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A28    u.s. news
                Diasabra 13 November 2021

                         Homer Plessy, key to ‘separate but equal,’ on road to pardon

                                                                      the Jim Crow laws that dis-  and he was imprisoned in the  the  street  where  he  tried  to
                                                                      criminated against Black citi-  parish  jail,  the  court  ruling  board the train.
                                                                      zens.                        states.
                                                                                                                                The  move  to  pardon  Plessy
                                                                      Keith  Plessy,  64,  who  is  de-  The Supreme Court ruled in  comes  amid  a  wider  discus-
                                                                      scended  from  a  cousin  of  Plessy  v.  Ferguson  that  state  sion  about  whether  convic-
                                                                      Homer  Plessy’s,  told  the  racial segregation laws didn’t  tions  or  arrest  records  of
                                                                      board  that  he  remembers  violate  the  Constitution  as  civil rights activists should be
                                                                      meeting civil rights icon Rosa  long  as  the  facilities  for  the  overturned or removed.
                                                                      Parks,  who  refused  in  1955  races were of equal quality.
                                                                      to leave a whites-only seat on                            Claudette  Colvin,  a  Black
                                                                      a  bus  in  Birmingham,  Ala-  Plessy pleaded guilty to vio-  woman  who  was  15  when
                                                                      bama, and kneeling to honor  lating the Separate Car Act a  she  refused  to  move  to  the
                                                                      her.                         year later and was fined $25.  back of a bus months before
                                                                                                   He  died  in  1925  with  the  Parks did so, has sued to wipe
                                                                      “She said to me, ‘Get up boy,  conviction still on his record.  out  her  conviction.  Civil
                                                                      your name is Plessy — you’ve                              rights  attorney  Fred  Gray,
                                                                      got work to do,’” Keith Plessy  Keith Plessy and Phoebe Fer-  who  represented  Parks  and
            (AP) — A Louisiana board  mediately available for com-    said.                        guson, a descendant of John  Martin  Luther  King  Jr.,  has
            on Friday voted to pardon  ment.                                                       Howard Ferguson, the judge  said he might file a suit to do
            Homer  Plessy,  whose  de-                                Homer Plessy was arrested in  who oversaw his case in Or-  the same for them.
            cision  to  sit  in  a  “whites-  The Plessy v. Ferguson deci-  1892 after boarding the train  leans  Parish  Criminal  Dis-
            only” railroad car to pro-   sion cemented racial segrega-  car as part of an effort by civil  trict Court, now lead a non-  But  some  civil  rights  advo-
            test  discrimination  led  to  tion for another half-century,  rights activists to challenge a  profit that advocates for civil  cates  have  said  they  don’t
            the U.S. Supreme Court’s  justifying whites-only spaces  state law that mandated seg-  rights education.            want their arrest records ex-
            1896  “separate  but  equal”  in  trains  and  buses,  hotels,  regated seating.                                    punged.
            ruling affirming state seg-  theaters,  schools  and  other                            “We cannot undo the wrongs
            regation laws.               public accommodations until  Described  in  the  Supreme  of  the  past  but  we  can  and  King  biographer  Clayborne
                                         the  Supreme  Court  unani-  Court  ruling  as  “of  seven  should  acknowledge  them,”  Carson  called  his  own  civil
            The state Board of Pardons’  mously  overruled  it  with  eighths  Caucasian  and  one  Phoebe  Ferguson  told  the  rights arrest record “a badge
            unanimous  decision  to  clear  their  Brown  v. the Board of  eighth African blood,” Plessy  pardon board.         of honor.” Expunging the re-
            the Creole man’s record of a  Education  decision  in  1954.  could have passed for white.                          cord “doesn’t change the his-
            conviction now goes to Gov.  That  decision  led  to  the  More  than  six  decades  be-  The  New  Orleans  City  torical  reality  that  you  were
            John  Bel  Edwards,  who  has  widespread   desegregation  fore  Parks  was  arrested  in  Council  honored  Plessy’s  arrested,” he told the Atlanta
            final say over the pardon. He  of  schools  and  the  eventual  Alabama,  police  forcibly  re-  role in history in 2018 by giv-  Journal-Constitution
            was out of state and not im-  stripping away of vestiges of  moved  Plessy  from  the  car,  ing his name to a section of

