the Malian
            ence in neighboring West                                                               it time and you will see what  junta for its decision to hire
            African nations.                                                                       will happen.”                the  Wagner  Group,  which
                                                                                                                                the EU accuses of fomenting
            President  Emmanuel  Ma-                                                               An August 2020 coup led by  violence and committing hu-
            cron accused Mali’s authori-                                                           Col.  Assimi  Goita  grabbed  man rights abuses in Africa.
            ties  of  neglecting  the  fight                                                       power in Mali. Goita carried
            against  Islamic  extremists                                                           out  a  second  coup  by  dis-  “They  have  now  come  to
            and  said  it  was  logical  for                                                       missing  the  civilian  leaders  Mali to act in a very predatory
            France to withdraw.                                                                    in Mali’s transitional govern-  manner,” he said. He asserted
                                                                                                   ment and putting himself in  there  are  some  800  Wagner
            “Victory against terror is not                                                         charge last year.            mercenaries  present  in  the
            possible if it’s not supported                                                                                      country.
            by the state itself,” the French                                                       European leaders simultane-
            leader told a press conference   spokesperson,  Col.  Pascal  tacking the Malian army and   ously  announced  Thursday  Senior  U.S.  officials  on
            with  European  Union  and   Ianni, said France ultimately  its allies.                that  troops  from  a  EU-led  Thursday said between 800-
            African Union officials.     aims  to  reduce  its  troops  in                         military task force known as  1,000  mercenaries  from  the
                                         the Sahel to 2,500-3,000.    “We got some results in Mali,   Takuba also would withdraw  Wagner  group  have  moved
            Tensions  have  grown  be-                                but  the  work  has  not  been   from Mali. The Takuba force  into  Mali  in  recent  weeks
            tween Mali, its African neigh-  The  “complex”  withdrawal  achieved,” Col. Ianni added.   is composed of several hun-  and  months.  They  said  the
            bors  and  the  EU,  especially   operation will take up to six  “It’s  not  the  Malian  junta   dred  special  forces  troops  number is growing and they
            after the West African coun-  months,  Col.  Ianni  told  the  who kicks us out. We decided   from  about  a  dozen  coun-  expect  it  to  continue  to  in-
            try’s transitional government   Associated  Press,  warning  to leave because ... we cannot   tries, including France.  crease  as  the  French  troops
            allowed Russian mercenaries   that it will take place “in a de-  work in such conditions.”                          leave.  Overall  on  the  conti-
            from  the  Wagner  Group  to   teriorated security context.”                           Thursday’s  announcements  nent  the  officials  said  there
            deploy on its territory. Senior                           Malian politicians and inter-  were  made  after  involved  are  between  3,000-5,000  of
            U.S.  officials  said  Thursday   Extremist groups “will likely  national  experts  worry  the   leaders  gathered  in  Paris  the Russian mercenaries.
            that up to 1,000 mercenaries   try to harass us, to attack us ...  French pull-out will result in   ahead of a two-day EU-Afri-
            from the group have recently   So we will need to keep fight-  a  security  vacuum  that  will   ca summit in Brussels. Rep-  The  officials,  who  spoke  on
            moved into Mali.             ing” to be able to move away  embolden  jihadi  groups  to   resentatives  from  Mali  and  condition  of  anonymity  to
                                         men  and  equipment  on  the  increase their power.       Burkina  Faso  were  not  in-  discuss  intelligence  matters,
            France  has  about  4,300    ground and in the air, he said.                           vited since both nations were  said  that  so  far  the  Wagner
            troops  in  the  Sahel  region,                           But  Malian  army  spokes-   suspended  from  the  African  Group’s  primary  mission  is
            including 2,400 in Mali. The   French forces have been ac-  man Col. Major Souleymane   Union following coups.      limited  to  internal  Mali  se-
            so-called  Barkhane  force  is   tive since 2013 in Mali, where  Dembélé  said  that  despite                       curity, but they said they are
            also involved in Chad, Niger,   they  intervened  to  drive  Is-  the  presence  of  French  and   “They  will  withdraw  from  watching  it  carefully  and
            Burkina  Faso  and  Maurita-  lamic extremists from power.  European  forces  in  Mali,   Mali,  but  we  are  not  aban-  are  concerned  that  they  will
            nia.                         But the insurgents regrouped  the  country  continues  to  be   doning Mali,” Josep Borrell,  move into counterterror op-
            French     Armed     Forces   in  the  desert  and  began  at-  plagued by jihadists who have   the  EU’s  top  diplomat,  said  erations.

                          Greek farm protests are a sign of Europe’s inflation anxiety

            (AP) — In Greece’s rural  and its ripple effects, he says,                                                          in  double  digits:  Vegetables
            heartland,  tractors  have  touch every part of his vine-                                                           are up more than 14% from
            become a symbol of anxi-     yard  and  peach  grove  busi-                                                         a year ago, olive oil is up by
            ety.                         ness  —  it  costs  more  for                                                          over  15%  and  certain  types
                                         gasoline  needed  for  farm-                                                           of  meat  are  more  than  17%
            For  weeks,  they  have  been  ing  machinery,  electricity  to                                                     higher.
            parked  along  the  country’s  power  irrigation  pumps  and
            highways,    their   owners  weed killer.                                                                           At  a  neighborhood  grocery
            threatening  to  block  traffic.                                                                                    store  in  Athens’  central  Pe-
            Farmers are desperate for ad-  “At  these  (prices),  we’re                                                         tralona  district,  shoppers
            ditional financial aid to cope  headed for ruin,” he said.                                                          picking  up  a  few  items  say
            with  surging  energy  prices                                                                                       they now take a 20-euro note
            that  are  pushing  up  their  The  sting  of  high  energy                                                         with them instead of the 10
            costs  for  fuel  and  fertilizer,  prices  —  which  are  driving                                                  they needed last year.
            posing  a  sudden  threat  to  decades-high inflation num-
            their livelihoods.           bers  —  is  being  felt  across                                                       “You have to cut some things
                                         Europe  and  around  the                                                               (out)  to  be  able  to  manage
            “Take fertilizer: Last year, we  world,  piling  financial  stress                                                  your  monthly  shopping  at
            were paying 500 euros ($570)  on  governments,  businesses   Police  in  Turkey  have  been  tra  costs:  Egg  producers  in   the  grocery  store  and  the
            a  ton.  Now,  it’s  as  if  we’re  and  households.  Countries   ordered  to  inspect  grocery  France  recently  pelted  win-  farmers’  market,”  said  An-
            buying  a  piece  of  land.  It’s  are scrambling to address ex-  stores  to  ensure  a  new  sales  dows  at  the  headquarters  of   tonia Kalantzi, a 38-year-old
            1,700  to  1,800  euros,”  said  pensive utility bills and rising   tax  cut  on  food  is  imple-  a major supermarket chain to   personal trainer. “Things are
            Dimitris  Kakalis,  a  25-year-  prices for food as farmers and   mented,  with  President  Re-  demand  higher  retail  prices   quite  difficult  compared  to
            old  farmer  from  central  supermarkets pass along their   cep Tayyip Erdogan promis-  as energy costs take a toll.  what  I  remember  from  two
            Greece  who  has  joined  the  costs  to  customers,  many  of   ing “severe punishment” for                        years  ago.  Prices  have  gone
            protests.                    whom  are  facing  a  cost-of-  those who defy the measure.  In Greece, inflation is at a 25-  up a lot.”
            The  spike  in  energy  prices  living crisis.            For  some  in  agriculture,  year high and price increases
                                                                      they’re having to eat the ex-  for many basic food items are
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