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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 26 sepTember 2024
            More women are charged with pregnancy-related crimes since

            Roe’s end, study finds

            By GEOFF MULVIHILL                                                                                                  bans abortion in most cas-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    es after the first six weeks of
            It became more common for                                                                                           pregnancy. The family of one
            authorities to charge women                                                                                         of  them,  Candi  Miller,  said
            with crimes related to their                                                                                        she  was  avoiding  seeking
            pregnancies after the fall of                                                                                       medical treatment after she
            Roe v. Wade in 2022, a new                                                                                          took abortion pills for fear of
            study found — even if they’re                                                                                       being accused of a crime.
            almost never accused of vio-                                                                                        States  with  abortion  bans
            lating abortion bans.                                                                                               — including 14 that bar it at
            In  the  year  after  the  U.S.                                                                                     all stages of pregnancy and
            Supreme  Court  ended  the                                                                                          four, such as Georgia, where
            nationwide  right  to  abor-                                                                                        it’s illegal after about the first
            tion in its Dobbs v. Jackson                                                                                        six weeks — have exceptions
            Women’s  Health  Organi-                                                                                            for women who self-manage
            zation  ruling,  at  least  210                                                                                     abortions. But Bach said that
            women across the country                                                                                            people  seeking  abortion
            were  charged  with  crimes                                                                                         have  been  charged  with
            related to their pregnancies,   The exterior of the Alabama Supreme Court building in Montgomery, Ala., is shown Feb. 20, 2024.  other crimes.
            according to the report re-                                                                        Associated Press   “She did  not want to seek
            leased by Pregnancy Justice,                                                                                        help because of her fear that
            an advocacy organization.  with homicide.                 tive  there  wasn’t  a  stretch  actually harmed.         she would be prosecuted,”
            That’s  the  highest  number  Because  of  confidentiality  between 1973 and 2022 with  Only one charge in the re-  Bach said. “That is a really
            the group has identified over  provisions in the study, Bach  as many cases as after the  port alleged violations of an  realistic fear.”
            any 12-month period in re-   would not reveal more de-    Dobbs ruling. During the ear-  abortion ban — and it was  The  majority  of  the  cases
            search  projects  that  have  tails on the case. But it was  lier period, they found more  a  law  that  was  later  over-  in the study came from just
            looked back as far as 1973.  one of 22 cases in the study  than 1,800 cases — peaking  turned. Citing privacy con-  two states: Alabama with 104
            Wendy Bach, a professor at  that involved the death of a  at  about  160  in  2015  and  cerns,  the  researchers  did  and Oklahoma with 68. The
            the University of Tennessee  fetus or infant.             2017.                        not identify the state where  next state was South Caro-
            College  of  Law  and  one  “It’s an environment where  Most  of  the  cases  since  that charge originated. Four  lina, with 10.
            of the lead researchers on  pregnancy loss is potentially  Roe’s end include charges  others involved abortion-re-  Rivera  said  a  common
            the project, said one of the  criminally suspect,” Lourdes  of  child  abuse,  neglect  or  lated allegations, including  thread of those three states
            cases was when a woman  Rivera,  president  of  Preg-     endangerment in which the  evidence that a woman who  — which were also among
            delivered a stillborn baby at  nancy  Justice,  said  in  an  fetus was listed as the victim.  was charged had abortion  the  states  with  the  most
            her home about six or sev-   interview.                   Most involved allegations of  pills.                      cases of pregnancy-related
            en months into pregnancy.  The researchers caution that  substance use during preg-    Bach  pointed  to  the  news  charges before the Dobbs
            Bach  said  that  when  the  the tally of cases from June  nancy, including 133 where  organization   ProPublica’s  ruling — is that their supreme
            woman went to make funer-    24,  2022,  through  June  23,  it  was  the  only  allegation.  reporting  last  week  about  courts have issued opinions
            al arrangements, the funeral  2023,  is  an  undercount,  as  The group said most of the  two Georgia women whose  recognizing fetuses, embryos
            home alerted authorities and  were  earlier  versions.  As  a  charges do not require proof  deaths a state commission  or fertilized eggs as having
            the  woman  was  charged  result,  they  can’t  be  posi-  that the baby or fetus was  linked to the state law that  the rights of people.q

            Rep. Ocasio-Cortez says New York City mayor should resign

            By ANTHONY IZAGUIRRE         should resign,” she said. Both  on his staff under investiga-
            Associated Press             Adams and Ocasio-Cortez  tion —been charged with a
            U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-  are Democrats.              crime.
            Cortez on Wednesday called  Adams reacted with scorn.     A handful of Adams’ long-
            on New York City Mayor Eric  “For  anyone  who  self-     time  political  critics  have
            Adams to resign, the first na-  righteously  claims  people  called on him to leave of-
            tionally prominent Democrat  charged with serious crimes  fice, but top Democrats in
            to  do  so  amid  escalating  should not be in jail to now  the state have largely been
            federal  criminal  investiga-  say  that  the  second  Black  silent about the criminal in-
            tions  into  the  mayor’s  ad-  mayor of New York should re-  vestigations,  or  generally
            ministration and a string of  sign because of rumors and  supportive of the mayor.
            unexpected  departures  of  innuendo — without even a  Speaking       to    reporters
            top city officials.          single charge being filed —  Wednesday morning, the top
            “I do not see how Mayor Ad-  is the height of hypocrisy,”  Democrat in the House, U.S.
            ams can continue govern-     Adams said in a statement.   Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, of New
            ing New York City,” Ocasio-  “I  am  leading  this  city  to  York, said he believed Ad-
            Cortez wrote on the social  protect it from exactly that  ams was “working as hard as   Rep.  Alexandria  Ocasio-Cortez,  D-N.Y.,  speaks  during  the
            platform X.                  kind  of  phony  politics.  The  he can to be the best mayor   Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Aug. 19, 2024.
            “The  flood  of  resignations  people of this city elected  possible.”                                                          Associated Press
            and  vacancies  are  threat-  me to fight for them, and I  “We need Eric Adams to be  at a particularly vulnerable  members of the Adams ad-
            ening gov function. Nonstop  will stay and fight no matter  successful as mayor because  time  for  the  Democratic  ministration as part of what
            investigations will make it im-  what,” he continued.     he is the mayor at this mo-  mayor.                       appears to be multiple, sep-
            possible to recruit and retain  The Democratic mayor has  ment in time,” Jeffries said.  Early  this  month,  federal  arate investigations. Adams
            a  qualified  administration.  not been accused of wrong-  Nevertheless, the statement  agents  seized  electronic  himself had his phones seized
            For the good of the city, he  doing, nor has he — or those  from Ocasio-Cortez comes  devices  from  multiple  top  by the FBI last year.q
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