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sports Diasabra 13 November 2021
In memo, NBA tells players, coaches to act on booster shots
(AP) - The NBA has raised or “substantial,” the league Jakob Poeltl and Jock Lans- COVID-19, the league has who is not being allowed by
the level of urgency regard- and union felt the additional dale, Cleveland teammates said. The most notable hold- the Nets to play until he gets
ing getting booster shots urgency is now warranted. Kevin Love and Lauri Mark- out is Brooklyn’s Kyrie Ir- vaccinated.
against the coronavirus, tell- The NBA has seen an in- kanen, and Chicago’s Nikola ving, a perennial All-Star
ing players and coaches that creased positivity rate among Vucevic.
it is no longer advisable to vaccinated players, team staff
wait before receiving the ad- and family members of late, People who are fully vacci-
ditional dose. which is consistent with the nated are still strongly pro-
trends in many places around tected against hospitalization
The booster shots should the nation. and death from COVID-19.
be received “as soon as pos- But immunity against infec-
sible, particularly in light of At least eight players are tion can wane over time, and
the current coronavirus situ- known to currently be in the extra-contagious delta
ation and increasing cases,” the league’s health and safe- variant is spreading widely.
the league told teams Friday ty protocols, meaning they The NBA — following the
in a memo, a copy of which are believed to have tested lead of U.S. health authori-
was obtained by The Associ- positive for the virus. An- ties — want to shore up pro-
ated Press. other who had been in the tection in at-risk people who
protocols, Philadelphia’s To- were vaccinated months ago.
Earlier in the week, the NBA bias Harris, played Thursday
and the National Basketball night in his first game back The guidance from the league
Players Association said they since testing positive. earlier in the week made clear
were recommending the that those who received the
booster shots be received by Harris missed six games and single-dose Johnson & John-
those who are fully vaccinat- had been dealing with symp- son vaccine more than two
ed, suggesting that it get done toms. months ago should prioritize
by Dec. 1 in most cases. getting a Pfizer or Moderna
“I’m working my way back booster quickly. Those who
But with positivity rates ris- into it,” Harris said. received the Pfizer or Mod-
ing in many areas of the erna vaccine more than six
country, and with the rate Other NBA players cur- months ago were also told
of COVID-19 community rently known to be in the earlier in the week to seek
transmission in most NBA league’s protocols include boosters.
markets considered by the Philadelphia’s Joel Embiid,
Centers for Disease Control Matisse Thybulle and Isaiah About 97% of NBA players
and Prevention to be “high” Joe, San Antonio teammates have been vaccinated against
Rodgers, Packers issues cloud NFL COVID-19 numbers progress
(AP) — When the reign- Harrison Smith; and Bucs who are vaccinated don’t of- substantial effect in a benefi-
ing league MVP and sev- wideout Antonio Brown. “We’re still learning a lot, ev- ten recognize the symptoms cial way of the vaccines,” Sills
eral other key players en- ery week we continue to look of COVID illness because said. “Had we had that kind
ter the NFL’s COVID-19 Coaches all must be vaccinat- at our data, just as we did last they’re different than what of exposure last year when no
protocols, it clouds the ed under league guidelines, year, and adjust our proto- we saw last year,” he said. “So one was protected, I think we
numbers that indicate but Arizona’s Kliff Kingsbury cols,” said Dr. Allen Sills, the we’ve really been emphasiz- would have had a very, very
significant progress made and Chicago’s Matt Nagy NFL’s chief medical officer. ing, to borrow a phrase from different outcome.”
in protection against the have been idled for games “We continue to have regu- the TSA, that ‘if you feel
coronavirus. because of COVID-19 pro- lar conversations with the something, say something’ What’s ahead as the league
tocols. CDC, the FDA, other public because we think it’s impor- continually evaluates its pro-
Green Bay quarterback Aaron health officials, and infec- tant for people to speak up tocols while it attempts to
Rodgers went into the proto- Compared to a year ago, tious disease experts around and get tested. complete a second consecu-
col last week, missing a head- when 18 games were either the country.” tive schedule without losing
line matchup with the Chiefs postponed or moved due to “I do think that .... we are a game to COVID-19?
and Patrick Mahomes. So did COVID-19 breakouts or re- While praising the rate of definitely seeing the impact
Giants running back Saquon strictions, 2021 has gone rela- vaccination among players of vaccines. We’re seeing “I think right now I would
Barkley. Other key players tively well. Although several (above 94%), Sills added: that impact in the number of say we’re pleased with where
sitting out at times this sea- teams have gone to enhanced cases that we have, we’re not we are, but it’s not a point
son include Packers receiver protocols at their facilities, “We still don’t see any evi- seeing the clustering of cases where we would want to take
Davante Adams, a 2020 All- the schedule has not been in- dence of outdoor, on-field that we saw last year. We’re our foot off the gas pedal,”
Pro; Vikings standout safety terrupted halfway through. spread of COVID, which I not seeing the uncontrolled Sills said. “We certainly still
think is important. And defi- spread.” see, as we’ve seen I men-
nitely we’re seeing that vacci- tioned before with the Ari-
nated individuals have mild- A prime example of that oc- zona situation, high rates of
er disease: shorter duration, curred in October with the community exposure. So I
fewer symptoms overall. So, Arizona Cardinals, forcing think we have to continue to
those are positive trends.” Kingsbury to miss a game. be vigilant, but we’ll certainly
Data showed through ge- look at the data and not only
Sills also noted during the netic sequencing that of the think about pulling back, but
owners meetings late last first seven cases in that clus- see where the protocol can
month that symptom report- ter, five were different strains become more effective.
ing has been a key to avoiding of the virus. That indicated
outbreaks and will remain a rather than a spread within “You know, what are the parts
focus throughout the rest of the team facility and person of it that really keep us safe,
the season. to person, exposure came what are the parts that pre-
outside the facility. vent transmission, and how
“We’ve seen that in some of can we adapt as we see new
our case clusters that people “So again, I think we’re seeing knowledge come out? ”