Page 2 - aruba-today-20240926
P. 2
Thursday 26 sepTember 2024
House passes temporary bill to avoid shutdown as lawmakers punt
spending decisions to December
But acting Secret Service
Continued from Front Director Ronald Rowe Jr.,
also made clear the agen-
The bill will next move to cy had "immediate needs"
the Senate for final approv- and that he's talking to
al. Senate Majority Leader Congress.
Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., The continuing resolution
said that he had reached is needed because Con-
agreement ensuring pas- gress is nowhere close to
sage will happen quickly. completing work on the
"This is how things should be dozen annual appropria-
done," Schumer said. "With- tions bills that fund much
out brinkmanship, without of the federal government.
delay." The House has passed five
House Speaker Mike John- of the 12 bills, mostly along
son, R-La., billed the meas- party lines. The Senate has
ure as doing "only what's passed zero.
absolutely necessary," a Republicans blame the
statement directed at current impasse on Senate
members of his own con- Democrats for not putting
ference concerned about the dozen appropriations
spending levels. bills on the Senate floor for
Still, it's a no-go for some a vote, where they then
Republicans, which forced Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, R-La., left, confers with House Majority Leader Steve Scalise, could be reconciled with
House GOP leadership to R-La., as they meet with reporters after a closed-door meeting with fellow Republicans, at the the House bills during ne-
Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024.
rely on Democratic votes to Associated Press gotiations. But Democrats
pass the bill through a proc- counter that House Repub-
ess that requires at least arduous fiscal negotiations ficult to reach. for the extra Secret Serv- licans are acting in bad
two-thirds support from vot- await them at the end of In the meantime, the tem- ice funding at a campaign faith, bogging the proc-
ing members. Johnson said the year. porary bill will mostly fund event Wednesday. He had ess down by undercutting
the only alternative to the Under terms of a previous the government at current earlier called on Republi- an agreement that former
continuing resolution at this deal to avoid a federal de- levels, with a few excep- cans not to move forward Speaker Kevin McCarthy
stage would have been a fault and allow the govern- tions like the funding infu- on a spending bill without negotiated with the White
government shutdown. ment to continue paying its sion for the Secret Service. also including a require- House over spending caps
"It would be political mal- bills, spending for defense The $231 million for the Se- ment that people provide for the 2024 and 2025
practice to shut the gov- and nondefense programs cret Service does come proof of citizenship when budget years.
ernment down," Johnson would rise 1% next year. with strings attached. It's registering to vote. That leg- Rep. Rosa DeLauro, the
said. "I think everyone un- The Senate has been chart- contingent upon the agen- islation failed in the House top Democratic member
derstands that." ing a course to go above cy complying with congres- last week. of the House Appropria-
The House floor was largely that level, while House Re- sional oversight. The bill also In a recent letter, the Se- tions Committee, said her
empty during debate on publicans have been vot- allows the Secret Service to cret Service told lawmakers party will accept nothing
the measure. Lawmakers ing for steep cuts to many spend its allocations faster that a funding shortfall was less than the 1% increase
in both chambers are anx- nondefense programs, and if needed. not the reason for lapses specified in that agree-
ious to return to their home they have attached policy "Everybody understands in Trump's security when a ment. Also, if Republicans
states and districts to cam- mandates to the spending that's critically important gunman climbed onto an seek more than that for de-
paign, smoothing the path bills that Democrats over- right now," Johnson said of unsecured roof on July 13 fense, there must be "dollar
for passage of a tempo- whelmingly oppose. So a the Secret Service money. at a rally in Butler, Penn- for dollar parity for nonde-
rary funding fix. But more final agreement will be dif- Trump thanked lawmakers sylvania, and opened fire. fense," she said.q
CrowdStrike executive apologizes to
Congress for July global tech outage
said Adam Meyers, who "Everywhere Americans this from ever happening
leads CrowdStrike's threat turned, basic societal func- again," Meyers told lawmak-
intelligence division, in a tions were unavailable," ers while laying out the tech-
hearing before a U.S. House House Homeland Security nical missteps that led to the
cybersecurity subcommittee Committee Chairman Mark outage of about 8.5 million
Tuesday. Green said. "We cannot al- computers running Micro-
Austin, Texas-based Crowd- low a mistake of this magni- soft's Windows operating sys-
Strike has blamed a bug in tude to happen again." tem. Meyers said he wanted
an update that allowed its The Tennessee Republican to "underscore that this was
The logo for CrowdStrike and a Spirit Airlines webpage are cybersecurity systems to push likened the impact of the not a cyberattack" but was,
shown on a computer screen and mobile phone screen, in New
York, Friday, July 19, 2024. bad data out to millions of outage to an attack "we instead, caused by a faulty
Associated Press customer computers, setting would expect to be carefully "rapid-response content up-
off a global tech outage in executed by a malicious and date" focused on addressing
WASHINGTON (AP) — An to Congress for sparking a July that grounded flights, sophisticated nation-state new threats. The company
executive at cybersecu- global technology outage took TV broadcasts off air actor". has since bolstered its con-
rity company CrowdStrike over the summer. and disrupted banks, hos- "We're deeply sorry and we tent update procedures, he
apologized in testimony "We let our customers down," pitals and retailers. are determined to prevent said.q