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A32    sports
                Diasabra 13 November 2021

                          Travel trouble: US Olympians face uncertain road to Beijing

            (AP) — Making an Olym-                                                                                              between  the  countries  from
            pic  team  is  hard  enough.                                                                                        more than 300 a week to sin-
            This  winter,  those  who                                                                                           gle digits. The rollbacks start-
            earn  their  spots  on  the                                                                                         ed when demand dropped off
            U.S.  squad  might  find  it                                                                                        sharply  in  the  wake  of  early
            takes  even  more  work  to                                                                                         COVID-19  outbreaks.  The
            get to Beijing.                                                                                                     reinstatement  of  the  flights
                                                                                                                                was slowed because of diplo-
            Among  the  slow  trickle  of                                                                                       matic wrangling between the
            information  coming  out  of                                                                                        countries,  along  with  strict
            China  in  advance  of  Febru-                                                                                      quarantine  rules  that  makes
            ary’s  Olympics  was  news                                                                                          travel to either place difficult.
            that, with virtually no flights                                                                                     Just  this  week  did  the  U.S.
            operating  between  North                                                                                           reopen travel to some foreign
            America  and  China,  Olym-                                                                                         visitors who can show proof
            pians  very  well  might  have                                                                                      of vaccination.
            to  get  to  Beijing  through  a
            still-undetermined  set  of                                                                                         The  U.S.  athletes  are  now
            connecting flights that could                                                                                       collateral  damage  in  this,  as
            more than double their travel                                                                                       the USOPC negotiates with
            time.                                                                                                               Delta for charter flights that
                                                                                                                                are expected to cost well into
            As  things  stand  this  month,                                                                                     six figures.
            most of the 250 or so athletes
            who make the U.S. team will  and  schedule,”  U.S.  skier  flights  into  Beijing  are  ex-  jing.                  Though the extremely limit-
            need  to  take  a  charter  that  Mikaela Shiffrin said in a re-  pected to depart from Tokyo,                      ed number of flights between
            connects  them  to  Beijing-  cent interview with The As-  Seoul, Hong Kong and Paris.  Rick  Adams,  the  USOPC’s  America and China is unique,
            bound  flights  scheduled  out  sociated Press. “But we very  The U.S. ski and snowboard  chief  of  sport  performance,  the  U.S.  isn’t  the  only  one
            of four cities, none of which  rarely don’t have a plan at all.  team’s  tentative  plan  is  to  said everyone was aware that  dealing with an unprecedent-
            are in North America.        So  that  is  definitely  another  charter flights from Los An-  the  quick  turnaround  af-  ed amount of uncertainty this
                                         added source of stress.”     geles to one of the points in  ter the Tokyo Olympics and  close to the Games. A recent
            The  uncertainty  has  turned                             Asia, then switch to Olympic  the  COVID-19  protocols  search  of  the  Air  Canada
            what  is  already  a  logistical  Difficult  travel  is  nothing  charters.  Further  complicat-  “would  make  planning  for  website  offered  at  least  one
            challenge — getting all these  new  for  Olympic  athletes,  ing the issue is that some of  Beijing very complex.”  option  for  flights  between
            Olympians  and  their  thou-  and their schedules have only  these  athletes  are  in  Europe                       Vancouver and Beijing (with
            sands  of  pounds  of  equip-  become more jumbled in the  for  the  World  Cup  season.  “That  said,  we  pride  our-  a  stop  in  Shanghai),  where
            ment to China — into some-   wake of the COVID-19 pan-    Without normal commercial  selves on being the best pre-  similar  searches  of  Delta
            thing  even  more  complex.  demic  that  reshuffled  com-  options available, the task of  pared NOC and NPC in the  and United websites offered
            And  it  has  turned  what  is  petition  schedules  and,  with  moving them around is more  world, and we are exploring  none  between  the  U.S.  and
            already  an  event  beset  with  New  Zealand  mostly  shut  difficult.                all options to get our Olym-  Beijing.
            unprecedented     challenges  down, made it even harder to                             pic  and  Paralympic  athletes
            —  less  freedom  of  move-  find snow during the offsea-  The U.S. Olympic and Para-  — as well as support staff —  “Planning  for  these  Games
            ment, a vaccine mandate and  son.                         lympic  Committee  is  ulti-  to the Games safely and effi-  has  been  challenging  due  to
            the  prospect  of  competing                              mately  in  charge  of  getting  ciently,” he said.       COVID-19,  but  we  experi-
            in  a  country  that  is  poised  The  U.S.  Olympic  team’s  the  ski  team  and  the  rest  of                    enced  similar  issues  during
            to restrict negative coverage,  sponsor,   Delta   Airlines,  the  U.S.  teams,  outside  of  Athletes aren’t the only group  our planning for Tokyo,” Ca-
            including over widely docu-  might still be able to arrange  hockey,  to  Beijing.  With  an  being  impacted  by  China’s  nadian  Olympic  Committee
            mented human-rights abuses  charter  flights  directly  from  extra  connection  through  rulemaking in advance of the  CEO David Shoemaker said.
            — into something even more  the U.S. to Beijing, but with  Asia,  or  a  stop  in  Europe,  Olympics.               “We have no reason to believe
            difficult.                   11 weeks until the start of the  travel times could be around                          that we will have any trouble
                                         Games, everything is still up  double what would normally  The Foreign Correspondents  getting  Team  Canada  to  the
            “We’re  very  used  to  being  in the air.                be  a  12-hour  journey  from  Club of China put out a state-  Games on time and ready to
            flexible  with  our  planning  As  of  this  week,  approved  the U.S. West Coast to Bei-  ment  this  month  complain-  compete.”
                                                                                                   ing of “lack of transparency”
                                                                                                   from  the  Beijing  Organiz-
                                                                                                   ing Committee and the IOC
                                                                                                   with regards to Olympic-re-
                                                                                                   lated reporting in China.

                                                                                                   The  organizing  committee
                                                                                                   told  China’s  Xinhua  news
                                                                                                   agency  that  it  plans  on  in-
                                                                                                   creasing  credentials  for  test
                                                                                                   events  and  is  assigning  staff
                                                                                                   to manage interview requests
                                                                                                   and  inquiries.  The  commit-
                                                                                                   tee said it does not recognize
                                                                                                   the FCCC.
                                                                                                   Most  journalists  and  Olym-
                                                                                                   pic  support  staff  also  have
                                                                                                   been on hold in making their
                                                                                                   travel plans.

                                                                                                   Much  of  the  travel  confu-
                                                                                                   sion  stems  from  U.S.  and
                                                                                                   Chinese carriers’ decisions to
                                                                                                   reduce the number of flights
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