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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Thursday 26 sepTember 2024
            The EU is failing to dissuade African migrants despite spending

            billions, auditors say

            By LORNE COOK                                                                                                       points for people desperate
            Associated Press                                                                                                    to try to cross the Mediter-
            BRUSSELS  (AP)  —  The Euro-                                                                                        ranean Sea to Europe  was
            pean Union is failing develop                                                                                       also a point of focus in the
            ways  to  dissuade  migrants                                                                                        report.
            from  Africa  leaving  for  Eu-                                                                                     A  U.N.-appointed  investi-
            rope  without  authorization                                                                                        gator  has  said  that  EU  as-
            and could do more to limit                                                                                          sistance  to  Libya’s  migra-
            abuses against people trying                                                                                        tion department and coast
            to make the journey, the EU’s                                                                                       guard “has aided and abet-
            financial watchdog warned                                                                                           ted  the  commission  of  the
            on Wednesday.                                                                                                       crimes,”  including  crimes
            The findings come in a Eu-                                                                                          against humanity. The com-
            ropean  Court  of  Auditors                                                                                         mission  rejects  the  allega-
            report into the bloc’s Emer-                                                                                        tion.
            gency Trust Fund for Africa,                                                                                        The auditors warned of flaws
            a multi-billion-euro program                                                                                        involving  the  use  of  funds
            hastily  set  up  in  2015  after                                                                                   and equipment meant to im-
            more than 1 million migrants                                                                                        prove maritime surveillance
            arrived on Europe’s shores,                                                                                         and reduce deaths at sea
            many of them fleeing war in                                                                                         in  Libya.  The  International
            Syria, overwhelming services                                                                                        Organization  for  Migration
            in Italy and Greece.                                                                                                estimates that around 30,000
            It was meant to help tackle   Senegalese youth gather around pirogues on the beach at dusk in Fass Boye, Senegal, Aug. 29,   people have died or gone
            the root causes of migration   2023.                                                                                missing  trying  to  cross  the
            in Africa, like poverty, con-                                                                      Associated Press  Mediterranean since 2014.
            flict  or  unemployment.  At  … the commission is still un-  needed  in  specific  areas  allegations  of  violations  of  The  report  said  EU-funded
            first, 1.8 billion euros ($2 bil-  able to identify and report  and specific countries.”  human rights.”            “equipment could be used
            lion) was available to distrib-  the most efficient and effec-  She also said that “human  The auditors were aware of  by  actors  other  than  the
            ute on hundreds of projects,  tive approaches to reducing  rights  risks  have  not  been  10 officers who reported pos-  intended   beneficiaries,”
            but that amount has swelled  irregular migration,” lead EU  properly addressed by the  sible rights abuses in different  or that Libyan staff trained
            to about 5 billion euros ($5.6  auditor on the investigation  commission, and that there  parts of Africa, but the com-  by Europeans “may not be
            billion) today.              Bettina Jakobsen told report-  are  weaknesses  in  the  ac-  mission only had a record of  committed  to  the  do-no-
            The  fund  is  managed  by  ers.                          curacy  and  sustainability  one allegation. The auditors  harm  principle.”  Beneficia-
            the EU’s powerful executive  Jakobsen said that the com-  of  the  reported  results.”  In  could not establish whether  ries of the funds might also
            branch, the European Com-    mission  should  “target  the  addition,  Brussels  “lacked  that case was followed up.  refuse to allow monitors to
            mission.                     aid  more  thoroughly  into  adequate  procedures  for  The use of the fund in Libya  check  how  they  use  the

            “Despite the lessons learned  what is actually urgent and  recording and follow up of  one of the main jumping off  money. q

            U.S. to hand over pest inspections of Mexican avocados to Mexico

            and California growers aren’t happy

            MEXICO  CITY  (AP)  —  Cali-  “This  action  reverses  the  of others to game the sys-  problems in exports.”       choacan,  where  growers
            fornia  avocado  growers  long-established       inspec-  tem,”  the  avocado  com-    The  idea  that  there  have  are routinely subject to ex-
            are fuming this week about  tion  process  designed  to  mission wrote.                been  no  problems  is  far  tortion by drug cartels. Only
            a  U.S.  decision  to  hand  prevent invasions of known  “What     assurances    can  from the truth.               the  states  of  Michoacan
            over  pest  inspections  of  pests in Mexico that would  APHIS  provide  us  that  its  In  2022,  inspections  were  and  Jalisco  are  certified
            Mexican  orchards  to  the  devastate our industry,” the  unilateral  reversal  of  the  halted after one of the U.S.  to export avocados to the
            Mexican government.          California  Avocado  Com-    process will be equal to or  inspectors  was  threatened  United States.q
            Inspectors hired by the U.S.  mission  wrote  in  an  open  better  than  what  has  pro-  in  the  western  state  of  Mi-
            Department     of   Agricul-  letter  to  U.S.  Secretary  of  tected us?”
            ture  have  been  guarding  Agriculture  Tom  Vilsack  on  The letter added, “We are
            against  imports  of  avoca-  Monday.                     looking  for  specifics  as  to
            dos  infected  with  insects  At present, inspectors work  why  you  have  concluded
            and  diseases  since  1997,  for  the  U.S.  Department  of  that  substituting  APHIS  in-
            but  they  have  also  been  Agriculture’s  Animal  and  spectors with Mexican gov-
            threatened  in  Mexico  for  Plant   Health   Inspection  ernment inspectors is in our
            refusing  to  certify  decep-  Service,  known  as  APHIS.  best interest.”
            tive  shipments  in  recent  Because  the  United  States  The   decision   was   an-
            years.                       also  grows  avocados,  U.S.  nounced  last  week  in  a
            Threats    and    violence  inspectors    observe    or-  short  statement  by  Mex-
            against  inspectors  have  chards  and  packing  hous-    ico’s  Agriculture  Depart-
            caused the U.S. to suspend  es  in  Mexico  to  ensure  ex-  ment,  which  claimed  that
            inspections in the past, and  ported  avocados  don’t  “with  this  agreement,  the
            California  growers  ques-   carry pests that could hurt  U.S.  health  safety  agency
            tion whether Mexico’s own  U.S. crops.                    is  recognizing  the  commit-
            inspectors  would  be  bet-  “It  is  well  known  that  their  ment  of  Mexican  growers,   A worker packs avocados at a plant in Uruapan, Michoacan
                                                                                                   state, Mexico, Feb. 9, 2024.
            ter  equipped  to  withstand  physical  presence  greatly  who in more than 27 years                                           Associated Press
            such pressure.               reduces  the  opportunity  have not had any sanitary
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