                           Slaying of Chinese student in Chicago spurs call for action

            (AP)  —  The  University                                  announced.                   During  a  Wednesday  vigil
            of  Chicago’s  president  is  “The violence afflicting Chi-                            there,  Xi  Cheng,  who  had  “I can feel he loves Chicago
            urging  city  officials  and  cago is on the same scale as  Zheng, who graduated from  known Zheng for six months,  so much,” Cheng said. “I can
            police  to  treat  Chicago’s  a public health crisis and de-  the University of Hong Kong  remembered him as a “really  feel  he  really  enjoyed  here
            rising violence as a “pub-   mands  a  commensurate  re-  in 2019 and earned his mas-  positive,  nice  person.”  She  and loves this (city) so it’s re-
            lic  health  crisis”  follow-  sponse,” he said in the state-  ter’s degree in statistics from  said  the  two  became  friends  ally tragic to hear.”
            ing the fatal shooting of a  ment  that  said  the  school  the  University  of  Chicago  after they connected online.
            Chinese student during an  has been in contact with the  last  summer,  was  the  third                             The  Chinese  American  As-
            armed robbery near cam-      mayor’s  office,  Chicago  po-  University  of  Chicago  stu-  Cheng, 22, choked up as she  sociation of Greater Chicago
            pus.                         lice, local alderman and oth-  dent killed this year, WBBM-  recalled  Zheng  and  his  love  has started an online memo-
                                         ers.                         TV reported.                 for  sports,  especially  table  rial  fundraiser  to  help  cover
            Shaoxiong  “Dennis”  Zheng,                                                            tennis,  and  photography.  travel and legal expenses for
            24,  was  standing  on  a  side-  So  far  this  year,  there  have  In  January,  Yiran  Fan,  a  “May  he  rest  in  peace,”  she  Zheng’s family.
            walk  in  a  residential  area  been  five  slayings  in  Hyde  30-year-old  Ph.D.  student  said.
            Tuesday afternoon when wit-  Park,  compared  with  none  who was a native of Beijing,
            nesses said a gunman stepped  at the same time in 2020, as  was  randomly  killed  while
            from  a  car  and  Zheng  ap-  violence  across  Chicago  has  sitting  in  a  car  in  a  parking
            peared  to  struggle  with  the  risen  for  two  straight  years,  garage  —  the  first  of  seven
            robber before a shot went off.  the  Chicago  Sun-Times  re-  people,  from  Chicago  to
                                         ported.                      Evanston, shot by a gunman,
            The assailant returned to the                             police said. Fan and four oth-
            car and fled, and Zheng was  Chicago has had at least 698  er people died.
            pronounced dead at the Uni-  homicides  this  year,  com-
            versity  of  Chicago  Medical  pared  with  680  at  the  same  And in July, Max Lewis, 20,
            Center. No arrests have been  time  last  year.  That’s  well  a third-year student who had
            made  in  the  killing  in  the  above the 442 homicides that  just  accepted  an  investment
            Hyde Park neighborhood on  city  had  experienced  by  this  banking offer, was fatally shot
            the city’s South Side.       point in 2019, the Sun-Times  by a stray bullet on the Chi-
                                         reported.                    cago Transit Authority Green
            University of Chicago Presi-                              Line  as  he  was  riding  home
            dent  Paul  Alivisatos  said  Mayor Lori Lightfoot prom-  from his summer internship
            in  a  statement  Wednesday  ised Wednesday to meet with  in downtown Chicago.
            expressing   sadness   over  police  and  community  lead-
            Zheng’s slaying that the uni-  ers  “to  determine  concrete,  At the site where Zheng was
            versity community and local  tangible  measures  (that)  can  shot,  mourners  have  added
            residents “see a clear and ur-  be taken to prevent tragedies  flowers to a growing memo-
            gent need to strengthen pub-  such  as  these  in  the  future”  rial to him.
            lic safety.”                 but no specifics have yet been
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