Page 9 - aruba-today-20240926
P. 9
LOCAL Thursday 26 sepTember 2024
Planning on snorkeling? Get to know our Picuda!
(Oranjestad)—If you’re ever Well known is the Picuda top part is darker. Its snout is
planning on snorkeling dur- on the island—Barracuda very pointed, and the lower
ing your vacation on Aruba, in English. Its scientific name jaw is longer than the upper
you may spot fish that you is Sphyraena barracuda. It one. Its peduncle, where the
can’t recognize. One of is a widely caught fish. It is body meets the tail, is thick,
these may be the “Picuda”, a found throughout the year while the tail also forms a
very common fish that swims in our waters, where it is a crescent but in this case one
all year long in the waters so-called "ambush predator" more "full" than that of mullet
of Aruba. Here’s some infor- that stays still or floats in the or conefish. This reflects the
mation about the beloved water waiting for its prey to hunting style of the Picuda.
Picuda. approach so it can attack it It needs to be able to ac-
with lightning speed. It is well celerate quickly when the out any problem. Picuda is or by jigging, casting the lure
Let's talk about the names of known for fishermen, espe- prey gets close. also a highly sought-after fish (artificial bait) and moving it
fish. Do you know your fish? cially for its white flesh in fish by sports fishermen or recre- with certain rod motions. q
This is an informative article soup. In fishing culture, there In Aruba: ational fishermen because it
that illustrate some fish and are many other names, such Picuda can be found in our puts up a good fight once Picture courtesy of the De-
their names in Papiamento, as Pecho blanco, Blekito, waters around our island hooked. It can be caught via partment of Agriculture, Live-
which the Department of Banana, or Bleki. The names throughout the year. Picuda, trolling from a boat, casting stock and Fisheries.
Agriculture, Livestock and vary according to size. in our waters, is edible with- from shore with a line or rod,
Fisheries, known as “Santa
Rosa”, wants to share and Description
also obtain information from The Picuda is a long fish, with
the public. a round body like a torpedo
and silver in color with shiny
Picuda, Sphyraena barra- black stripes. Below, that is,
cuda, Greater Barracuda the belly, is whiter, while the
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