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Thursday 26 sepTember 2024
Ex-CIA officer convicted of groping coworker in spy agency’s
latest sexual misconduct case
By JIM MUSTIAN “grunting noises and thrust-
Associated Press ing motions.” Asquith then
A veteran CIA officer was “placed his hand up her
found guilty Wednesday skirt to her thigh numerous
of assault and battery for times causing her skirt to lift
reaching up a colleague’s up, possibly exposing her
skirt and forcibly kissing her underwear,” according to
during a drunken party at a court documents.
CIA worksite — a case that The woman told investiga-
happened just days after tors she slapped Asquith’s
the spy agency promised hand away and got up to
to crack down on sexual leave, but that he inter-
misconduct in its ranks. vened as she approached
Donald J. Asquith said he the door and asked for a
would appeal the misde- “booby hug” before grab-
meanor conviction follow- bing her with both hands
ing a brief judge trial in Lou- around her back and rub-
doun County, entitling him bing his groin and chest on
under Virginia law to a jury her. She said Asquith then
trial on the same allega- “forcibly hugged her and
tions. Asquith, who retired kissed all over her face and
after last year’s attack, was mouth without her con-
sentenced to a day in jail, sent.”
a year of probation and a The woman, who spoke
$2,500 fine. to congressional staff-
“It’s a vindication,” said ers about the attack just
Kevin Carroll, an attorney The seal of the Central Intelligence Agency stands next to a U.S. flag at CIA headquarters in last week, told the judge
for the victim and several Langley, Va. Associated Press Wednesday of the anguish
other women who have and sleepless nights she’s
come forward to Congress and harassment extremely sentenced to 30 years in in April following a faced since coming for-
and authorities with their seriously,” the agency said federal prison for drugging, monthslong sheriff’s probe ward.
own accounts of sexual in a statement. photographing and sexu- into the boozy party in an “In only 45 minutes, Mr. As-
assaults and unwanted Asquith’s attorney, Jon ally assaulting more than off-site CIA office attended quith utterly decimated 30
touching within the agen- Katz, did not respond to two dozen women while he by at least a dozen people years of painstaking profes-
cy. “She thought she had requests for comment. He was a CIA officer in various celebrating Asquith’s 50th sionalism, dedication and
to stand up for younger indicated in court that As- foreign postings. And next birthday. even a reputation,” she
women so that they didn’t quith was too intoxicated month, a now-former CIA The victim, a CIA contrac- said in court.
have to go through some- to recall what happened officer trainee faces a sec- tor, told authorities she “No one nor any institution
thing similar.” at the party. ond trial on state charges repeatedly rebuffed As- has yet been willing to hold
The CIA said it “acted swift- Asquith’s case is at least for allegedly attacking a quith’s advances but that Mr. Asquith accountable
ly” within days of receiving the third in recent years woman with a scarf inside he kept pulling closer, rub- for his grievous decisions
a report of the assault to re- involving a CIA officer fac- a stairwell at the agency’s bing her leg without her and actions,” she added.
strict Asquith’s contact with ing trial in court over sexual headquarters in Langley, consent and making a se- “If we keep treating these
the victim. “CIA takes al- misconduct. Last week, Virginia. ries of inappropriate sex- cases like they are parking
legations of sexual assault Brian Jeffrey Raymond was Asquith was charged ual comments, as well as violations, we all lose.”q
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore welcomes King Abdullah II of Jordan to
the state Capitol
By BRIAN WITTE common interests and to discussed trade, investment
Associated Press talk about cooperation and partnership opportuni-
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — that we think is going to be ties between Maryland and
Maryland Gov. Wes Moore so important, and we have Jordan, the governor’s of-
welcomed King Abdullah brought leaders from across fice said.
II of Jordan to the state’s the state to engage in this Abdullah said he was de-
Capitol on Wednesday for historic visit, as we look to lighted to have an oppor-
a roundtable discussion have this very vibrant discus- tunity to exchange views
with business and educa- sion about our people and and have the opportunity
tion leaders from around our economies and our op- to “look at some synergies,
the state. portunities and also are fu- which I know we definitely
It was the first time a foreign tures,” Moore said. have.”
head of state has visited the Officials from Maryland’s “We are instantly good
Maryland State House on of- leading industries, includ- friends,” the king said in
ficial business, Moore said in ing engineering, research, opening remarks about the
King Abdullah II of Jordan, left, meets with Maryland Gov. Wes opening remarks. manufacturing, health governor sitting next to him.
Moore on Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024 in Annapolis, Md., with “This is a way to come to- care, hospitality, financial “He’s a fellow paratrooper,
Maryland business and education leaders in the Maryland State
House. gether to talk about com- services, and technology, so that goes a long way to
Associated Press mon goals, to talk about attended the meeting. They this relationship.”q